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Poor Sam - Rip


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Bit of a sad story really...

Got my dog (Sam) from Soi Dog in Phuket just over a month ago. She was given her first set of immunisations the day I picked her up and bought her home. About a week after coming back she began to get sick... symptoms typical of a cold or Kennel Cough, initially. Took her to the vet and he gave her some antibiotics and some medicine for me to give her for temperature etc. After a few days she improved and then gradually worsened again... this time it was a stomach bug. Took her back to the vet and got new medication for her stomach infection. Week on again – the stomach bug had gone... but the symptoms of a cold gradually returned and worsened into something more. Last few days she developed mucus and began getting welts/spots on her body.

Took her to the vet again this morning where she was diagnosed with Distemper. On referral I took her to the vet in Thalang where he recommended that we put her to sleep. Only 5% of dogs survive according to the vet and the complications and other diseases can be many including brain damage. So... together we put her to sleep, it was a difficult thing to do, but for the best. Saddest thing is she only been alive for 1-2 months and most of that had been suffering.

Soi Dog are not to blame of course – I spoke with then today and we discussed the whole thing. Very young dogs are typically more susceptible to Distemper. Turns out they had got the mother and puppies from some 'Government' workers (by whatever means, to rescue them) , in very poor condition and already riddled with fleas. Difficult to know if they had already picked up the infection prior to this.

It's a difficult job that Soi Dog do – they are underfunded and struggle to make ends meet and cope with the never-ending stream of homeless and unwanted dogs & cats (a number of these from Farang). In the last week they have moved into new premises up at Mai Khao (near the Airport) and are always on the lookout for help and support.

My point is this – if you get a young dog or you already have a dog that has puppies, please make sure you take care of them and get the immunisations they require. I will be getting another dog, it will be another homeless or young stray from Soi Dog. As well as this I'm going to start giving a little time at the weekends to help out. If you live and Phuket and would like to adopt a dog (long term) or can help in any way then please do get in contact with Soi Dog. (Not sure if I'm allowed to link, can't find the rules on that, so apologies in advance if I'm breaking them: http://www.soidog-foundation.org)

Take care,


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Sad story, condolences on your loss.

We have adopted two stray dogs (one of which had been 'done' by Soi Dog Foundation) and one stray cat and they have all been great animals to have around. The cat is currently recovering from having 'the snip' on Sunday, but he seems to be doing OK.

If/when the surviving dog kicks the bucket we will definitely go over to SDF to pick up a new friend (and autonomous security unit).

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Your a class act Surferbob.

You are right about SoiDog. Totally thankless job and one that would put me in a state of terminal depression. I've been meaning to go make a donation and keep putting it off. You just reminded me that I can be a better person with a simple act. (In my case, I can lay off the debauchery for a week and accomplish 2 good things - help some creatures in need and knock a kilo or two off my expanding waist line.)

Thanks for the kick in the pants.

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To see or download mini-video with John Dalley of Soi Dog at Mai Khao, go to http://news.prd.go.th/news_detail.php?newsid=216454

Our interview is with John Dalley, Vice President of the Soi Dog Foundation, on Saturday when the charity foundation moved 200 dogs from the Mid Road Shelter in Thalang to their new purpose built shelter in Mai Khao, with better facilities. He also comments on the Livestock Office declaring Phuket rabies free and checking all imported dogs & cats. But first on the move to the new shelter: ……. Contact: Tel 08-17884222 [email protected]

Interview for Andaman News TV11 (VHF dial) at 8.30am & local Cable TV channel 1 + maybe FM90.5 Radio Thailand 6pm, broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces, & possibly FM108 Mazz Radio 7.30pm in Phuket, maybe Wednesday 12 March 2008 & http://news.prd.go.th

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Totally agree with Geriatrickid nice to see someone putting something back in to the place that gives us such a good quality of life. If you're interested Surferbob, when the waves kick up in low season (for what they're worth) if you give me a couple of hours surfing lesson I'll make a nice donation to Soi Dog. There's probably other places on the island I could get a lesson, but this way everyone's a winner. I'll get my lesson, the foundation will get a few thousand baht and you of course will get a few beers. Just an idea, I'll run it past you again nearer the time. Keep up the good work.

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If you're interested Surferbob, when the waves kick up in low season (for what they're worth) if you give me a couple of hours surfing lesson I'll make a nice donation to Soi Dog.

Sure thing mate, we'll sort something out - need to get a spare board by May time so won't be a problem! :o

Went up to visit Soi Dog at the new shelter yesterday - it's certainly a vast improvement from what I saw, more room, cleaner and a better layout than the old shelter. Got a chance to meet a few of the volunteers and workers, great bunch of people I think.

..ended up taking 2 dogs home instead of the 1 I'd anticipated!!



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