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Rat Infestation


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....trying it with your diesel pickup will simply result in hot and even more pissed-off rats

Hahahahaa !

(Not Thailand but another SEA country)

Did you see the army burning the bird flu chickens some years ago on TV, pity they were still alive when thrown on the fire, shinged feathers and jumped over to the other side of the fire to be thrown back, no not funny really.

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My wife bought two of the glue traps, baited them and put them in the garage. The next morning one of the traps was gone. I found it stuck to the bottom of my gate. It was full of yellow hair the same color as a neighbors cat. I haven't seen that cat since.

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<br />Those glue mats are awful - I used one once.<br /><br />I placed it in the back of the house in the evening and woke up in the morning to find four rats stuck down, their little beady eyes pleading with me to help them. <br /><br /><br />What to do now I thought.<br /><br /><br />So I placed the rats in an old paint tin, squirted in some lighter fuel (more desperate squeals) and then I switched on my Hi-Fi (Stabat Mater at full blast) as I tossed in a match.<br /><br />I was going to play Carmina Burana, but I thought that unnecessarily cruel.<br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

u r truly evil! although it does make a nice soundtrack in "The Talented Mr Ripley" great film, of course any entreprenenur would get a couple of ole wheels a few planks and nail up a cart offering "fresh rat" for sale ............... always an opportunity in LOS!!

Were the rats quite "high" after the fuel???? any photos??

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was awoken at 3am by much scratching and scrambling from above my ceiling. I live in a modern house with a very very large roof. I have no intention to go and investigate, and I dont fancy the stench of dead rats (sounds like there are a few) if I get someone to lay poison traps.

Does anyone know how I can locate Rentokil in Pattaya?

I could get a cat..... but thats gonna really piss off my 2 dogs! :o especially as it would probably have to be an adult cat and not a kitten to start work immediately.

So TV please help me with numbers or office location of Rentokil or similar companies that can rid me of my 3am demons!

Many Thanks

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