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Anyone got an advice on shipping stuff from Bangkok to Melbourne, Australia? It's not that much, perhaps half a dozen boxes, but includes stuff such as a desktop computer, golf clubs, camping gear and household goods. Is it too small for a removalist?? Anyone got any companies they can recommend??

Any advice appreciated . . .


If you are in BKK and are DYI'ing, then I'd go to the strip of shops that surround the Mahatun Buidling (south side of Ploenchit, next to Ploenchit BTS). There are a couple of shippers there, one of which I've used (though cannot remember their name for the life of me).

Boxes for packing can be purchased from them, or can be gotten from a post office quite easily.

For shipping to Australia, beware of Australian customs proceedures!! They are a PIA. Best bet is to get a customs agent in OZ to handle things for you, otherwise you are looking at doing a bit of running around. And also remember, customs in Australia will require payment from you to inspect your shipped goods (user pays!), so don't be suprised to be looking at an extra couple of hundred bucks to get all your goods to you once the ship has docked at Station Pier.

Anything wooden, made from plant material (basically anything - that is a that could even be vaugely be seen as bio-hazard) should be packed seperately. Aust customs will want to know about them. I got tut-tutted for not declaring a kitchen wooden spoon once. Golf stuff they might be interested in, especially any soil which may be attached.

Anything wooden, made from plant material (basically anything - that is a that could even be vaugely be seen as bio-hazard) should be packed seperately. Aust customs will want to know about them. I got tut-tutted for not declaring a kitchen wooden spoon once. Golf stuff they might be interested in, especially any soil which may be attached.

They should have thrown the book at you over the wooden spoon, how silly not to declare that, they ask for anything wooden and a wooden spoon is, well made of wood!!! :o Most correct about the golf equipment and shoes, make sure they are 100% clean, not a spec of dirt or soil anywhere. Even if clean be prepared to have to pay for it to be disinfected. With the camping gear if it is a cheapish tent, my advice would be to throw the bloody thing away. With tents they will go through every part of it looking for dirt and more importantly seeds. I have had it done at a normal airport check which was free, but no doubt with a shipment such as yours it will be pay by the minute type stuff. The funny thing in my case they found seeds in my tent and gave me the option of plucking each one out or destroying the tent. As it was Aus government property I got them to destroy it and give me a receipt.

As this is not visa related....can it be moved to a more appropiate topic.

Well, it is related to migration to another country though . . .

As this is not visa related....can it be moved to a more appropiate topic.

Well, it is related to migration to another country though . . .

Quite true and after all this secion is Visa and Migration. Now although the person doing the shipping appears to be an expat heading home, the information could be of value to somone bringing their partner home. I know I will be getting my missus to go an see some of these shipping guys soon.


While what you say is true.....

He may get more exposure and some good advice from people who dont usually visit this thread such as ex pats and such who could get him a better deal cost wise.


Guys, thanks for the advice on potential probs like dirt on the golf clubs, camping gear, etc. Will be sure to thoroughly clean this end first.

Have some recommendations for shipping so I'll report back if any of them are worth passing on to the forum.

Cheers . . .

  • 3 years later...

Hi there, All

I have the same question but regarding personal effects from Chiang Mai.

Bound for Brisbane.

Anyone have any experience and/or know a company competent to consolidate/forward/ship from there?

My stuff will be mainly files, household effects and clothing - no actual and/or imaginary biological hazards.

Thanks in anticipation - Brian :. B)

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