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From Tourist To Non-immigrant/immigrant?

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I have some questions about obtaining a proper visa for me.

I am 27, Belgian.

At this moment I have a tourist visum, but now I would like to stay in Thailand and look for a job.

As far as I can see, I need a non-immigrant visum type B.

The problem is, I don't have a job at this moment, and - accordingly to my tourist visum - I am not allowed to look for a job here in Thailand. (I even signed a paper at the embassy)

This seems contradictory to me.

I want a job -> need work permit -> for a work permit u need a non-immigrant visum -> for a non-immigrant visum u need a job -> this is an endless loop :-)

Can someone tell me how its possible for me to obtain a non-immigrant or even immigrant visum for me without having a job in thailand? Or can I look/apply for a job here with a tourist visum?

(What about the so called EX "expert" visum? I graduated as an IT programmer and am a Cisco Certified Network Associate, and Comptia certified as well)

Any help would be appreciated,



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I have some questions about obtaining a proper visa for me.

I am 27, Belgian.

At this moment I have a tourist visum, but now I would like to stay in Thailand and look for a job.

As far as I can see, I need a non-immigrant visum type B.

The problem is, I don't have a job at this moment, and - accordingly to my tourist visum - I am not allowed to look for a job here in Thailand. (I even signed a paper at the embassy)

This seems contradictory to me.

I want a job -> need work permit -> for a work permit u need a non-immigrant visum -> for a non-immigrant visum u need a job -> this is an endless loop :-)

Can someone tell me how its possible for me to obtain a non-immigrant or even immigrant visum for me without having a job in thailand?  Or can I look/apply for a job here with a tourist visum?

(What about the so called EX "expert" visum? I graduated as an IT programmer and am a Cisco Certified Network Associate, and Comptia certified as well)

Any help would be appreciated,



You can get a job lined up on a tourist visa, you just can't work until you have a non immigrant & work permit.

Your employeer-to-be can help you with the paperwork that will allow you get a non immigrant visa from a thai consulate.

I'm not sure how easy it is to obtain the EX visa as i haven't seen any members post their experiences with that category.

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As can see from the following, there are many visa statuses you can change to here without going out of the country:

Verbatim transcript of Department of Immigration’s English Translation from Thai regulations contained in brochure obtained from immigration:

“Applying for A change of visa status” (NON-IMMIGRANT VISA)

“The Thai government is giving an opportunity to foreigners who did not get a chance to apply for a Non-Immigrant visa before arriving in Thailand, but who, for various reasons, need to stay in Thailand longer. This procedure may be done within the country.

1. Foreigners who are eligible are:

1.1 A foreigner who came into Thailand with a tourist visa or Transit visa.

1.2 The foreigner must apply for a change in type of visa not less than 30 days before the current visa is supposed to expire.

2. Locations where applications for a change of visa may be submitted:

2.1 At the Immigration office (Sub-division 3, Division 1 Immigration 1-(Room #303) 3rd Floor, Front Building, the Immigration Bureau, Soi Suan Phu, South Sathorn Road, Sathorn District, Bangkok, 10120, Tel 287-4948; 287-3101-10 ext. 2237, Fax # 287-4948

2.2 At the One Stop Service Center, 3rd to 5th floor, Krisada Plaza Building, 207 Rajchadapisek Rd., Dindaeng District, Bangkok, 10310, Tel. 693-9333-39, Fax #693-9340. (Inquiries regarding the eligibility to apply at the One Stop Service Center may be made at the telephone numbers given above.

3. Duration of Procedure and Fees.

3.1 The procedure will be within 30 days from the date of application, provided all documents are completed.

3.2 Fee is 1900 Baht.

4. Reasons for Applying for Change of Visa and the Documents Required.

4.1 To work with the Thai Government.

A letter requesting a change of visa for the applicant from an official at the concerned department with the rank of department head of the department concerned.

4.2 To work as media.

A letter requesting a change of visa from the head of the department concerned.

4.3 To Teach religion with approval from the ministry or

department concerned.

A letter from the Department of Religion requesting a

Change of visa.

4.4 T study at a government university or lower levels.

4.4.1 A letter from the rector of university requesting a

change of visa.

4.4.2 A letter from the department concerned under the

Ministry of Education or, in the case of lower levels of

Education, a letter from the governor, requesting a change

of visa.

4.5 To study at a private institution, university or lower levels.

4.5.1 A letter from the rector of university, requesting a change of visa.

4.5.2 A letter from the department concerned under the Ministry of education or, in the case of lower levels of education, a letter from the governor, requesting a change of visa.

4.5.3 A certified copy of the registration papers of the educational institution.

4.5.3 A certified copy of the license to be the administrator of the educational institution.

4.6 To be a teacher in a government school or university.

4.6.1 A letter from the rector of the university requesting

Changing of visa.

4.6.2 A letter from the department concerned under the

Ministry of Education or in the case of lower levels

of education, a letter from the governor requesting

for a change of visa.

4.6.3 A letter of employment.

4.7 To be a teacher in a private school or university.

4.7.1 A letter from the rector of the university, requesting for a change of visa.

4.7.2 A letter from the department concerned under the Ministry of education, or in the case of lower levels of education, a letter from the governor requesting a change of visa.

4.7.3 A letter of employment and a copy of employment contract.

4.7.4 Diploma and resume of the applicant.

4.7.5 A certified copy of the registration papers of the educational institution.

4.7.6 A certified copy of the license of the school or university administrator.

4.8 For business purposes.

4.8.1 To work in a company or in a partnership.

1) A letter of employment and a letter of explanation why the company needs to hire a foreigner.

2) A certified copy of the company’s registration papers with details of the company’s objectives.

3) VAT registration paper (if any) and a list of the shareholders (if any).

4) A copy of applicant’s diploma and a recommendation letter from the previous employer or letter certifying the applicant’s education and work experience, in accordance with the requirements of the Immigration Bureau.

5) A letter of employment in accordance with the requirement of the Immigration Bureau.

6) Financial statement, income tax form and the receipt of the latest tax payment.

4.8.2 To work for a company that is a government contractor or to work in state enterprise.

1) A letter from the head of the concerned department or its equivalent or the director of the state enterprise.

2) A copy of the contract between the government office or state enterprise and the private company where the applicant will be employed.

3) A letter of employment from the head office abroad explaining the reasons fro sending the employee to work in Thailand.

4.8.3 To work at a representative office of an international company or at the regional office of a multinational company.

1) Registration papers, operating license from the Ministry of Commerce.

2) A letter from the head office appointing the foreigner and proof of the transfer of funds from abroad according to the contract.

3) A guarantor letter and clarification of the position of the applicant as well as other foreigners that work in the company explaining in detail the kind of work each foreigner does and the reason why foreigners are needed in these positions.

4) A letter of employment.

4.9 The applicant brings in not less that 3 million baht, a bank statement declaring the transfer of the money into the Kingdom (not less than 3 million baht) with one of the following documents.

1) Bank book from a government bank and bank statement certifying that the money deposited is not less than 3 million baht.

2) Government bonds issued by a government or state enterprise with a value of not less than 3 million baht and a guarantor letter from the office that issued the bonds.

3) Proof of purchase of land agreement, receipt from the Land Department and original title deed from the original land owner. Proof that the purchase was made according to the price registered with the land Department.

4) The documents presented for 1), 2), 3) or any combination there of must total at least 3 million baht.

4.10 Other reasons in accordance with regulations of the Ministry of Interior.

4.10.1 To fulfill the duty or responsibility as an immediate member of a foreign family in Thailand or to be employed as household help for said family.

1) Passport and work permit or a letter from a local


2) Registration papers of the company with details of

the company’s objectives.

3) VAT registration.

4) A list of the shareholders (if any)

5) Documents proving that the applicant is the father

or mother or child, a marriage certificate or birth

certificate as the case may be.

6) A letter from a government office, embassy or

consulate certifying that the applicant is of the

same family , a government letter from a

Department of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign


4.10.2 To receive assistance from or give assistance

to a Thai citizen or someone who is a resident in


1) I.D. card and house registration papers of the Thai national or of the foreigner with residency in Thailand, residence certificate, Alien registration certificate, passport, work permit, and house registration.

2) A document proving that the applicant is the father or mother or child; a marriage certificate or birth certificate, as the case may be.

3) A letter from a government office, embassy or consulate, certifying that the applicant belongs to the same family.

4.10.3 For retirement purposes.

1) A bank statement from a bank in Thailand showing that the applicant has an account of not less than 800,000 Baht, or

2) A guarantor letter from the embassy or consulate, proving the income of the applicant is not less than 65,000 Baht per month, or

3) The total amount of money from 1) and the amount of income for 1 year from 2) not less than 800,000 Baht.

4.10.4 Those who used to have Thai nationality who wish

to visit relatives or to stay in Thailand: submit an

official document proving Thai nationality.

4.10.5 To get medical care in Thailand.

1) Medical Certificate from the Police General Hospital, or

2) Medical certificate from a hospital authorized by the Public Health Ministry or

3) Medical certificate from a medical institution that is recognized by the Immigration Bureau.

4.10.6 To work as a sports trainer upon the invitation of the government: Guarantor letter from the Sports Authority or the government office concerned.

4.20.7 If you are a defendant/plaintiff or a witness in a legal court case: Guarantor letter from the judge, public prosecutor or investigating offices.”

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