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Rat Infestation


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When I last went away it seems my house became infested with rats. It is an old Thai wooden house so it is near to impossible to prevent them coming in. So far I have been using the glue traps and drowning them- I have killed 13 so far and I can still hear more. I think they are living in my roof. What can I do to get rid of them without having their dead bodies laying around and putrifying? Tips?

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When I last went away it seems my house became infested with rats. It is an old Thai wooden house so it is near to impossible to prevent them coming in. So far I have been using the glue traps and drowning them- I have killed 13 so far and I can still hear more. I think they are living in my roof. What can I do to get rid of them without having their dead bodies laying around and putrifying? Tips?

Whatever you do, avoid rat poison. I used it in BKK a few years ago. Problem is you can't find them until the smell starts. Apart from traps, the only other alternative I suppose is cats. I am allergic to them, so no good for me. Alternatively there are breeds of dogs which are good rat catchers. :o

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When I last went away it seems my house became infested with rats. It is an old Thai wooden house so it is near to impossible to prevent them coming in. So far I have been using the glue traps and drowning them- I have killed 13 so far and I can still hear more. I think they are living in my roof. What can I do to get rid of them without having their dead bodies laying around and putrifying? Tips?

Call Rentakill :o

You can take out a 1 yr contract, they come round every month.

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Looks like cats are the only good answer. you don't want to have them crawling in a hole & dying. Where your at there is probably no way to get rid of them....they were there 1st. A cat or a couple good mousers would probably keep them at bay. snakes are too slow & would take forever to get rid of the problem & you would need a lot of Boa constrictors to get the job done! Rat traps you will catch many The wire death type, but for every 10 you kill 20 more appear. Had the same problem in Pattaya, Finally moved to Bang Sare & the problem went way. You don't have that option on an Island as I am sure they are everywhere.

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Supermarkets and 7/11 sell Rat glue mats, there price range from 30baht to 50 baht, very clean easy and simple..

Open the mat it has glue inside [myself put some meat or dog biscuits which they like so much in the middle] when the rats are stuck to the mat pop in a rubbish bag.. job done

Last month put down 2 mats, next day had 13 rats on one mat and 6 on the other, put down another for 4 days but none so guess they are all gone for the moment. I have lived in my house for 4yrs and find that after the rain 1st starts the rats find a way inside the kitchen behind the units.

Watched a TV program the other day, 1 pair of rats reproducers up to 48,000 babies!!

Edited by ignis
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Those glue mats are awful - I used one once.

I placed it in the back of the house in the evening and woke up in the morning to find four rats stuck down, their little beady eyes pleading with me to help them.

What to do now I thought.

So I placed the rats in an old paint tin, squirted in some lighter fuel (more desperate squeals) and then I switched on my Hi-Fi (Stabat Mater at full blast) as I tossed in a match.

I was going to play Carmina Burana, but I thought that unnecessarily cruel.

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Those glue mats are awful - I used one once.

I placed it in the back of the house in the evening and woke up in the morning to find four rats stuck down, their little beady eyes pleading with me to help them.

What to do now I thought.

So I placed the rats in an old paint tin, squirted in some lighter fuel (more desperate squeals) and then I switched on my Hi-Fi (Stabat Mater at full blast) as I tossed in a match.

I was going to play Carmina Burana, but I thought that unnecessarily cruel.

Maybe some Prodigy, I'm the firestarter would have been a little more appropriate.

I still fondly remembering beating one rat to death with a stick in the kitchen and flicking another into the freezer back in NZ. Big outdoor rats too.

I will be punished next life for that for sure.

I'd go with a cat.

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Those glue mats are awful - I used one once.

I placed it in the back of the house in the evening and woke up in the morning to find four rats stuck down, their little beady eyes pleading with me to help them.

What to do now I thought.

So I placed the rats in an old paint tin, squirted in some lighter fuel (more desperate squeals) and then I switched on my Hi-Fi (Stabat Mater at full blast) as I tossed in a match.

I was going to play Carmina Burana, but I thought that unnecessarily cruel.

ha- and i thought i was bad for drowning them!

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IMHO the nicest way to put them out of their misery is to drop them in a bin liner attached to your car exhaust.

Note however that this only works with petrol (gasoline) engines, trying it with your diesel pickup will simply result in hot and even more pissed-off rats :o

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We had a rat/mouse problem; our dogs liked to catch the big ones only. Caught 2 of the dogs having a tug of war with a huge rat one night - they pulled it in half (gross).

That left us with the smaller ones. In the last year the cat population has exploded in our area and with it has come the disappearance of the mice. Cats are definitely the only reliable rodent exterminator.

If you are away a lot, another vote for the cats, they can feast on the rodents while you're away.

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Those glue mats are awful - I used one once.

I placed it in the back of the house in the evening and woke up in the morning to find four rats stuck down, their little beady eyes pleading with me to help them.

What to do now I thought.

So I placed the rats in an old paint tin, squirted in some lighter fuel (more desperate squeals) and then I switched on my Hi-Fi (Stabat Mater at full blast) as I tossed in a match.

I was going to play Carmina Burana, but I thought that unnecessarily cruel.

Hmm,... Casual cruelty to animals fits the profile of the early beginnings of most serial killers... :o

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When I last went away it seems my house became infested with rats. It is an old Thai wooden house so it is near to impossible to prevent them coming in. So far I have been using the glue traps and drowning them- I have killed 13 so far and I can still hear more. I think they are living in my roof. What can I do to get rid of them without having their dead bodies laying around and putrifying? Tips?

Knock down your old Thai wooden house and build a more modern one, where it would be more difficult for the rats to come in.. Right now, you can kill every single rat in your Thai wooden house, in a few weeks/months a new family of rats will move in.. I'm sure you already know that, since you've already knocked off 13 of them.. and still have the problem.. Other than the clue and poison, you're going to have a dead rat laying some where in your house..

Now where I stay at, bamboo/wooden house... New house just about complete...Until that is completed, I buy rat poison, they eat it like candy.. In the night, you can here them squealing, and running around like there brain is on fire, eventually you find them dead... The cat suggestion, have not tried it, but would think with the numerous dogs around, the cat might be the one we find dead...

For shits and giggles, I have a pellet gun, and when I see one of them bastards run by, I'll sit there and wait until he pops up again, then POW!!! It's something to do.. Plus the little kids around, they have no problem in getting rid of them...

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I have used electronic, ultra sound, devices before and they got rid of the problem immediately. Have seen similar devices in Home Pro. They will not kill the rats but the rats definitely did not like the sound and packed up their gear and moved elsewhere.

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I found the perfect solution to your problem, girlx.... :D

I'm sure if you PM'd him, he'd help out with your problem... and Phuket isn't that far from you....

Thaivisa.... members helping members.... :o

Exactly and if people cannot control their oown dogs rats then someone else has to.

I would use them for rifle practice if it was alloed.

Big differance talking about 2 legged pests and 4 legged ones.

What you just said is stupid and irrelevent.

You can gladley shoot any of my dogs if they become a newsance or threat to anybody else.

Difference is I keep my dogs under control and well behave not roming the coutnryside harrassing other people.

I used to live in a street where a dog would try to attack people when walked past the house if the front gate was left open.

the owner often left it open and I was thretened by the dog several times. The owner was asked several times to lock it up and never let it out. They did not.

It then bit a young 6yo child. People like that and you are just ignorant and think everyone little puppy dog deserves a pat and a bone. Wake up and smell the roses, the real world we live in and it is full of stupid ignorant owners and people.

I would have no hesitation putting a dog rat down if it was causing problems around and the owners continud to let it happen with blind ignorance.

To who me, yes you.

You can make some wild accusasions about me and you do not know me from Eddi.

I feel sorry for you as you seem to judge to quickley.

Lets go hunting together and I will make you feel alive and then you can see I am not so bad. We have possums in Oz I use for target pracitise.

Rat poison is realy inhumain way to kill something, a gun is much quicker and enviromentily friendley.

My interest are normal. Do you know the gun lobbists in america are one of the biggest groups around.

People kill things not guns and it takes a decision to do that, so if they are mediaclly abnormal then they should not have a gun.

I may not spell good, but I know how to handle myself and I love my hobbies.

I have some supporters here, they would do the same as me. I have no hesitaton in putting down an animal that deserves it for whatever reason. Weather it being a pest, newsance, attacking people, kids, etc or sick and injured.

Just so happens poisioning a dog is a quiet and relatively peaceful way to get rid of pesty dogs that owners care little about controlling.

So many clowns around yet so few circuses.

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Those glue mats are awful - I used one once.

I placed it in the back of the house in the evening and woke up in the morning to find four rats stuck down, their little beady eyes pleading with me to help them.

What to do now I thought.

So I placed the rats in an old paint tin, squirted in some lighter fuel (more desperate squeals) and then I switched on my Hi-Fi (Stabat Mater at full blast) as I tossed in a match.

I was going to play Carmina Burana, but I thought that unnecessarily cruel.

Let me guess. Instead you opted to play "As Time Goes By", accompanied by the soprano screams of the rats. But did Ingrid complain: NO!

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I found the perfect solution to your problem, girlx.... :D

I'm sure if you PM'd him, he'd help out with your problem... and Phuket isn't that far from you....

Thaivisa.... members helping members.... :o

Exactly and if people cannot control their oown dogs rats then someone else has to.

I would use them for rifle practice if it was alloed.

Big differance talking about 2 legged pests and 4 legged ones.

What you just said is stupid and irrelevent.

You can gladley shoot any of my dogs if they become a newsance or threat to anybody else.

Difference is I keep my dogs under control and well behave not roming the coutnryside harrassing other people.

I used to live in a street where a dog would try to attack people when walked past the house if the front gate was left open.

the owner often left it open and I was thretened by the dog several times. The owner was asked several times to lock it up and never let it out. They did not.

It then bit a young 6yo child. People like that and you are just ignorant and think everyone little puppy dog deserves a pat and a bone. Wake up and smell the roses, the real world we live in and it is full of stupid ignorant owners and people.

I would have no hesitation putting a dog rat down if it was causing problems around and the owners continud to let it happen with blind ignorance.

To who me, yes you.

You can make some wild accusasions about me and you do not know me from Eddi.

I feel sorry for you as you seem to judge to quickley.

Lets go hunting together and I will make you feel alive and then you can see I am not so bad. We have possums in Oz I use for target pracitise.

Rat poison is realy inhumain way to kill something, a gun is much quicker and enviromentily friendley.

My interest are normal. Do you know the gun lobbists in america are one of the biggest groups around.

People kill things not guns and it takes a decision to do that, so if they are mediaclly abnormal then they should not have a gun.

I may not spell good, but I know how to handle myself and I love my hobbies.

I have some supporters here, they would do the same as me. I have no hesitaton in putting down an animal that deserves it for whatever reason. Weather it being a pest, newsance, attacking people, kids, etc or sick and injured.

Just so happens poisioning a dog is a quiet and relatively peaceful way to get rid of pesty dogs that owners care little about controlling.

So many clowns around yet so few circuses.

Sriracha John, good response!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved it!!!

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I found the perfect solution to your problem, girlx.... :D

I'm sure if you PM'd him, he'd help out with your problem... and Phuket isn't that far from you....

Thaivisa.... members helping members.... :o

Exactly and if people cannot control their oown dogs rats then someone else has to.

I would use them for rifle practice if it was alloed.

Big differance talking about 2 legged pests and 4 legged ones.

What you just said is stupid and irrelevent.

You can gladley shoot any of my dogs if they become a newsance or threat to anybody else.

Difference is I keep my dogs under control and well behave not roming the coutnryside harrassing other people.

I used to live in a street where a dog would try to attack people when walked past the house if the front gate was left open.

the owner often left it open and I was thretened by the dog several times. The owner was asked several times to lock it up and never let it out. They did not.

It then bit a young 6yo child. People like that and you are just ignorant and think everyone little puppy dog deserves a pat and a bone. Wake up and smell the roses, the real world we live in and it is full of stupid ignorant owners and people.

I would have no hesitation putting a dog rat down if it was causing problems around and the owners continud to let it happen with blind ignorance.

To who me, yes you.

You can make some wild accusasions about me and you do not know me from Eddi.

I feel sorry for you as you seem to judge to quickley.

Lets go hunting together and I will make you feel alive and then you can see I am not so bad. We have possums in Oz I use for target pracitise.

Rat poison is realy inhumain way to kill something, a gun is much quicker and enviromentily friendley.

My interest are normal. Do you know the gun lobbists in america are one of the biggest groups around.

People kill things not guns and it takes a decision to do that, so if they are mediaclly abnormal then they should not have a gun.

I may not spell good, but I know how to handle myself and I love my hobbies.

I have some supporters here, they would do the same as me. I have no hesitaton in putting down an animal that deserves it for whatever reason. Weather it being a pest, newsance, attacking people, kids, etc or sick and injured.

Just so happens poisioning a dog is a quiet and relatively peaceful way to get rid of pesty dogs that owners care little about controlling.

So many clowns around yet so few circuses.


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Just be grateful you do not live in the north-east of Australia. Floods have brought out the crocodiles and snakes (pythons) seeking dry land - and they are hungry.

Python devours family's chihuahua

Wednesday Feb 27 10:00 AEDT

A distraught north Queensland family threw chairs at a 5 metre long python in a fruitless attempt to stop it devouring their pet chihuahua.

The snake stalked the silky terrier-cross late Monday night, eventually settling down to consume the dog on the veranda of Daniel Peric's Kuranda home as his two horrified children watched, The Cairns Post reported.

When snake experts arrived to remove the non-venomous reptile, all that could be seen of the dog was its tail and back legs.

"We'd had the dog about five years, so it was part of the family," Mr Peric said to the newspaper.

The family lost its pet guinea pig and cat to hungry snakes in the last month.

"These pythons used to feed on wallabies but now they feed on cats and dogs in suburbia," Australian Venom Zoo owner Stuart Douglas told The Post.

"This python actively stalked their dog."

"They'd thrown chairs at it to try to stop it, but it had already eaten the animal," he said.

Mr Peric is now frightened snakes will hurt his children, aged five and seven.

"We have ducted air-conditioning. Call it paranoia, but my big fear is that a snake will get in there," he said.


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Try this: mix plaster of paris powder with edible seeds and or grain. Place the mixture in a flat container large enough to allow the rat to leave it's tracks in the powder.......that way you will know if there are any left alive as you will see the disturbance on the flat surface of the powder.

Rats will eat the grain and some of the powder with it. The powder creates thirst; they leave looking for water, when they drink the powder swells, blocks the gut and kills them.

Look at the good side: they die with a full stomach.

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Try this: mix plaster of paris powder with edible seeds and or grain. Place the mixture in a flat container large enough to allow the rat to leave it's tracks in the powder.......that way you will know if there are any left alive as you will see the disturbance on the flat surface of the powder.

Rats will eat the grain and some of the powder with it. The powder creates thirst; they leave looking for water, when they drink the powder swells, blocks the gut and kills them.

Look at the good side: they die with a full stomach.

But all they have to do to defeat your plan is use a bit of Tom Cruise-like manuvering....


bada-boom... no tracks... AND while suspended from above, not much powder ingestion...

I still think your best option is for the "environmentally-friendly" use of superior firepower offered by WeekendWarrior.

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I found the perfect solution to your problem, girlx.... :D

I'm sure if you PM'd him, he'd help out with your problem... and Phuket isn't that far from you....

Thaivisa.... members helping members.... :o

Exactly and if people cannot control their oown dogs rats then someone else has to.

I would use them for rifle practice if it was alloed.

Big differance talking about 2 legged pests and 4 legged ones.

What you just said is stupid and irrelevent.

You can gladley shoot any of my dogs if they become a newsance or threat to anybody else.

Boy The weekend warrior sure has made an indelible impression in such a short time.

Difference is I keep my dogs under control and well behave not roming the coutnryside harrassing other people.

I used to live in a street where a dog would try to attack people when walked past the house if the front gate was left open.

the owner often left it open and I was thretened by the dog several times. The owner was asked several times to lock it up and never let it out. They did not.

It then bit a young 6yo child. People like that and you are just ignorant and think everyone little puppy dog deserves a pat and a bone. Wake up and smell the roses, the real world we live in and it is full of stupid ignorant owners and people.

I would have no hesitation putting a dog rat down if it was causing problems around and the owners continud to let it happen with blind ignorance.

To who me, yes you.

You can make some wild accusasions about me and you do not know me from Eddi.

I feel sorry for you as you seem to judge to quickley.

Lets go hunting together and I will make you feel alive and then you can see I am not so bad. We have possums in Oz I use for target pracitise.

Rat poison is realy inhumain way to kill something, a gun is much quicker and enviromentily friendley.

My interest are normal. Do you know the gun lobbists in america are one of the biggest groups around.

People kill things not guns and it takes a decision to do that, so if they are mediaclly abnormal then they should not have a gun.

I may not spell good, but I know how to handle myself and I love my hobbies.

I have some supporters here, they would do the same as me. I have no hesitaton in putting down an animal that deserves it for whatever reason. Weather it being a pest, newsance, attacking people, kids, etc or sick and injured.

Just so happens poisioning a dog is a quiet and relatively peaceful way to get rid of pesty dogs that owners care little about controlling.

So many clowns around yet so few circuses.

Boy The weekend warrior sure has made an indelible impression in such a short time.

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I still think your best option is for the "environmentally-friendly" use of superior firepower offered by WeekendWarrior.

girlx - We're dying for a rat update: did you go the hi-tech route (ultrasonic devices) or with the environmentally-friendly method (WeekendWarrior)?

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When I last went away it seems my house became infested with rats. It is an old Thai wooden house so it is near to impossible to prevent them coming in. So far I have been using the glue traps and drowning them- I have killed 13 so far and I can still hear more. I think they are living in my roof. What can I do to get rid of them without having their dead bodies laying around and putrifying? Tips?

I have it on good authority that Samak is going to declare a war on rats. He will be aided by his recently arrived compatriot who has a infinite knowledge of rodents and their behavioural habits.

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