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Golfers Eating Bananas May Finish Up Being Well Under Par

Jai Dee

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Golfers eating bananas may finish up being well under par

Golfers should stop and think before eating lots of bananas to build up their energy levels during their rounds as an excess intake of such a high potassium source over a period of time could lead to kidney diseases and heart failure, a nutritionist has warned.

Sanga Damapong, a nutritionist with the Department of Health, said it is not true that eating bananas or potassium supplements helps golfers and other sportsmen suddenly regain their strength and energy. In fact, the body's system cannot absorb the mineral for immediate use, he said. People consuming large quantities of dietary potassium may suffer adverse health effects and kidney disease, he added.

More from the Bangkok Post here.

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Golfers eating bananas may finish up being well under par

Golfers should stop and think before eating lots of bananas to build up their energy levels during their rounds as an excess intake of such a high potassium source over a period of time could lead to kidney diseases and heart failure, a nutritionist has warned.

Sanga Damapong, a nutritionist with the Department of Health, said it is not true that eating bananas or potassium supplements helps golfers and other sportsmen suddenly regain their strength and energy. In fact, the body's system cannot absorb the mineral for immediate use, he said. People consuming large quantities of dietary potassium may suffer adverse health effects and kidney disease, he added.

More from the Bangkok Post here.

Anything in excess is not good for you, my God, bananas are one of natures perfect food !

I get a kick out of the USDA in America, calling that in laboratory test mice they got cancer eating this or that, What they don't tell you is that the mice eat tons of the so called bad products, hel_l anybody would get cancer if they eat forty pounds of cookies or even bannanas like this article shocks us into thinking, come on people get real.

Edited by Pundi64
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Golfers eating bananas may finish up being well under par

Golfers should stop and think before eating lots of bananas to build up their energy levels during their rounds as an excess intake of such a high potassium source over a period of time could lead to kidney diseases and heart failure, a nutritionist has warned.

Sanga Damapong, a nutritionist with the Department of Health, said it is not true that eating bananas or potassium supplements helps golfers and other sportsmen suddenly regain their strength and energy. In fact, the body's system cannot absorb the mineral for immediate use, he said. People consuming large quantities of dietary potassium may suffer adverse health effects and kidney disease, he added.

More from the Bangkok Post here.

Why don't we golfers have a competition, to see how many bananas we can stuff into our golf bags and pockets before we set off on our 18 holes! How many bl--dy bananas does this guy think that we can eat in one round of golf? Another case of some so called 'specialist', with too much time on there hands, coming out with banal statements. Pity the man can't think of better ways to use his 'expertise'.

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