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Person Of The Year


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Person of the Year is an annual issue of United States (U.S.) newsmagazine Time that features a profile on the man, woman, couple, group, idea, place, or machine that "for better or for worse, ...has done the most to influence the events of the year."

  • 1927 Charles Lindbergh 1902 – 1974 First and youngest person chosen.
  • 1928 Walter Chrysler 1875 – 1940
  • 1929 Owen D. Young 1874 – 1962
  • 1930 Mahatma Gandhi 1869 – 1948 First non-American person chosen.
  • 1931 Pierre Laval 1883 – 1945
  • 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt 1882 – 1945 First president-elect chosen.
  • 1933 Hugh Samuel Johnson 1882 – 1942
  • 1934 Franklin D. Roosevelt 1882 – 1945 2nd time chosen.
  • 1935 Haile Selassie I 1892 – 1975 First monarch chosen; First black person chosen.
  • 1936 Wallis Simpson 1896 – 1986 First female chosen.
  • 1937 Chiang Kai-shek & Soong May-ling 1887 – 1975 & 1897 - 2003 First couple chosen.
  • 1938 Adolf Hitler 1889 – 1945 The only issue where chosen individual was not pictured on cover.
  • 1939 Joseph Stalin 1878 – 1953
  • 1940 Winston Churchill 1874 – 1965
  • 1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt 1882 – 1945 3rd time chosen.
  • 1942 Joseph Stalin 1878 – 1953 2nd time chosen.
  • 1943 George Marshall 1880 – 1959
  • 1944 Dwight D. Eisenhower 1890 – 1969
  • 1945 Harry S. Truman 1884 – 1972
  • 1946 James F. Byrnes 1879 – 1972
  • 1947 George Marshall 1880 – 1959 2nd time chosen.
  • 1948 Harry S. Truman 1884 – 1972 2nd time chosen.
  • 1949 Winston Churchill 1874 – 1965 "Man of the Half-Century"; 2nd time chosen.
  • 1950 The American Fighting-Man Representing Korean War troops; first abstract chosen.
  • 1951 Mohammed Mossadegh 1882 – 1967
  • 1952 Elizabeth II b. 1926
  • 1953 Konrad Adenauer 1876 – 1967
  • 1954 John Foster Dulles 1888 – 1959
  • 1955 Harlow Curtice 1893 – 1962
  • 1956 Hungarian Freedom Fighter Abstract choice.
  • 1957 Nikita Khrushchev 1894 – 1971
  • 1958 Charles de Gaulle 1890 – 1970
  • 1959 Dwight D. Eisenhower 1890 – 1969 2nd time chosen.
  • 1960 U.S. Scientists Represented by Linus Pauling, Isidor Rabi, Edward Teller, Joshua Lederberg, Donald A. Glaser, Willard Libby, Robert Woodward, Charles Draper, William Shockley, Emilio Segrè, John Enders, Charles Townes, George Beadle, James Van Allen and Edward Purcell.
  • 1961 John F. Kennedy 1917 – 1963
  • 1962 Pope John XXIII 1881 – 1963 First Pope chosen.
  • 1963 Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929 – 1968
  • 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson 1908 – 1973
  • 1965 William Westmoreland 1914 – 2005
  • 1966 The Generation Twenty-Five and Under Abstract choice.
  • 1967 Lyndon B. Johnson 1908 – 1973 2nd time chosen.
  • 1968 The Apollo 8 astronauts Represented by Frank Borman, Jim Lovell & William Anders.
  • 1969 The Middle Americans Abstract choice.
  • 1970 Willy Brandt 1913 – 1992
  • 1971 Richard Nixon 1913 – 1994
  • 1972 Richard Nixon 1913 – 1994 2nd time chosen and Henry Kissinger b. 1923
  • 1973 John Sirica 1904 – 1992
  • 1974 King Faisal 1906 – 1975
  • 1975 American women 1776 – 1974 Represented by Betty Ford, Carla Hills, Ella Grasso, Barbara Jordan, Susie Sharp, Jill Conway, Billie Jean King, Susan Brownmiller, Addie Wyatt, Kathleen Byerly, Carol Sutton and Alison Cheek.
  • 1976 Jimmy Carter b. 1924
  • 1977 Anwar Sadat 1918 – 1981
  • 1978 Deng Xiaoping 1904 – 1997
  • 1979 Ayatollah Khomeini 1902 – 1989 Leader of the Islamic Revolution that overthrew the Shah of Iran.
  • 1980 Ronald Reagan 1911 – 2004
  • 1981 Lech Wałęsa b. 1943 Leader of the "Solidarity" movement in Poland.
  • 1982 The Computer "Machine of the Year"; first non-human abstract chosen.
  • 1983 Ronald Reagan 1911 – 2004 2nd time chosen and Yuri Andropov 1914 – 1984
  • 1984 Peter Ueberroth b. 1937
  • 1985 Deng Xiaoping 1904 – 1997 2nd time chosen; Oldest Person Chosen.
  • 1986 Corazon Aquino b. 1933
  • 1987 Mikhail Gorbachev b. 1931
  • 1988 Endangered Earth "Planet of the Year"; abstract choice.
  • 1989 Mikhail Gorbachev b. 1931 "Man of the Decade"; 2nd time chosen.
  • 1990 George H. W. Bush b. 1924 Bush was referred to as "The Two George Bushes" — this is not a reference to George W. Bush but to how George H.W. Bush was complimented for international affairs and criticized for domestic affairs (including for his quote "Read my lips: no new taxes.")
  • 1991 Ted Turner b. 1938
  • 1992 Bill Clinton b. 1946
  • 1993 The Peacemakers Represented by Nelson Mandela, F.W. de Klerk, Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin.
  • 1994 Pope John Paul II 1920 – 2005 2nd Pope chosen.
  • 1995 Newt Gingrich b. 1943
  • 1996 David Ho b. 1952
  • 1997 Andy Grove b. 1936
  • 1998 Bill Clinton b. 1946 2nd time chosen and Kenneth Starr b. 1946
  • 1999 Jeffrey P. Bezos b. 1964
  • 2000 George W. Bush b. 1946 First relative of a former winner chosen.
  • 2001 Rudolph Giuliani b. 1944
  • 2002 The Whistleblowers Represented by Cynthia Cooper of WorldCom, Sherron Watkins of Enron, and Coleen Rowley of the FBI.
  • 2003 The American Soldier 2nd time chosen; abstract choice.
  • 2004 George W. Bush b. 1946 2nd time chosen.
  • 2005 The Good Samaritans Represented by Bono and Bill & Melinda Gates.
  • 2006 You "You" control the Information Age; abstract choice.
  • 2007 Vladimir Putin b. 1952

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phew ! looks like u spent a lot of time on this..

not exactly sure the point of you're thread but to quote you "for better or for worse, ...has done the most to influence the events of the year." then 2007 (as does every year since my birth) has to go to me !

i'm pretty sure i'll win 2008 too.. (or am i being too subjective?)

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A lot of great people on that list, and also a lot fulfilling the second criteria - for better or worse... think I'd put Putin somewhere in between but it'd be nice if he would grow up a bit along with his silly country :o

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The guy has just recently 'invaded'the North Pole........ :D

Putin's Arctic invasion: Russia lays claim to the North Pole - and all its gas, oil, and diamonds

At least Putin puts his country first - unlike the treacherous oaf occupying 10 Downing Street. :o

Oh, I see, so the billions that Putin is reported to have stashed in personal overseas bank accounts was all justly earned as the salary of office and kgb career:


Blair and Brown may be far from perfect, but I think it's safe to say they haven't amassed massive personal fortunes from company backhanders.

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The guy has just recently 'invaded'the North Pole........ :D

Putin's Arctic invasion: Russia lays claim to the North Pole - and all its gas, oil, and diamonds

At least Putin puts his country first - unlike the treacherous oaf occupying 10 Downing Street. :o

Oh, I see, so the billions that Putin is reported to have stashed in personal overseas bank accounts was all justly earned as the salary of office and kgb career:


Blair and Brown may be far from perfect, but I think it's safe to say they haven't amassed massive personal fortunes from company backhanders. Brown signed the EU Treaty - enough said. :D

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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Person of the Year is an annual issue of United States (U.S.) newsmagazine Time that features a profile on the man, woman, couple, group, idea, place, or machine that "for better or for worse, ...has done the most to influence the events of the year."

  • 1927 Charles Lindbergh 1902 – 1974 First and youngest person chosen.
  • 1928 Walter Chrysler 1875 – 1940
  • 1929 Owen D. Young 1874 – 1962
  • 1930 Mahatma Gandhi 1869 – 1948 First non-American person chosen.
  • 1931 Pierre Laval 1883 – 1945
  • 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt 1882 – 1945 First president-elect chosen.
  • 1933 Hugh Samuel Johnson 1882 – 1942
  • 1934 Franklin D. Roosevelt 1882 – 1945 2nd time chosen.
  • 1935 Haile Selassie I 1892 – 1975 First monarch chosen; First black person chosen.
  • 1936 Wallis Simpson 1896 – 1986 First female chosen.
  • 1937 Chiang Kai-shek & Soong May-ling 1887 – 1975 & 1897 - 2003 First couple chosen.
  • 1938 Adolf Hitler 1889 – 1945 The only issue where chosen individual was not pictured on cover.
  • 1939 Joseph Stalin 1878 – 1953
  • 1940 Winston Churchill 1874 – 1965
  • 1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt 1882 – 1945 3rd time chosen.
  • 1942 Joseph Stalin 1878 – 1953 2nd time chosen.
  • 1943 George Marshall 1880 – 1959
  • 1944 Dwight D. Eisenhower 1890 – 1969
  • 1945 Harry S. Truman 1884 – 1972
  • 1946 James F. Byrnes 1879 – 1972
  • 1947 George Marshall 1880 – 1959 2nd time chosen.
  • 1948 Harry S. Truman 1884 – 1972 2nd time chosen.
  • 1949 Winston Churchill 1874 – 1965 "Man of the Half-Century"; 2nd time chosen.
  • 1950 The American Fighting-Man Representing Korean War troops; first abstract chosen.
  • 1951 Mohammed Mossadegh 1882 – 1967
  • 1952 Elizabeth II b. 1926
  • 1953 Konrad Adenauer 1876 – 1967
  • 1954 John Foster Dulles 1888 – 1959
  • 1955 Harlow Curtice 1893 – 1962
  • 1956 Hungarian Freedom Fighter Abstract choice.
  • 1957 Nikita Khrushchev 1894 – 1971
  • 1958 Charles de Gaulle 1890 – 1970
  • 1959 Dwight D. Eisenhower 1890 – 1969 2nd time chosen.
  • 1960 U.S. Scientists Represented by Linus Pauling, Isidor Rabi, Edward Teller, Joshua Lederberg, Donald A. Glaser, Willard Libby, Robert Woodward, Charles Draper, William Shockley, Emilio Segrè, John Enders, Charles Townes, George Beadle, James Van Allen and Edward Purcell.
  • 1961 John F. Kennedy 1917 – 1963
  • 1962 Pope John XXIII 1881 – 1963 First Pope chosen.
  • 1963 Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929 – 1968
  • 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson 1908 – 1973
  • 1965 William Westmoreland 1914 – 2005
  • 1966 The Generation Twenty-Five and Under Abstract choice.
  • 1967 Lyndon B. Johnson 1908 – 1973 2nd time chosen.
  • 1968 The Apollo 8 astronauts Represented by Frank Borman, Jim Lovell & William Anders.
  • 1969 The Middle Americans Abstract choice.
  • 1970 Willy Brandt 1913 – 1992
  • 1971 Richard Nixon 1913 – 1994
  • 1972 Richard Nixon 1913 – 1994 2nd time chosen and Henry Kissinger b. 1923
  • 1973 John Sirica 1904 – 1992
  • 1974 King Faisal 1906 – 1975
  • 1975 American women 1776 – 1974 Represented by Betty Ford, Carla Hills, Ella Grasso, Barbara Jordan, Susie Sharp, Jill Conway, Billie Jean King, Susan Brownmiller, Addie Wyatt, Kathleen Byerly, Carol Sutton and Alison Cheek.
  • 1976 Jimmy Carter b. 1924
  • 1977 Anwar Sadat 1918 – 1981
  • 1978 Deng Xiaoping 1904 – 1997
  • 1979 Ayatollah Khomeini 1902 – 1989 Leader of the Islamic Revolution that overthrew the Shah of Iran.
  • 1980 Ronald Reagan 1911 – 2004
  • 1981 Lech Wałęsa b. 1943 Leader of the "Solidarity" movement in Poland.
  • 1982 The Computer "Machine of the Year"; first non-human abstract chosen.
  • 1983 Ronald Reagan 1911 – 2004 2nd time chosen and Yuri Andropov 1914 – 1984
  • 1984 Peter Ueberroth b. 1937
  • 1985 Deng Xiaoping 1904 – 1997 2nd time chosen; Oldest Person Chosen.
  • 1986 Corazon Aquino b. 1933
  • 1987 Mikhail Gorbachev b. 1931
  • 1988 Endangered Earth "Planet of the Year"; abstract choice.
  • 1989 Mikhail Gorbachev b. 1931 "Man of the Decade"; 2nd time chosen.
  • 1990 George H. W. Bush b. 1924 Bush was referred to as "The Two George Bushes" — this is not a reference to George W. Bush but to how George H.W. Bush was complimented for international affairs and criticized for domestic affairs (including for his quote "Read my lips: no new taxes.")
  • 1991 Ted Turner b. 1938
  • 1992 Bill Clinton b. 1946
  • 1993 The Peacemakers Represented by Nelson Mandela, F.W. de Klerk, Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin.
  • 1994 Pope John Paul II 1920 – 2005 2nd Pope chosen.
  • 1995 Newt Gingrich b. 1943
  • 1996 David Ho b. 1952
  • 1997 Andy Grove b. 1936
  • 1998 Bill Clinton b. 1946 2nd time chosen and Kenneth Starr b. 1946
  • 1999 Jeffrey P. Bezos b. 1964
  • 2000 George W. Bush b. 1946 First relative of a former winner chosen.
  • 2001 Rudolph Giuliani b. 1944
  • 2002 The Whistleblowers Represented by Cynthia Cooper of WorldCom, Sherron Watkins of Enron, and Coleen Rowley of the FBI.
  • 2003 The American Soldier 2nd time chosen; abstract choice.
  • 2004 George W. Bush b. 1946 2nd time chosen.
  • 2005 The Good Samaritans Represented by Bono and Bill & Melinda Gates.
  • 2006 You "You" control the Information Age; abstract choice.
  • 2007 Vladimir Putin b. 1952

What's this have to do with Thailand??

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