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Gathering Supplies In America


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i told everyone to buy me candy for Xmas. Not pictured are Tootsie Blow Pops and a five pound bag of Jolly Ranchers!

those packs of butterfingers, Twix, Reese's are only $1 each, one of the few things drastically cheaper than Thailand!

I also love going on Amazon and picking out 15-20 books to take back!

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Umm... if you pack it in your check in luggage it will go in the hold, which is, I believe, unheated. So, at 35,000 feet, it wouldn't really matter if you go through the Arctic or not. The melting would only take place once you actually land in Thailand.

Jolly Ranchers and Starbursts are a great gift idea for Thai kids. Sure, it rots their teeth out, but just don't give them the whole bag :o

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