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Where do I start? Wouldn't it be nice to leave the UK and live in Thailand with a loving caring wife. Who is happy to live within your means and run a reasonably succesful business.

I'm still dreaming of this. I meet some Thai women on the internet sites. They are pleasant enough but who knows?

I've made good friends in Thailand and the general consensus is that Isaan girls are a no no and i would back this up through experience. You really will be treated like the 'walking ATM'. Bangkok and Central girls are possibly too modern and career minded. Northern girls ( and I mean Chiang mai and up) are very traditional but still quite poor. But the southern girls are quite possibly the best? They have wealthy parents but are not city corrupted like those bangkok girls.They are kind , loyal and very loving. So now I find myself in search of a Southern Thai girlfriend.

I suppose my point to this message is. What are your experiences with Thai women and where they come from?

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They are kind , loyal and very loving.

Yes agreed.

Kind, loyal and loving to their family, but not too you.

You have some more learning to do, I wish you luck.


My G/F sister want meet you, when you ask where she from she say "upto you darling", because you know everything.

Widom comes from errors, looks like you are going to be one #### of a wise man in time.



Daz Daz, Isaan girls come from the North East of Thailand. This area was formerly Laos and this is why they speak Lao. Generally speaking they are quite a poor farming community all over the region. One reason a lot of these girls do bar work is because they are so desperate for their families to have a better life. I have a another reason, they are lazy and don't want to work on the farms and they also have a lot of peer pressure from other families who have girls working in bars. If you visit this region you will see how they pump the money into property etc for their parents. They can also become very snobbish after they have money.

Following everyones replies. Yes i suppose I am still dreaming. I actually have had a Japanese girlfriend for the last 2 months whilst back in the UK. Its like a breath of fresh air. She's loving, loyal and no problems with Visa to the Uk and her parents are well off. I have no hesitation in recommending Japanese girlfriends for those of you have had your fingers )and wallets) burnt with Thai girls. Japanese girls are a great alternative to Thai's and European women....go for it if you get the chance!!


Only yesterday Palace1 was dreaming of meeting a Thai girl.

Today he recommends everyone to find a Japanese girl (much more loving he says) my conclusion is:

Palace1 is a dreamer and has many wet dreams to boot!

Tomorrow he will tell of his exploits with a Russian girl....watch this space!!



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Palace1 if your girlfriend is so great, why would you even be checking internet sites for women? Why don't you take a vacation to Thailand and see for yourself, you have prejudged entire sections of the country based on a website, or a book. You may end up being surprised. Good luck, it sounds like you'll need it to score in Thailand.



Now I am confused.

In another post Palace says the place to get a good lady is up north.

He also says he has lived in Thailand for the past three years.

Thetyim -- I know what you mean. I thought he was just a mixed up kid with big dreams, and a lot of time for the computer searches. Then I read his post on another thread talking about his experience in LOS and the northern thais women and that being the way to go. Now I don't know. I guess he's just mixed up. :cool:
Mr Sevinnow, may I suggest that the closest that fellow has come to Asia is at the chinese take out?

Mr Vietnam  :D

:o  Well said that man!


Hey steady on girls!!! I'm trying to form a debate here.

To answer some of your points. Yes I've spent more time travelling around Thailand than probably most of you have had hot dinners! I can't prove this  but you'll just have to accept my word. Yes I was refering to an internet site but thats only while I'm here in the UK. Yes I have a Japanese girlfriend for two months now and hey why can't I look have an ineternet relationship . Its not illegal is it?

I read so many stories of Farang getting ripped off by Thai girls etc etc but you all seem to think its the only outcome. Well I know an english guy who is living very happily in the Uk with his Thai wife. So don't all dispair it can be a dream that turns into reality if you find the right woman.

Anyway, don't get out of your prams so quickly , if I want to debate about something just be constuctive and respond with your views. Hey , this is supposed to be a discussion site anyway.

Chill out everyone. You're the ones in Thailand. Why do you stay if you think everyone is after your money and trying to rip you off?


Hi all

I'm planning a trip in November, for a month. The idea of a Thai woman becoming a wife has crossed my mind. Western women have lost there apeal for me, too materialistic and not very loyal. I guess I have allowed myself to fall victim in believing these mindsets have not yet reached the less developed countries. So after stumbling across this site my mind has changed. I guess I will just have fun, take in the history and keep in mind their motivation. Knowledge is key, and I thank you for opening my mind.


You never know what you'll find if you have an open mind!

Problem is that too many people think that an open mind is the same as an empty mind.  :o


Not all issan familys are hot on money, i wanted to put in an hotwater shower and a waterpump with that, and my mother in law thought i was a very stupid man vasting money, that should be in the bank.

I did not meet my wife in a bar, she was cooking in an resturant in the south.

ps i had an friend who married an bargirl and paid 250k, what a stupid man.....

ps2 he also paid for the party 200k, even more stupid, but he is swiss...


My dear palace1, you are the most beautiful/colourful dreamer of all times. If only dreams can come true, I will be the first to join you. Let me say this.... there is no racial scenario in marriages. Lesson 1. If you have the right girl, any nationality, rich or poor, you will live happily ever after. Lesson 2. If you have the wrong girl, any nationalty, rich or poor..... your life will be in mess.... you will regret for life.

Therefore choosing a life partner is a risk..... choose carefully...be wise and " stop deaming " ....you are not living in a fairy tale world. Best of luck to you. By the way, " I have a dream...." Well, that's another story. Period. :o


Give the guy a break guys.

Palace, how old are you? Im guessing relatively young in comparison to the majority on this board.

For me, the arragance of writing in Thai (or Viatnamese) on an 'ENGLISH' speaking forum is beautifull. At least have the courage to offer an honest translation.

Palace, you did raise a good point. Many on this board have negative thought towards many aspect of Thailand. Especially compared to there birth 'homeland'. So just why do some of you live here? This is not a trick question, i would like some honest answers (I seriously doubt this will happen!)

If we are all honest, then i suspect the Thai ladys will be high on many lists. Which takes me back to Palace first question. What are you experinaces (considerable i bet) with Thai ladys in different provinces?

I read so many stories of Farang getting ripped off by Thai girls etc etc but you all seem to think its the only outcome. Well I know an english guy who is living very happily in the Uk with his Thai wife. So don't all dispair it can be a dream that turns into reality if you find the right woman.


Very true mate. I have been married for 7 years to my wife, she may or may not have had a dodgy past, but marriage is about a fresh start, the woman is either right for you or not, regardless of her background.regarding families ripping us off, it hasn't happened to me, but some people haven't been as lucky or maybe they should have asked questions first before throwing hundreds of thousands at their in-laws.


Many on this board have negative thought towards many aspect of Thailand. Especially compared to there birth 'homeland'. So just why do some of you live here? This is not a trick question, i would like some honest answers (I seriously doubt this will happen!)

Pinkster ( fellow Stephen Leather fan! )

I agree that a lot of the posters here seem less than happy with Thailand, yet still live or at least visit the place.

My feelings, honestly,ladies apart, I love the culture, most aspects off it, and the slow pace of life, Living a day at a time is so refreshing after the rat race in Uk,Usa or wherever.

The food is great, I love hot weather,Muay Thai is my fave  sport, its still very inexoensive ( unless your in-laws have other ideas!) and theres the women............lol



And then we all go back to Palace1 's question:

Every one in this forum express's their own opinion based on experience they have had, sadly there are some people who dream of that experience and only cloud the reality of day to day living in LOS.

If Palace1 was honest and did not express his views regarding the vast provinces of Thailand and the conclusions based on Internet site Information, he may have gain a few more friends rather than being ridiculed by every one.

Any bets he is 16?




Well we got there in the end didn't we? a nice pleasant debate with the exception of arrogant comments from Mr Vietnam and Sevinnow. For your info I'm in my 30's and if you read my message carefully you will understand that I am currently in the UK and that is why I have internet contact with Thai people but was in Thailand up to Jan 2003. If you don't believe me fine but please don't bother questioning it again.

Anyway now I got that off my chest. Thanks to all those who joined in the discussion. It's clear that there is good and bad in all  (just look at the divorce rate in the UK, highest in Europe!). If you find a loving caring Thai woman good luck to you. If you don't keep on trying I'm sure you will get lucky in love. I do accept my comments on certain areas of the land producing different types of Thai women may be generalised but this is just my opinion. I appreciate all yours.Yes ,Thailand is fun, friendly and pleasant to live in so go on all you moaners start enjoying it more. Think yourselves lucky you're not in the UkK like me at this present time. Trying to form a plan for a quck return to the 'land of smiles'

Thanks to all of you apart from the negative morons. Chok dee!


'poor thing' yes you're right . Me having to live in the UK right now!!! anyway at least its 30c.

Don't you sleep right now? it must be early hours!!


Wow some of the guys really have a downer on you on this thread Palace. Don't take it to heart, it happens - certain 'flamers' where themselves being flamed quite harshly just last week on another thread - see if you can find it!

I don't think they are being all to fair; I am sure your initial post had a cetain amount of tongue-in-cheek - obviously not all Isaan girls are no,no etc, no sane person would entertain the idea. In a forum such as this we can only generalise, and its up to the community to give their honest views, experience and experience based jokes etc. This is the only way a forum such as this can change, or indeed enforce, such generalisations. Insulting replies, in my view, are acceptable as long as they are said in jest and are not personal - or are used to slap someone dragging the thread off course and sporting a 'kick me' sticker by being intentionally incendiary.  :o

I think it important to realise that in a writen forum like this, you are nearly always going to see the negative views. Either a post is a question that gets a direct answer or it is subjective and gets many views instead. It human nature to whine and we all do it - its better still to a captive audience that will have the same sort of problems and an eager ear.

Hmm..northern girls, southern girls..BKK girls...I have not experienced enough of these girls to give my own view on which are the best ones.  But to ensure an honest answer to this posting, I´m happy to test as many of these girls as you like..... :o


If all of you pricks above want to disrespect These Thai Girls that work for the welfare of the family then why dont you take a look at real victim invovled in all this, The girl. Imagine your children boys or girls having dirty old men crawling all over them treating them like shit, abusing them with sick sexual fantasies. To support the family. Are you lot stupid '' Where is the sin in that '' Most of you moaning old boys cant pull a lady anything like the girls you have been with in LOS.

Also another point, If you had the same money you have as expendable income in LOS to qual or similar amount in England or wherever you are from then im am sure you would find lots of girls matching your nationality ready to help you spend your money i have seen it here in england. See how rich men always have a girl friend regarding looks and age, the gildfreind is always pretty and in most cases younger. Funny hey. The only thing is as for English girls they are stupid they will do all the loving for nothing at the end when they have spent your money and srewed your mates then they are happy to be left with nothing. Where Thais do it and gain in some way, Good luck to them. They benifit from your ignorance.

I have been lucky with my Thai wife she is from Buriram, very poor family. We help them by sending £100.00 per month to them. She was a bar girl. But always remember we all have a heart. But the harder you life is the harder the shell is that buids up around your heart. One thing I know for sure is give me a thai wife rather than some European Trash any day.

There are lots of great Thais that are longing to get involved in relationships with men and ladies alike. Good luck with it. Choose carfully. Avoid the ladies that enjoy smoking and drinking. Take a little time and dont expect an easy ride it is never easy especially when you dont speak the same language.

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