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Non Smoking Pubs

rak sa_ngop

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For those non smokers who wish to avoid damaging their health I suggest boycotting O'Reilly's Silom Road which was full of smokers on Wednesday night.

Round the corner Molly Mallones (or whatever this week's name is) on Convent Road was pretty smoke free. Actually I saw one farang puffing away but when I talked to the manager on duty he said they were trying to comply with the new regulations. The story in the Bangkok Post that morning complaining about the smoking was however true because they only commenced their non smoking policy at 6.00 pm (some confusion about the starting date for the new policy).

So in all fairness to MM's, I have decided that they will now get my custom as long as they keep to this non-smoking policy.

And two fingers up to O'Reilly's if they continue to break the law.

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Well i for one will frequent O'Reilly's over Molly Malone's, for exactly the opposite reasons! At least all the whinging anti-smokers can b*gger off to MM's and be all self-righteous in a virtually empty pub, whilst all of us who like a smoke with our pints can enjoy it in relative peace!

I was in MM's on Tuesday night, didn't realize the smoking ban was in place until we got there... I've never seen MM's so empty before, in the time i sat there and ate my food, three groups of people came and left cos they couldn't have a ciggie with their drink/meal (i left immediately after i finished my meal, instead of staying and enjoying a couple of pints). The pub was less than a quarter full (at 9pm) - Lets see how long this law is upheld in these kinds of environments.

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and be all self-righteous in a virtually empty pub, whilst all of us who like a smoke with our pints can enjoy it in relative peace!

I went to my regular pub yesterday. At 6.30p.m. I went and took a quick count. There were 27 customers, 3 of whom smoked. A little later, a stream of about 6 - 8 more customers came in. A 4th person lit up.

Empty because smokers leave? I think not.

A small minority completely disregarding the rights of the majority? Absolutely.

Sort of reminds me of the Yubambung brothers that everyone loves to criticise. Think only of themselves, zero regard for the rights of others and believe they are above the law.

When I smoked before, I always believed that I would further the cause of smokers by respecting the rights of non-smokers. I know there are smokers out there who believe this as much as I did.

As usual, its a few selfish morons that make life complicated for others.

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As usual, its a few selfish morons that make life complicated for others.

Indeed, that comment swings both ways.

I seriously doubt that, but your nicotine addicted brain does not allow you to face reality.

The vast body of opinion, public and scientific, is opposed to smoking.

Lawmakers pass laws in response to that.

Selfish morons ignore those laws.

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I seriously doubt that, but your nicotine addicted brain does not allow you to face reality.

The vast body of opinion, public and scientific, is opposed to smoking.

The same is true for drinking, how wold you feel if a similar prohibition was introduced in relation to alcohol?

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I seriously doubt that, but your nicotine addicted brain does not allow you to face reality.

The vast body of opinion, public and scientific, is opposed to smoking.

The same is true for drinking, how wold you feel if a similar prohibition was introduced in relation to alcohol?

First of all, I suggest that you check out research on alcohol consumption - in moderation, it has support even from the medical establishment.

Secondly, when I drink, my consumption does no harm to anyone. I do not behave in an anti-social manner, ensure that I can get myself home unassisted, and absolutely do not drive. The same clearly cannot be said of smoking in an enclosed environment.

You are comparing apples and oranges in a feeble attempt to justify actions that are no longer just anti-social, in the locations that we refer to in this thread, they are now clearly illegal.

Any hypothetical thoughts I or anyone else may have about prohibiting alcohol, or sex, or whatever, are quite irrelevant in this context.

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Selfish morons ignore those laws.
I've been known to have a smoke on an evening out, but whenever i do, i've always stepped outside to do so. Why inflict your bad habits on others? I think even the most hardened smoker couldn't admit to enjoy sitting in a smoke-filled room.

Yes, yes, yes, yes....

Excellent posts.

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Whatever happened to personal choice?

I don't like karaoke bars, they are bad for my health as my blood pressure and stress levels go ballistic, so I don't go in such places.

Is it so difficult for non-smokers to apply the same principles? Let the bar/restaurant management decide what the best customer base is and cater for it. Then the results will be plain to see and if it is the wrong decision the choice will be change or go bust.

It aint rocket science.

btw I have never smoked a cigarette in my life but will defend the rights of others to do so in a free society. But these virulent holier than thou lifestyle facists can not cope with that so it is conform to their idea of utopia or die. Funnily enough, if most of them went back to their home countries they'd find their smoke free nirvana already created just for them.

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As usual, its a few selfish morons that make life complicated for others.
I seriously doubt that, but your nicotine addicted brain does not allow you to face reality.
Selfish morons ignore those laws

Now now DavidS, you seem very angry, maybe a cigarette will help? :o

Edited by ashacat
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Although restaurant and bar owners claimed that it would destroy their businesses, CA implemented its no smoking law on Jan 1, 1994 - I believe. Businesses suffered for about a month and then, not only rebounded, but grew substantially. Ireland implemented its country-wide smoking ban years ago, without too many problems. It's good to know that Thailand has join the no smoking club, although I thought there was a 30 day delay with the implementation.

"I...will defend the rights of others to do so in a free society"

And you'll do this by posting in ThaiVisa? Bully for you.

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I find it amusing, that according to DavidS, all smokers are selfish, law breaking morons.

This opinion alone ensures he looses all credibility in this discussion :o

Wolfie old son, either you cannot remember anything unless it is right under your nose, or you have a problem understanding simple English. If the latter, please join a language school.

In case its the former, in my previous posts above, I said;

"When I smoked before, I always believed that I would further the cause of smokers by respecting the rights of non-smokers. I know there are smokers out there who believe this as much as I did."


"Selfish morons ignore those laws."

In case you cannot understand this, what it means is that I believe that there are indeed smokers who are fine people, and that only those who IGNORE the new laws are selfish morons.

Nowhere did I state that all smokers are selfish, law breaking morons because that most certainly is not the case.

You should leave the disinformation to the likes of Cheney and Rumsfeld, they do a far better job of it.

BTW, you aren't Rumsfeld are you? No job, time on your hands?

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As usual, its a few selfish morons that make life complicated for others.
I seriously doubt that, but your nicotine addicted brain does not allow you to face reality.
Selfish morons ignore those laws

Now now DavidS, you seem very angry, maybe a cigarette will help? :D

Not angry mate, perhaps a little indignant that 3 people would smoke in defiance of the law, ignoring the rights of 24 other customers and perhaps a dozen staff, and then the likes of them come on here and bitch and moan about how badly they are being treated.

As for the ciggie, thanks but no thanks. I enjoyed smoking for maybe 27 years, then struggled to get rid of the beast for another 6 years before finally succeeding.

It was really tough quitting, so I will not ever throw that all away. :o

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As usual, its a few selfish morons that make life complicated for others.
I seriously doubt that, but your nicotine addicted brain does not allow you to face reality.
Selfish morons ignore those laws

Now now DavidS, you seem very angry, maybe a cigarette will help? :D

Not angry mate, perhaps a little indignant that 3 people would smoke in defiance of the law, ignoring the rights of 24 other customers and perhaps a dozen staff, and then the likes of them come on here and bitch and moan about how badly they are being treated.

As for the ciggie, thanks but no thanks. I enjoyed smoking for maybe 27 years, then struggled to get rid of the beast for another 6 years before finally succeeding.

It was really tough quitting, so I will not ever throw that all away. :D


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Wolfie old son, either you cannot remember anything unless it is right under your nose, or you have a problem understanding simple English. If the latter, please join a language school.

BTW, you aren't Rumsfeld are you? No job, time on your hands?[/color][/color]

Nope, my job allows me a certain amount of free time at the moment...

Also, whilst were on the subject of Understanding simple English,

Not angry mate, perhaps a little indignant that 3 people would smoke in defiance of the law, ignoring the rights of 24 other customers and perhaps a dozen staff, and then the likes of them come on here and bitch and moan about how badly they are being treated.

Have i been bitching and moaning about how badly i was being treated? Ummm... don't think so *quickly scrolls up and checks* nope - wasn't moaning about that, simply stating my preferred location. And for the record, I'm happy to respect the rules of any establishment, if somewhere is a non-smoking establishment, i either wait until we leave, step outside and have a smoke or not frequent there, and yet you seem quite comfortable to brand me as some law breaking selfish moron, simply because i voice my opinion... Well your entitled to think whatever you want to think about me.

Have you noticed that its usually the ex-smokers that are the most vocal about smokers?

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Whatever happened to personal choice?

I don't like karaoke bars, they are bad for my health as my blood pressure and stress levels go ballistic, so I don't go in such places.

Is it so difficult for non-smokers to apply the same principles? Let the bar/restaurant management decide what the best customer base is and cater for it. Then the results will be plain to see and if it is the wrong decision the choice will be change or go bust.

It aint rocket science.

btw I have never smoked a cigarette in my life but will defend the rights of others to do so in a free society. But these virulent holier than thou lifestyle facists can not cope with that so it is conform to their idea of utopia or die. Funnily enough, if most of them went back to their home countries they'd find their smoke free nirvana already created just for them.

phil, i am with you on this one, in fact i think you will find the ones whinging the most dont even live in thailand. they choose to visit here, so obviously the smoking doesnt really bother them or they wouldnt have come back again.

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Whatever happened to personal choice?

I don't like karaoke bars, they are bad for my health as my blood pressure and stress levels go ballistic, so I don't go in such places.

Is it so difficult for non-smokers to apply the same principles? Let the bar/restaurant management decide what the best customer base is and cater for it. Then the results will be plain to see and if it is the wrong decision the choice will be change or go bust.

It aint rocket science.

btw I have never smoked a cigarette in my life but will defend the rights of others to do so in a free society. But these virulent holier than thou lifestyle facists can not cope with that so it is conform to their idea of utopia or die. Funnily enough, if most of them went back to their home countries they'd find their smoke free nirvana already created just for them.

As somebody who has recently given up smoking , the smoking ban should make my life much simpler.

But I have to agree with Phil.


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I've been known to have a smoke on an evening out, but whenever i do, i've always stepped outside to do so. Why inflict your bad habits on others? I think even the most hardened smoker couldn't admit to enjoy sitting in a smoke-filled room.
What was it really like in those smoking booths at don muang airport ? ..i used to look in there whilst walking past and couldnt beleive people could sit there in this awful smoke filled room,. :o
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