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Working Permit

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I do not know why I read so many times bad things about the Thai authorities.

Just now, I applied for my first time for a work permit, and after 9 Days I got my “blue book”.

I did not use an agent I did it by my self, and my Company is a small company.

At the labor department everybody was kind, polite, and try to help me where ever they could.

Even that my paper work was not complete and not correct, they accepted my application and suggested to add the correct and add ional document on the next working day.

I am German, and I am sure, our government employees will not be so flexible and kind than those Thai government representatives I met.

So if anybody, have to complain about those people, maybe because you met them on a bad day (and everybody have a bad day) or you was just one of this arrogant “farangs” nobody like to deal with.

Think about it!

In Germany we say : “Wie es in den Wald hinein schalt, so schalt es auch wieder heraus”

What mean, how you act, you will get it back!

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In Germany we say : “Wie es in den Wald hinein schalt, so schalt es auch wieder heraus”

What mean, how you act, you will get it back!

Sehr richtig! (very true!)

most German officers (Beambten) are also very kind and helpful but the laws are very clear cut and don't leave any room for interpretation - hence - strict enforcement.

here in Thailand the officers have some leeway as far as the laws/rules are concerned and I have always found the Thai officers very helpful and considerate, sometimes even pointing out how to make use of a loophole in the law.

In my 22 years here in Thailand I have never paid a single baht "under the table" or given any "gift" to any officer at Labour department or immigration, yet I have never had any problems.

NOTE: I'm speaking about officers at the Labour department and Immigration in Bangkok! Up-country things may be quite different.


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I had another experience with the labour department, the one that extends your workpermit, near On Nut.

It might be my own fault, on some points but this is what happened:

The company that I work for arranged the extension of my visa. My passport was at the immigration on friday, the last valid day was the next monday. On that friday the bureau could/did not handle the extension. So the messenger from the company goes back on monday, but it was only delivered after lunch. I run to my company to pick up my passport, than off to On Nut for the extention, but was stuck in traffic and could not make it in business hours.

So next morning I turn up and discover that they can not help me anymore as my workpermit has expired (1 day).

Also, I was asked for several papers, to prove that I work for that company, something they never mentioned before and I could not find any english info in the whole office.

Even if I would have been able to arrive on time at the bureau on monday, I would loose my permit as I didn´t have the right papers.

So you have an extension from your visa, based on your workrelation, have legal access in thailand but that does not mean anything to the workpermit bureau: you need to proove again that you work for that company. Very strange.

Anyway, they could not do anything for me, nowbody speaks decent english at the desk for foreign work permits... had to leave and start the whole procedure again for obtaining a workpermit.

So I did not find them very helpful.

Oh, just to make sure: all the time I have behaved very helpful, nice, smiling, well dressed and only looked worried when they said " go back to Din Daeng"

So please make sure that you have ALL the papers EVERY TIME you have to extend your WP. and be on time!


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Which labor department office did you go to? I pressume it's not in Bangkok.

I went to the Bangkok Imigration near Sathorn Road !!!!

And the Labor Depatment was as well in Bangkok (Main Office)!!!!

Why ?

Everything was fine there in the secound floor !!!!

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So please make sure that you have ALL the papers EVERY TIME you have to extend your WP. and be on time!


yes, be ON TIME!

start the renewal process a couple of days in advance and be aware of holidays.

there are no 'loopholes' when it comes to the date of expiry of a WP or visa. the most helpful officer won't be able help you then. it means start from scratch with all the paperwork!


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