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Unwanted advice for pregnancies


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The closed topic is about a serious issue, as we all understand.

However, when I saw the title, I thought it was about advice to pregnant women that was unwanted.

Something like : you mustn't eat lemons or the child will be bitter.

Might be interesting to look at some Thai and non-Thai "advices" ?

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I remember reading one in here where some guy's mother-in-law told him her daughter should not look at monkeys while pregnant because the baby would look like a monkey :o

We all do, regardless.

Would someone fix the title of this ? I stuffed up the beginning.

I'm told many Thai nicknames are related to a food the mother craved during pregnancy.

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My son has a birth mark on his head, a small beauty spot on his left temple, to the thais this is very lucky & have been told that he will be prosperous in later life but when we moved house, one of the removers was from the west indies & told me they beleive that craving manifest into birthmarks & that I must have craved chocolate as my sons birth mark looked like a chocolate chip He then preceeded to show me a mark on his leg calf that had the shape & colour of cooked liver to prove it was true cause apparently his mum craved liver whilst preggers with him :o

I did eat chocolate chip boaster cookies through the pregnancy so there may be something in it :D

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You aren't supposed to go to funerals when you are pregnant, then the child will only half-way close his/her eyes when sleeping. My cat does that, it is pretty freaky sometimes...wonder what kind of thai cat funerals are put on around these parts??...

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I've never been to a funeral in my life but my son has always slept with snake eyes, as we call it, both of them a little bit open. It really freaks me out so I make sure he is asleep & then put his eyelids down :o

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My son has a birth mark on his head, a small beauty spot on his left temple, to the thais this is very lucky & have been told that he will be prosperous in later life but when we moved house, one of the removers was from the west indies & told me they beleive that craving manifest into birthmarks & that I must have craved chocolate as my sons birth mark looked like a chocolate chip He then preceeded to show me a mark on his leg calf that had the shape & colour of cooked liver to prove it was true cause apparently his mum craved liver whilst preggers with him :D

Hilarious ! But convincing :D.

Giving me some very strange images, tho. :o

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A list of Do’s n Don’ts Thai style for a mum-to-be - as handed down by superstition;


Mangoes - make baby bald

Chocolate - make baby black

Coconut - make baby come out

Bananas - make baby hairy

Fish - make baby small and stupid with strong aroma

Coca cola - make baby black and stupid and future drug addict

Gossip – your baby will pourd mak (talk too much)

Be gossiped about - your baby will pourd mak (talk too much)

Drive a motorbike - baby will come out


Lao Khao (Thai moonshine) - highly recommended

Raw beef - highly recommended

Milk - highly recommended as long as it is low fat otherwise baby gets fat!


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