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Backpacker: Pain in the arse?  

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Started to read this thread but got bored after a few pages,anyway here's my blag about backpackers.

A good few years ago I left good old blighty with a serious amount of wonga to travel the world.Me and my backpack travelled around, spending a little here and and a little there.Then I arrived in Thailand discovered Titi bars blew my cash and suddenly found myself disliking the whole scene that I embraced for a large part of the previous year i.e khoa san rd etc.

When I was backpacking I loved it when I was a dirty git I loved it.

Would i go backpacking again- too right I would, but not in the land of toti.

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It is not just backpackers who are a pain in the ass .... but anyone with a backpack on .... be it business man or family member ... Just beware of the fcukers who wear one when they get on a plane!!

They are deadly! If ever a piece of luggage has been designed to wreak havoc amongst anyone within a 10 Metre radius it is the backpack.

They may be 'convienient' for carrying ones stuff but why are those who use them seemingly oblivious to the fact that they have a big piece of luggage strapped to their backs and send everyone in range flying.

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Backpack aint a big deal if there small enough. Before 11/9 I took my BP as carry on luggage on the plane. I could never understand those people with the BP on the back and one on the front. How many changes of underware does one need? And why do so many of them not bathe? And where do these wads get off bumming smokes when there a buck a pack?

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I could never understand those people with the BP on the back and one on the front. How many changes of underware does one need? And why do so many of them not bathe?

Well wearing two packs makes you sweat buckets and on top of that, not washing, who wants to go near any of these cretins>??

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I have to say this is the this really is a funny thread.

I used to be a backpacker. Had a fantastic time living on a shoe string through India, Nepal, Tibet, Thailand and Laos many years ago. But I was in my early 20's then. I wouldn't dream of backpacking anywhere now days.

And yes it does frustrate me when a backpacker (or any tourist) comes to Thailand for a couple of weeks and the insists on explaining Thai psyche to you. Or maybe I'm just a miserable bast*d.

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Its the backpacker mentality of instant understanding through reading the Lonely Planet!!

I think it's a 'twenties mentality.' Every twentyish year old person thinks they know it all and everyone else is an idiot, whether it's traveling, adjusting a carburator, programming computers or doing drugs. I remember when I was 22...........

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I think it's a 'twenties mentality.' Every twentyish year old person thinks they know it all and everyone else is an idiot, whether it's traveling, adjusting a carburator, programming computers or doing drugs. I remember when I was 22...........

You must have a good memory mbkudu!!!

He went to memory training school ( with his backback ) :o

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I think it's a 'twenties mentality.' Every twentyish year old person thinks they know it all and everyone else is an idiot, whether it's traveling, adjusting a carburator, programming computers or doing drugs. I remember when I was 22...........

You must have a good memory mbkudu!!!

Not if he's just turned 23.... :o

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I think it's a 'twenties mentality.' Every twentyish year old person thinks they know it all and everyone else is an idiot, whether it's traveling, adjusting a carburator, programming computers or doing drugs. I remember when I was 22...........

You must have a good memory mbkudu!!!

Ah, gents, 15 years ain't that long ago, is it? :D I'm on my way to Geezerdom,

but not quite there yet. :o

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  • 3 weeks later...
The annoying smug look on some of the faces of certain backpackers that says " I've got the whole world at my smelly feet, don't stand in my way or else I'll ask you where you're from"

Yeah it's all a worry. I think I might be going to KS this week and I'm not looking forward to the company of Europe's smelly dross.

Strange thing is if you sit and listen to the conversations, as we do in bangers, they're just as boring as sexpats and SAS/MI5 tossers. Oh and teachers too!

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I used to be a wanna be backpacker.

I know it's sad to say and i know that i will cop quite a bit of flak for this but i will have to admit that i used to be a wanna be backpacker.

Back before i had started travelling and before I knew any better i thought that i could not go travelling at all without having a backpack.

How times have changed.

Yes they may be good if you are doing trekking and taking your stuff climbing to the summit or base camps of some mountain such as everest. Or if trekking between villages where you are walking as primary transport. But the sad truth is that 99.9% of the time they are a waste of time.

They are the latest fashion accessory of the travelling yuppie making a statement that they don't care how intrusive they are to anyone else they are travelling with. ie bumping into people and making a general nuisance when going shopping with their suitcase strapped to their backs as they are too insecure to leave their belongings in their hotel room. Maybe lonely planet teaches them this.

The fact is that going from place to place it is just as convienient to have a suitcase because the travellers would take a cab between most destinations anyway. And if going by public transport (train or bus), then you can put your case down so as not to hit people in the head when turning around and blocking the right of way for other people.

And i can't understand why anyone would use one for clothing as you can't easily get your stuff out and when you do it has been compacted and therefore all crushed.

Needless to say i gave mine away after my first trip and haven't looked back.

They are a waste of time and the tool for the ignorant <deleted>.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I could never understand those people with the BP on the back and one on the front. How many changes of underware does one need? And why do so many of them not bathe?

Well wearing two packs makes you sweat buckets and on top of that, not washing, who wants to go near any of these cretins>??

"Cretins" a wonderful word somewhat under used these days.My older brother used to always call me a cretin, I wonder if he knew that one day I would become a backpacker and spend several months cheesin' on KSR.

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