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Bird Emergency Medicines/kit

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I have lost two cockatiels so far and I'm trying to remedy the situation so it doesn't happen again.

It looks like they initially developed a slight discoloration around their 'dooty fruity'. I know it sounds crazy, but that is what I call the lower belly and poop ejection area. It sounds less nasty.

Then there is a little feather loss around that area, soreness and itchy rash develops, diarrhea, lethargy, and death.

To put a stop to this I am assembling a Bird Emergency Kit, hopefully containing all the necessary items for most contingencies.

The cages are clean and their water dishes are cleaned and scrubbed every day.

All my other birds have no symptoms of this. They are happy, energetic and love attention. Our bird inventory so far is: One Blue-Front Amazon, one Quaker parrot, nine Cockatiels, one green parrot, two yellow parrots, and four Mynah Birds. With spacious cages.

Will a pharmacy or vet clinic know what I'm saying in English such as?: (English/Thai mixed verbeage.)

"Mee Baytril Oral nam sip percent, kahp." (Antibiotic.)

"Mee Ivomec la Propylene Glycol dooay, na kahp." (For mites and no-see-ums.)

"Mee Nyastin, kahp." (Fungicide.)

"Mee Flagyl, na kahp." (For Chlamydia.)

Muang Nok

Ban Tak Daet


Nakhon Pathom

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for some of the drug names you might try using the generic name instead of the brand name, flagyl for instance. It often comes out much cheaper.

But yes, a pharmacist and vet clinic should know all of these words :o

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I think Bambina, the (Thaivisa) vet, can answer these questions. You may PM her.

Another Thaivisa member who is quite knowledgeable on these birds is p1p. You may drop him a line as well.


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