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No Kissing


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Ok, here goes at a request for advice and this seems to be the best place to ask as it seems you ladies will have a better insight into this.

I am confused. Easy done at times, I admit that.

A little background would help, I suppose, so here goes.

For the last 6 weeks or so I have been seeing a lady. Met her in a night club after offering her ice for her drink when I saw she had none and then talking to her in my limited Thai and telling her she is beautiful. Gave her a card with my phone number on it and left it to her to call or not. She did.

It may or may not be of relevence that she is Thai/Chinese. 25 years old (I now discover and about 10 years younger than I would normally look for, but in half light of a club, it can be hard to discern a persons real age and Thais rarely seem to look their age).

She has since bought 2 books to help her speak English as she spoke little no English at all when we met. An offer to help with the cost of the books was refused.

So, we have been out quite a few times, to the park for a walk (first date where she took my hand), restaurants and coffees and clubs.

On telling her I was going to BKK to see an old friend from the UK she asked if she could come along. We had seperate rooms and the only time I entered her room was to show her how to use the key fob to activate the electrics when she tried to turn on the lights and came knocking at my door for help.

Valentine's she got chocolates, a meal and then taken home.

A little over a week ago I met the parents when we all went for lunch. Here, she openly took my hand in front of her parents inside the restaurant, at the table and when out walking afterwards.

She will put her arm round me, hold hands openly, put her head on my shoulder and even drape her leg over mine as well as 'playing' with my body with her fingers. All this is reciprocated except when she touches my chest, I refrain from doing the same to her :o

Bought her flowers in the restaurant the other night too.

Taken her to her parents home in the car and then gone on home myself.

Each time we arrive at her parents house it is a quick exit and 'goodnight'.

Now, my confusion is in the fact she will not let me kiss her, I tried twice and have not done so since. Considering the open way she is with me in all other respects maybe you can understand my confusion. I am certainly no Adonis but with all this hand holding etc., in public I get the 'feeling' I am being shown off.

This is not the first Thai lady I have dated, if that helps, but their attitudes were totally different. The new g/f gained a lot of respect in my eyes when wanting seperate rooms when we went to BKK and I do care a lot about her. She is affectionate and insists - upon my asking - that she does not want to be 'just friends', yet that is what we seem to be, albeit very affectionate friends.

A couple of odd things, not sure if they are relevent :-

She has told me she does not like my friend in BKK or his long term Thai g/f and if I go back to see them, she does not want to go.

She will, while walking or in clubs, restaurants and other places, make strange gestures. These can be one word utterances or the sticking out of her tongue and similar strange behaviour.

I am old enough to know that some will kiss first date or a little while later, but, considering how open and affectionate she is in other respects, 6 weeks or so and still no kiss? A variety of reasons spring to mind as to why this is. Am I expecting too much too fast in the desire for this to progress? But I am also wondering if there is something more cultural or otherwise that I am not seeing here. And am asking - especially you ladies - for some opinion or insight, if that is Ok.

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I think her being chinese/thai might have to do with it...partly? Dont take my word for this though because I am not really sure on this, just from what I have heard. First of all, I think that hand holding, if you are a boyfriend or girlfriend with someone, is perfectly okay. But I think kissing, in their minds, leads to sex. I am not saying they dont believe in kissing before marriage...but that they regard it as a very intimate thing, unlike us foreigners do. I think chinese/thai are a bit more...conservative? I dont know if that is the right word though....also, does she come from an upper or middle class family?

It also may be a personal thing for her. Who knows, maybe she just has really high standards and makes all her guys wait a long time before they can kiss her. I really think that the only way you are going to truly know why she wont kiss you is by asking her (of course, not in a pushy manner.) There could be more of a reason behind it, because I agree it's odd that you already met her family, and she still wont kiss you. But...many "good" thai women might wait a long time before they kiss someone. Not really sure about this though. Has she had any previous boyfriends?

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I think her being chinese/thai might have to do with it...partly? Dont take my word for this though because I am not really sure on this, just from what I have heard. First of all, I think that hand holding, if you are a boyfriend or girlfriend with someone, is perfectly okay. But I think kissing, in their minds, leads to sex. I am not saying they dont believe in kissing before marriage...but that they regard it as a very intimate thing, unlike us foreigners do. I think chinese/thai are a bit more...conservative? I dont know if that is the right word though....

also, does she come from an upper or middle class family?

If the house and single motorbike used by all family members is anything to go by, the answer would be no. The father is a cook and the mother works at 7/11 as does she.

It also may be a personal thing for her. Who knows, maybe she just has really high standards and makes all her guys wait a long time before they can kiss her. I really think that the only way

you are going to truly know why she wont kiss you is by asking her (of course, not in a pushy manner.)

tried asking her why - within our limited language skills, but am no wiser.

There could be more of a reason behind it, because I agree it's odd that you already met her family, and she still wont kiss you. But...many "good" thai women might wait a long time before they kiss someone. Not really sure about this though.

Has she had any previous boyfriends?

I have not asked her about previous b/f but says she has not been married

Strangely enough (or not) she will not hold hands in a taxi either.

I am told her family are happy enough too.

I am content to wait but not sure for how long. I can understand the 'kissing leading to sexual relations' bit too, but feel that a relationship would progress and that does not mean bedding her in the next weeks. As for waiting until marriage, I would have to think long and hard about that concept.

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Run Forrest run.

She's playing games.Seems a bit odd to me.See how it pans out and hope it works out but many things going against this one.Communication barrier being the number one.

Being Thai/Chinese is no explanation,you are being a gentleman and you can't figure her out because you can't communicate.Maybe she'll hit you to pay for English lessons next.Dunno,for me how can anyone date somone who can't speak the lingo? The basis of any good relationship is communication,the physical passion dies eventually,then what? Hanging around a beautiful doll for what?

She's doing everything else trying for intimacy except the kissy thing.....so if she won't say why or can't say what's next?I wouldn't waste my time.

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Run Forrest run.

She's playing games.Seems a bit odd to me.See how it pans out and hope it works out but many things going against this one.Communication barrier being the number one.

Being Thai/Chinese is no explanation,you are being a gentleman and you can't figure her out because you can't communicate.Maybe she'll hit you to pay for English lessons next.Dunno,for me how can anyone date somone who can't speak the lingo? The basis of any good relationship is communication,the physical passion dies eventually,then what? Hanging around a beautiful doll for what?

She's doing everything else trying for intimacy except the kissy thing.....so if she won't say why or can't say what's next?I wouldn't waste my time.

I concur with Momo. I also raise, and propose the following new rule: "If you have to ask on an internet forum, the relationship probably isn't going to work out."

All kidding aside, the circumstances sound weird to me. 6 weeks? Long enough for a kiss in my book, and even according to conservative Thai standards. Assuming that your teeth are in your mouth, and there aren't any other hygiene issues, a kiss is not asking for that much. If she was really into you, I would think it would have happened by now.

Sorry to bring this up, but I am reminded of something. Prostitution is legal in Nevada, but there is a long standing rule that prostitutes will do anything except this. What is it? Kissing. It is too intimate. And in this case, if she won't kiss you it seems that she just doesn't want to get intimate with you, or maybe isn't attracted to you. You mention that she is 25, but you didn't mention your own age. Maybe she isn't attracted to you but is stringing you along for some other purpose, be it monetarily or out of the novelty of having a farang boyfriend. I am not inside her head, so anything I say is speculation, mind you. But not a peck on the cheek after 6 weeks? That is weird. It is also weird to be holding hands in front of her parents. My cousin is married, and lives with her parents in the same house (with her sister). I can't say I have seen her holding hands in front of her parents--and that is her husband.

Something is up, I don't know what. But "Run, Forrest, Run."

Edited by submaniac
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Hmmm, it all smells a bit fishy. Submaniac and Momo have said it all, but on something else you mentioned, I am wondering if this may be your answer?:

Tourette syndrome (also called Tourette's syndrome, Tourette's disorder, Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, GTS or, more commonly, simply Tourette's or TS) is an inherited neuropsychiatric disorder with onset in childhood, characterized by the presence of multiple physical (motor) tics and at least one vocal (phonic) tic; these tics characteristically wax and wane. Tourette's is defined as part of a spectrum of tic disorders, which includes transient and chronic tics.

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start doing weird things to her when she isn't expecting it, like one day give her a big wet willy (wet finger in ear) and just laugh at her. another day you could pick her nose and say she has gold in there. Anything to break down the barrier she has created in a non-formal playful way. A lot of girls from decent backgrounds want to have something new and strange because they are bored to tears with the gentlemanly attitudes that she attracts. She will never be the first one to initiate the behavior, but later she will let her guard down and start letting more of you in. before you know it you will be giving her dutch ovens under the covers.

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Have you tried putting your teeth in ? :D

D*mn ... I forgot about those. Maybe she thought I was going to gum her to death. The thought of those old gums of mine slurping away at her neck must be a turn off then????? :o

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Run Forrest run.

She's playing games.Seems a bit odd to me.See how it pans out and hope it works out but many things going against this one.Communication barrier being the number one.

Being Thai/Chinese is no explanation,you are being a gentleman and you can't figure her out because you can't communicate.Maybe she'll hit you to pay for English lessons next.Dunno,for me how can anyone date somone who can't speak the lingo? The basis of any good relationship is communication,the physical passion dies eventually,then what? Hanging around a beautiful doll for what?

She's doing everything else trying for intimacy except the kissy thing.....so if she won't say why or can't say what's next?I wouldn't waste my time.

I concur with Momo. I also raise, and propose the following new rule: "If you have to ask on an internet forum, the relationship probably isn't going to work out."

All kidding aside, the circumstances sound weird to me. 6 weeks? Long enough for a kiss in my book, and even according to conservative Thai standards. Assuming that your teeth are in your mouth, and there aren't any other hygiene issues, a kiss is not asking for that much. If she was really into you, I would think it would have happened by now.

Sorry to bring this up, but I am reminded of something. Prostitution is legal in Nevada, but there is a long standing rule that prostitutes will do anything except this. What is it? Kissing. It is too intimate. And in this case, if she won't kiss you it seems that she just doesn't want to get intimate with you, or maybe isn't attracted to you. You mention that she is 25, but you didn't mention your own age. Maybe she isn't attracted to you but is stringing you along for some other purpose, be it monetarily or out of the novelty of having a farang boyfriend. I am not inside her head, so anything I say is speculation, mind you. But not a peck on the cheek after 6 weeks? That is weird. It is also weird to be holding hands in front of her parents. My cousin is married, and lives with her parents in the same house (with her sister). I can't say I have seen her holding hands in front of her parents--and that is her husband.

Something is up, I don't know what. But "Run, Forrest, Run."

Now you mention it, I remember from my days in the Navy that prostitutes in Yugoslavia and some other countries were the same.

If this one is a prostitute then she has me well fooled, so I do not think it is that. Maybe the intimacy bit applies. But, that is why I am asking :o

It does seem odd, but also it may not be, as was said earlier maybe the Chinese side is causing this or the fact she wants to wait for some form of ceremony.

Then again, holding hands etc in front of her parents seems to be at odds with everything else.

I don't see why the language should be such a barrier. I am learningThai and she English so that would be overcome. The first Thai I was with for 6 months learned a lot of English in that time with my help.

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Now you mention it, I remember from my days in the Navy that prostitutes in Yugoslavia and some other countries were the same.

If this one is a prostitute then she has me well fooled, so I do not think it is that. Maybe the intimacy bit applies. But, that is why I am asking :D

Well, hold up a bit, partner. I feel a bit compelled to elaborate on my last post. I do not think there is anything to indicate that she is a prostitute. I just think that in Thailand there is a propensity when anything goes awry in a relationship to go 'well maybe she's a prostitute'. I don't think that I said anything to imply that, and I really don't think that she has done anything to raise any red flags. But the mentioning of prostitution is just to bring up a point: that kissing is an 'intimate' act. Maybe for women more so then men (however, as a male I have the same feelings kissing). But to kiss someone is a very intimate act that comes from the basest of human emotions. That is why a prostitute who will do many degrading things will draw a line and say "no you can't have this because this is for someone special".

A person can convincingly fake many things, but a kiss is one of the harder ones to fake. At least for me, the kiss lets you know how she really feels. I've been on many dates, with many wonderful girls, that ultimately led nowhere. The fact that there were no passionate kisses was a good indicator of where it was going. She may tell you that she wants to be more than friends, and whatever else. But don't listen to the words, but feel it in the kiss. When she is in my arms and I feel her kiss, then I will know. From what you wrote, I feel like the "spark" is missing. Desire, passion, whatever the "spark" is no one can define, but everyone can feel when it is not there. There are alot of explanations, but like I said, I don't know the entire story. You are the one that is living it, and know here better than I do. But from the lack of the kiss, I feel that there is the lack of the spark. Explanations? I don't know for sure. Maybe she does like you, as a person, as a friend, as everything else. Maybe you are a wonderful catch, good looking, intelligent, witty, what have you. And maybe she realizes that and does not want to let you go and wants to give you a chance, and is maybe waiting to either force herself to have that spark for you, or biding her time until she makes up her mind that she does have that spark. I don't know. But i do know that not kissing you in 6 weeks is weird in anyone's book. And if she doesn't have that spark for you now, if you wait and she does discover that spark for you, I do not think it will be a strong spark and could flutter out very easy. that is why I would say to cut your losses now rather than drag on something that is not there. You and I, and her, and everyone else on this forum is a human being with the desires of human beings. With someone you are attracted to, wanting to kiss is a basic desire that you know you have from the very beginning. On those special girls that I have had in my life, the first time I saw them I wanted to kiss them. And many girls have told me the same thing, about wanting to kiss someone that they really desired.

I just don't think that the lack of here is reasonably related to being a 'traditional' Thai girl, or moving to fast. It is just a simple kiss. If it isn't there man, maybe you should move on. But of course I would talk to her about it. It may be hard, but it sounds like you really do like here. So it is worth at least a try. But that's my $0.02. And keep in mind, yes I am an idiot! :o

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Now you mention it, I remember from my days in the Navy that prostitutes in Yugoslavia and some other countries were the same.

If this one is a prostitute then she has me well fooled, so I do not think it is that. Maybe the intimacy bit applies. But, that is why I am asking :D

Well, hold up a bit, partner. I feel a bit compelled to elaborate on my last post. I do not think there is anything to indicate that she is a prostitute. I just think that in Thailand there is a propensity when anything goes awry in a relationship to go 'well maybe she's a prostitute'. I don't think that I said anything to imply that, and I really don't think that she has done anything to raise any red flags. But the mentioning of prostitution is just to bring up a point: that kissing is an 'intimate' act. Maybe for women more so then men (however, as a male I have the same feelings kissing). But to kiss someone is a very intimate act that comes from the basest of human emotions. That is why a prostitute who will do many degrading things will draw a line and say "no you can't have this because this is for someone special".

A person can convincingly fake many things, but a kiss is one of the harder ones to fake. At least for me, the kiss lets you know how she really feels. I've been on many dates, with many wonderful girls, that ultimately led nowhere. The fact that there were no passionate kisses was a good indicator of where it was going. She may tell you that she wants to be more than friends, and whatever else. But don't listen to the words, but feel it in the kiss. When she is in my arms and I feel her kiss, then I will know. From what you wrote, I feel like the "spark" is missing. Desire, passion, whatever the "spark" is no one can define, but everyone can feel when it is not there. There are alot of explanations, but like I said, I don't know the entire story. You are the one that is living it, and know here better than I do. But from the lack of the kiss, I feel that there is the lack of the spark. Explanations? I don't know for sure. Maybe she does like you, as a person, as a friend, as everything else. Maybe you are a wonderful catch, good looking, intelligent, witty, what have you. And maybe she realizes that and does not want to let you go and wants to give you a chance, and is maybe waiting to either force herself to have that spark for you, or biding her time until she makes up her mind that she does have that spark. I don't know. But i do know that not kissing you in 6 weeks is weird in anyone's book. And if she doesn't have that spark for you now, if you wait and she does discover that spark for you, I do not think it will be a strong spark and could flutter out very easy. that is why I would say to cut your losses now rather than drag on something that is not there. You and I, and her, and everyone else on this forum is a human being with the desires of human beings. With someone you are attracted to, wanting to kiss is a basic desire that you know you have from the very beginning. On those special girls that I have had in my life, the first time I saw them I wanted to kiss them. And many girls have told me the same thing, about wanting to kiss someone that they really desired.

I just don't think that the lack of here is reasonably related to being a 'traditional' Thai girl, or moving to fast. It is just a simple kiss. If it isn't there man, maybe you should move on. But of course I would talk to her about it. It may be hard, but it sounds like you really do like here. So it is worth at least a try. But that's my $0.02. And keep in mind, yes I am an idiot! :o

It's OK, I didn't see anything wrong with your mentioning the prostitue/kissing line. I just happened to be reminded by what you said of my wilder days roving the seas. Sorry if I implied that in my answer. It wasn't intentional

Also, I am open minded enough to accept that some posts might not say things I want them to say, but that is part of the risk assesment in posting and helping to weigh things up.

I do think she is gorgeous. Took her ID card back early one morning, saw her with her sleepy eyes and tousled hair... sigh!!!! :D

No wonder I want to kiss her :D

Ah well, head back on level ground now as she has just phoned and invited me to her friends birthday party tonight - and no, I'll not be picking up cheque-bin for the party :D

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It may or may not be of relevence that she is Thai/Chinese. 25 years old (I now discover and about 10 years younger than I would normally look for....

A little over a week ago I met the parents when we all went for lunch. Here, she openly took my hand in front of her parents inside the restaurant, at the table and when out walking afterwards.

I have to admit that reading these two parts instantly made me think this was a troll post. 10 yrs younger then I would normally look for probably puts you in the 50s age bracket, right? And mentioning she's Chinese just to get a rise from people...I don't know, maybe this is real...or not.

Holding your hand at lunch with the folks is indeed mighty strange. All the other shows in public sound legit but in front of the folks (if it happened) would indicate she plans to marry you!

And in this case, if she won't kiss you it seems that she just doesn't want to get intimate with you, or maybe isn't attracted to you. You mention that she is 25, but you didn't mention your own age. Maybe she isn't attracted to you but is stringing you along for some other purpose, be it monetarily or out of the novelty of having a farang boyfriend.

Very much agree with Sub's post. You're obviously a lot older then her so maybe the thought of kissing you grosses her out (sorry!), otherwise she would have kissed you by now as you seem to spend a lot of time together.

start doing weird things to her when she isn't expecting it, like one day give her a big wet willy (wet finger in ear) and just laugh at her. another day you could pick her nose and say she has gold in there.

I sincerely hope you're joking...those poor Thai gals :o

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start doing weird things to her when she isn't expecting it, like one day give her a big wet willy (wet finger in ear) and just laugh at her. another day you could pick her nose and say she has gold in there.

Ummm...yeah...many 'sexy' ideas here. You forgot a few classic moves though. Like when she's walking ahead of you, grab her underwear and just yank it up as high as it will go (known as the "snugie" in the states). And when you two are alone, in a confined space, like a taxi...or even better yet, an elevator, just rip a big loud fart too. Sexy!

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And when you two are alone, in a confined space, like a taxi...or even better yet, an elevator, just rip a big loud fart too. Sexy!

hence the dutch oven. (letting one go under the sheets, then pulling them over her head)

this type of degrading behavior may produce a positive response in many "proper" girls. they feel more relaxed around you and can drop their guard. they may even join in the flatulence fun.

you'll be kissing in no time at all.

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Run Forrest run.

She's playing games.Seems a bit odd to me.See how it pans out and hope it works out but many things going against this one.Communication barrier being the number one.

Being Thai/Chinese is no explanation,you are being a gentleman and you can't figure her out because you can't communicate.Maybe she'll hit you to pay for English lessons next.Dunno,for me how can anyone date somone who can't speak the lingo? The basis of any good relationship is communication,the physical passion dies eventually,then what? Hanging around a beautiful doll for what?

She's doing everything else trying for intimacy except the kissy thing.....so if she won't say why or can't say what's next?I wouldn't waste my time.

I concur with Momo. I also raise, and propose the following new rule: "If you have to ask on an internet forum, the relationship probably isn't going to work out."

All kidding aside, the circumstances sound weird to me. 6 weeks? Long enough for a kiss in my book, and even according to conservative Thai standards. Assuming that your teeth are in your mouth, and there aren't any other hygiene issues, a kiss is not asking for that much. If she was really into you, I would think it would have happened by now.

Sorry to bring this up, but I am reminded of something. Prostitution is legal in Nevada, but there is a long standing rule that prostitutes will do anything except this. What is it? Kissing. It is too intimate. And in this case, if she won't kiss you it seems that she just doesn't want to get intimate with you, or maybe isn't attracted to you. You mention that she is 25, but you didn't mention your own age. Maybe she isn't attracted to you but is stringing you along for some other purpose, be it monetarily or out of the novelty of having a farang boyfriend. I am not inside her head, so anything I say is speculation, mind you. But not a peck on the cheek after 6 weeks? That is weird. It is also weird to be holding hands in front of her parents. My cousin is married, and lives with her parents in the same house (with her sister). I can't say I have seen her holding hands in front of her parents--and that is her husband.

Something is up, I don't know what. But "Run, Forrest, Run."

UNLESS....she's got you picked out as potential husband material OP.

She wants to be perceived in front of her family that you are her boyfriend and she's not going any further because she wants you to think she's a 'good girl'.Just giving you a taste/tease but that's all.Then again Sub has got it right too.Prostitutes don't kiss their customers because it's too intimate.Heck I've watched 'Pretty Woman' too.

Soooooooooo from my point of view I would be extremely wary about entering into a relationship (if that's what you plan) with somone who can't understand you.All kinds of problems and misunderstandings will arise.Don't put youself through it,stay friends but don't let her touch you and be so familiar with you.

Lol I hope she hasn't said 'Me love you a long time' to you yet.Also if she has led her family to believe you are her bf be careful she doesn't set you up for something.You never know.

As to her being half Chinese so what? Hope you are not the same guy who posted 'Thunderstruck by Beauty' and this is the next stage.Saying this is all a bit odd is an understatement.

Edited by Momo8
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It may or may not be of relevence that she is Thai/Chinese. 25 years old (I now discover and about 10 years younger than I would normally look for....

A little over a week ago I met the parents when we all went for lunch. Here, she openly took my hand in front of her parents inside the restaurant, at the table and when out walking afterwards.

I have to admit that reading these two parts instantly made me think this was a troll post. 10 yrs younger then I would normally look for probably puts you in the 50s age bracket, right? And mentioning she's Chinese just to get a rise from people...I don't know, maybe this is real...or not.

Why would the fact she is Thai/Chinese get a rise out of people???

Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodian or any mix of those or other nationalities can affect the upbringing, the way they think and the way they act!!

I happen to think there are many beautiful women of most races and in many cases a mix of races too.

Holding your hand at lunch with the folks is indeed mighty strange. All the other shows in public sound legit but in front of the folks (if it happened) would indicate she plans to marry you!

Why would I post it if a} it did not happen b} I did not think it might have some relevence ??

And in this case, if she won't kiss you it seems that she just doesn't want to get intimate with you, or maybe isn't attracted to you. You mention that she is 25, but you didn't mention your own age. Maybe she isn't attracted to you but is stringing you along for some other purpose, be it monetarily or out of the novelty of having a farang boyfriend.

Very much agree with Sub's post. You're obviously a lot older then her so maybe the thought of kissing you grosses her out (sorry!), otherwise she would have kissed you by now as you seem to spend a lot of time together.

In the places I go to there are a great many Thai's and Farangs of vastly differing ages mixing together and having relationships. I know of 2 English guys in their late 60's with long term Thai g/f who are in their 30's. So that blows that out of the water.

start doing weird things to her when she isn't expecting it, like one day give her a big wet willy (wet finger in ear) and just laugh at her. another day you could pick her nose and say she has gold in there.

I sincerely hope you're joking...those poor Thai gals :D

WOW!! I agree with that part :o

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And when you two are alone, in a confined space, like a taxi...or even better yet, an elevator, just rip a big loud fart too. Sexy!

hence the dutch oven. (letting one go under the sheets, then pulling them over her head)

Oh, that's the "dutch oven". I thought it was a metaphor for...I guess..."laying pipe". How about the "golden shower"? All girls love the "golden shower". :o

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Has she been mao around you yet?

Might be worth a try

Yeah, last night when she gave me money towards the cheque-bin :o

But I am reluctant to try it on when she is mao, likely to do more harm than good :D

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And when you two are alone, in a confined space, like a taxi...or even better yet, an elevator, just rip a big loud fart too. Sexy!

hence the dutch oven. (letting one go under the sheets, then pulling them over her head)

Oh, that's the "dutch oven". I thought it was a metaphor for...I guess..."laying pipe". How about the "golden shower"? All girls love the "golden shower". :o

Are you obsessed with bodily functions Sub? Gross.

Edited by Momo8
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Run Forrest run.

She's playing games.Seems a bit odd to me.See how it pans out and hope it works out but many things going against this one.Communication barrier being the number one.

Being Thai/Chinese is no explanation,you are being a gentleman and you can't figure her out because you can't communicate.Maybe she'll hit you to pay for English lessons next.Dunno,for me how can anyone date somone who can't speak the lingo? The basis of any good relationship is communication,the physical passion dies eventually,then what? Hanging around a beautiful doll for what?

She's doing everything else trying for intimacy except the kissy thing.....so if she won't say why or can't say what's next?I wouldn't waste my time.

I concur with Momo. I also raise, and propose the following new rule: "If you have to ask on an internet forum, the relationship probably isn't going to work out."

All kidding aside, the circumstances sound weird to me. 6 weeks? Long enough for a kiss in my book, and even according to conservative Thai standards. Assuming that your teeth are in your mouth, and there aren't any other hygiene issues, a kiss is not asking for that much. If she was really into you, I would think it would have happened by now.

Sorry to bring this up, but I am reminded of something. Prostitution is legal in Nevada, but there is a long standing rule that prostitutes will do anything except this. What is it? Kissing. It is too intimate. And in this case, if she won't kiss you it seems that she just doesn't want to get intimate with you, or maybe isn't attracted to you. You mention that she is 25, but you didn't mention your own age. Maybe she isn't attracted to you but is stringing you along for some other purpose, be it monetarily or out of the novelty of having a farang boyfriend. I am not inside her head, so anything I say is speculation, mind you. But not a peck on the cheek after 6 weeks? That is weird. It is also weird to be holding hands in front of her parents. My cousin is married, and lives with her parents in the same house (with her sister). I can't say I have seen her holding hands in front of her parents--and that is her husband.

Something is up, I don't know what. But "Run, Forrest, Run."

UNLESS....she's got you picked out as potential husband material OP.

That might not be a bad thing, I don't know, yet. LOL

She wants to be perceived in front of her family that you are her boyfriend and she's not going any further because she wants you to think she's a 'good girl'.Just giving you a taste/tease but that's all.Then again Sub has got it right too.Prostitutes don't kiss their customers because it's too intimate.Heck I've watched 'Pretty Woman' too.

More than possible.

Soooooooooo from my point of view I would be extremely wary about entering into a relationship (if that's what you plan) with somone who can't understand you.All kinds of problems and misunderstandings will arise.Don't put youself through it,stay friends but don't let her touch you and be so familiar with you.

Lol I hope she hasn't said 'Me love you a long time' to you yet.Also if she has led her family to believe you are her bf be careful she doesn't set you up for something.You never know.


As to her being half Chinese so what? Hope you are not the same guy who posted 'Thunderstruck by Beauty' and this is the next stage.Saying this is all a bit odd is an understatement.

Just mentioned that because it might affect her ideals

No, it wasn't me.

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And when you two are alone, in a confined space, like a taxi...or even better yet, an elevator, just rip a big loud fart too. Sexy!

hence the dutch oven. (letting one go under the sheets, then pulling them over her head)

Oh, that's the "dutch oven". I thought it was a metaphor for...I guess..."laying pipe". How about the "golden shower"? All girls love the "golden shower". :o

Sheesh, Sub !!

I'd hate to be at the same party as you, letting rip with farts whle peeing all over the ladies :D

I'd hate to ask what you would be asking them to kiss!! :D

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