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Is It Bad To Have "racist" Thoughts?


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I know this is an uncomfortable and controversial subject. So it should be fun.

Do thought police actually help anybody? That's not a rhetorical question, and I don't claim to have the answer to it. But I'll trust my thought processes over those of the thought crime detection unit.

And a "bigoted" opinion would be a thought crime. Don't think about cultural differences, and don't discuss them, if it paints one group in a bad light.

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We have billions of thoughts a day. Some of these are crazy and some of these are dangerous. The difference is how we relate to these thoughts. Even 'saintly' people will have unhealthy thoughts. Some people identify with all their thoughts and this way leads to insanity. Most people monitor their thoughts. People who vocalize too many of their thoughts are usually viewed as mad or bad.

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I know this is an uncomfortable and controversial subject. So it should be fun. Only for as long as it lasts - which wont be long at all.

Do thought police actually help anybody? That's not a rhetorical question, and I don't claim to have the answer to it. But I'll trust my thought processes over those of the thought crime detection unit.

And a "bigoted" opinion would be a thought crime. Don't think about cultural differences, and don't discuss them, if it paints one group in a bad light.

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xspat. I have just noticed that there is another thread by you which deals with similar subject matter. You seem to have some issues which you want to vent about, but I'm not clear as to what these are. What are you trying to say?

Edited by garro
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To a certain extent, most people are racist, sexist, ageist or any other 'ist' that you can think of. Ask anyone who proclaims that they are not racist "Will you let your child marry a black American/Indian/Arab/any racial group?" and listen to their answers as why they say that they are not racist but not let their child marry one of the racial groups that I mentioned.

"Do thought police actually help anybody?" asks the OP. Some people have said, in my presence, "Don't call Mr Hippo fat, he will be offended!" Let me decide! "Do not call that man 'black', he will be offended" - let that man decide! A good friend of mine used to say "I'm not black, I'm a ******! "You can't call the chairman' the 'chairman' because it is sexist" - man relates to a member of the human race either male or female.

There have always been stereotypes - the wandering Jew, the thieving Arab, the mean Scot, the Welsh with the sheep and you can add many more; this does not mean that all Scots are mean or all Arabs are thieves.

If this thread is kept open, please try to be civil.

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Is It Bad To Have "racist" Thoughts?

If this kind of thoughts are against your own morality, then it is bad.

If your kind of morality accepts racism, then it is OK for you but in some countries you'd better shut up because you risk to be jailed for that.

Simple question, direct answer ...

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xspat. I have just noticed that there is another thread by you which deals with similar subject matter. You seem to have some issues which you want to vent about, but I'm not clear as to what these are. What are you trying to say?

If you are digging for racist comments, you are asking the wrong question. This post can be taken at face value. I'm more interested in how our minds work and what is acceptable social conversation.

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Is It Bad To Have "racist" Thoughts?

If this kind of thoughts are against your own morality, then it is bad.

If your kind of morality accepts racism, then it is OK for you but in some countries you'd better shut up because you risk to be jailed for that.

Simple question, direct answer ...

I know that in Germany some speech is outlawed. Any other examples?

Actually, I think you have to incite hatred in order for a crime to be commited, in any country - is that right? Insults aren't illegal anywhere, are they?

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Do thought police actually help anybody?

Themselves, they can only stop free speech they can never stop free thought, not yet anyway.

It is racist to say a certain race is different; it is also defined as racist to not recognise another races cultural differences.

People should be free to say, think, love, hate whoever they please.

Isnt it one of the endearing things about Thailand the fact you can say what they think, and that PC hasnt arrived in full effect yet.

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