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Where To Keep Money In Thailand Safely


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The OP tells us he looks back on the mistakes of his earlier life - but sets off into the future with more mistakes.

My guessing is that when he goes to the bank to borrow 50K, they'll tell him to 'get on his travels'.

OP, if you do manage to scrounge a 50K loan on the basis of the lifestyle you profess to follow, please come back and tell us what bank you used.

I'd like to make sure its not where I keep my hard earned savings.

Q "OP, if you do manage to scrounge a 50K loan on the basis of the lifestyle you profess to follow, please come back and tell us what bank you used" B)

"I'd like to make sure its not where I keep my hard earned savings" :D

yep thats what i was thinking too, bank gives out 50 spot no questions and you were thinking of removing money from the bank, not the same way as the op? :o:D :D :D :D :D

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cobatt why dont you get the chips off your shoulder, me taking a loan out is going to have sweet fuc_k all bearing on you're cost of living

banks give people loans.... its what they do... its why most people are in debt. weather they own a home or not, for your information

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lol... the girls here r gonna love you,your money will be gone within a year,then the shits gonna really hit the fan.theres millions like you just trying to escape the ratrace back in blighty,the answer is not robbing a bank and doing a runner,your deep down problems will still be here with you in thailand,go get some counselling,a regular job and save up like the rest......

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lol... the girls here r gonna love you,your money will be gone within a year,then the shits gonna really hit the fan.theres millions like you just trying to escape the ratrace back in blighty,the answer is not robbing a bank and doing a runner,your deep down problems will still be here with you in thailand,go get some counselling,a regular job and save up like the rest......
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lol... the girls here r gonna love you,your money will be gone within a year,then the shits gonna really hit the fan.theres millions like you just trying to escape the ratrace back in blighty,the answer is not robbing a bank and doing a runner,your deep down problems will still be here with you in thailand,go get some counselling,a regular job and save up like the rest......
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lol... the girls here r gonna love you,your money will be gone within a year,then the shits gonna really hit the fan.theres millions like you just trying to escape the ratrace back in blighty,the answer is not robbing a bank and doing a runner,your deep down problems will still be here with you in thailand,go get some counselling,a regular job and save up like the rest......
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Stay home.

Too many morons here already.

It's not often I find myself in agreement with PadThaiGuy, but this time he's spot on.

If the idiot OP thinks he's going to get a loan wiht his credentials, he's sadly deluded.

Britain oh Britain - what happened to my beautiful homeland?

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What I was trying to say is: you are entitled to take up to 5000 in cash or up to 10,000 in TC's out of UK--any more and you're over the limit--I think Thailand allows up to $10,000 U.S. -any more and you're over--as you say authorities on both side MAY not find it but--they just as well might--the Scottish police are in no way comparable to the Thai police, which is well born out in other threads on this forum [ the ones you may/may not have dealt with in India are a joke--with wooden lathis for protection/ re-inforcement--the Thais have big guns, and use them freely]. I am not condoning anything illegal--just giving advice on bank accounts etc..in Thailand--as with most other posters, my advice is forget it, but up to you--at least you know what most people think.

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...the answer is not robbing a bank and doing a runner...

That is the answer since it's the only way this troll/boy will ever see 50k from a bank. Why do people waste energy answering this nonsense? What banks do you know that give gas pump boys living in shelters 50k personal loans? He couldn't get a 50k mortgage on a 300k house if he put the other 250k down! As for a personal loan... :o:D:D:D:D:D

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isnt that descrimination? council estate tenants unwelcome in thailand? what makes you assume I'd want to meet you?

I'm not going for the "girls of the night" and I dont need to pay women to sleep with me. If I was interested in this I would have gone there rather than India the last time I went to asia. it seems you know alot about the going rates the

cheers for the decleration advice haybilly.

none of you know anything about my motivations for going and how i will budget it either so i dont take any comments personally!

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It's amazing; with all the 'intelligent' (I use that word lightly) posters here that no one has given the simple and correct answer.

Get loan from Bank A in home country. Deposit money in Bank B in home country. Use Bank B ATM to withdraw money as needed.

Since we're all too stupid to work it out--how does this gent, living in the way he has described-- with his history, get your 'loan from bank A'-in the first place??

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isnt that descrimination? council estate tenants unwelcome in thailand? what makes you assume I'd want to meet you?

I'm not going for the "girls of the night" and I dont need to pay women to sleep with me. If I was interested in this I would have gone there rather than India the last time I went to asia. it seems you know alot about the going rates the

cheers for the decleration advice haybilly.

none of you know anything about my motivations for going and how i will budget it either so i dont take any comments personally!

Kieran--it's after 2.30 a.m. scottish time--go get some sleep and think again in the morning.

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isnt that descrimination? council estate tenants unwelcome in thailand? what makes you assume I'd want to meet you?

Actually kienanuk I am from a council estate in South Manchester, a nasty place where they used to put people who got evicted from council estates in Manchester. So it had nothing to to do with discrimination.

You want to come over here, get a job, get some skills, get a life, not some dodgy subsistence scheme. Or join an ashram in India and find yourself

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If you're not a troll you are obviously using some family member to act as guarantor for the loan...in which case you are really going to be in deep <deleted> once the money runs out with no way of going back.You'll end up like that homeless Brit on another thread.Very very sad indeed. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...mode=linearplus now come on you're 21 do you reallywant to stuff up your life like this with the possibility of not being able to go back to the motherland?

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OP, if you are not switched on enough to realise that stealing from a UK bank will have a knock on effect on the honest customers of said banks, then I feel your cunning plan is buggered from the outset...the best outcome will be you get knocked back by the banking system and we all get a break from you..

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I am always amazed at how some people seem to miss key facts in a post. He said that it is not as if he is getting a loan for 50K, only 5K.

That said, get a life. Hopefully you will smarten up and do something with your life. I can't believe that the tax payers of the UK are actually giving this guy a home to live in. If he was in the US, he would be out on his ear and be forced to make his own way in the world.

Being out of work or down on your luck is a temporary condition, not a lifestyle.

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Having given your proposed financial situation serious consideration, I can only suggest the ultimate solution that most long stay farangs undertake.

As soon as you are settled into your chosen type of abode ( I reccomend one with a balcony). You should hire a taxi or pick-up truck to take you to a well estabished garden nursery.

You should then purchase a mixture of slow and quick flowering baht bushes, (the potted variety are reccomended hence the balcony).

My Thai lady swears by these bushes as she makes a point of asking for the flowers every day.

Make sure you have the three main varieties ( 1000,500 & 100 ).

According to my hanbrake these are perpetual if you feed them enough fertilser, mine have been floweing for several years now on a healthy diet of good old Thai bulls***.

As in par to the course on your story.

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