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Looking For Marriage Official


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Not sure if you're aware of this but for a wedding to be legally recognized in Thailand it has to be registered at the local amphur office. There is no ceremony involved, other than the ritual waiting around & eventual opening of the wallet. So any other wedding ceremony (involving civil or religious officials) may have personal or social meaning but it's not legally recognized. That being the case, you could get anybody you respect to perform a secular wedding ceremony for you. Good luck.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks, but yes, I know the marriage is legal with the civil paperwork completed. However, they want to have a meaningful, non-religious ceremony. They have their own vows written, but would like an experienced secular marraige celebrant to host the proceedings. I know other places they have spiritual people who do this for weddings and funerals. Anyone know of one in Chiang Mai?

Edited by sbathon
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I know several people but one of the more experienced, who is at present in Chiang Mai is Blinky Bill you can send him a pm and see if he can fit you into his harried schedule. A mention of the venue where this is to take place may be a deciding factor to BB but do present your request to him.

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Blinky Bill? Sounds promising. How can I get ahold of him?

Sorry friend,

You missed me by a day or 2. I'm currently in North Africa performing a few local Sudanese, Eritrean and Ethopian nuptuals.

Keep me in mind for the future.


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