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Government Cracks Down On Obese Farang


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Not sure if I should post this under Health, or even under Jokes :D

It occurs to me that the Thai government are in a great position to improve the health of foreigners who reside in Thailand.

I was back in the UK last week and the latest official stats show that 75% of the adult population are obese. Not a good situation for the future health of the nation :o

Since Mr Toxin seems to like to impose various flippant rules/regulations on long-term visitors to LoS, why not impose a visa-ban on anyone who has a Body Mass Index (BMI), outside acceptable levels for their age/height/gender/weight?

Exceptions could be made for obesity due to medical conditions, but such a rule would certainly encourage those who are obese, AND who want to stay in LoS, to cut down on stuffing their faces, and do some exercise!!

An additional benefit would be the sight of healthy, lean farang guys chatting up the BGs, instead of the pot-bellied bunch that inhabit the bars at the moment :D

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The only reasoning to any of this would be if Farangs were part of a free national health care program; which to my knowledge they are not. If a fat #### wants to eat and drink him/her self into obesity, so be it as long as they are paying for it and not taxpayers.

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The reason for obese younger generation Brits is because it was considered politically incorrect to allow kids in school to feel bad if they lost at sports. So the namby-pamby teachers stopped supporting compulsory games sessions.

And the government seized the opportunity to sell-off the sports grounds.

Having played rugby (union) since age 8, and having supported the kiddy rugby in Hong Kong and elsewhere - and seeing the kids thoroughly enjoy themselves, win or lose (well maybe not so much the losers), I cannot understand the current thinking. Kids need sports and competition as much as they need the three 'R's'. (Are the schools going to stop exams, 'cos it makes the children feel bad when someone else does better in a test?)

But I agree that anyone who cannot pass through the metal detector at an airport should not be allowed on the plane. maybe that's the way to go? Shrink the metal detectors by a couple of millimetres per month. :o

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Exceptions could be made for obesity due to medical conditions, but such a rule would certainly encourage those who are obese, AND who want to stay in LoS, to cut down on stuffing their faces, and do some exercise!!

Yes, there can be physical medical conditions. We should not forget that.

Sometimes I think that obesity is strongly related to psychological medical conditions as well.

But why are they mostly so unpleasant grumpy?

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- and seeing the kids thoroughly enjoy themselves, win or lose (well maybe not so much the losers), I cannot understand the current thinking.

Before emigrating I have been playing tennis with a friend for almost five years.

Only when he had an enormeous hang-over I could win. He was much better than I am.

I felt like a winner when I got four games in a set. I always played against myself, every ball a challenge. I only felt like a looser when I messed up the game. I won maybe only three times a year. It never bothered me, I loved the game.

This emphasis on being a winner is coming from the other side of the ocean.

The greatest 'looser' can be a winner at a pooltable.

Or like here in Thailand the winner of a prik-ki-nu (peppars) eating contest.

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I played badminton here in UK for an hour last night and got beat 3-1, but I enjoyed it so much. I gave 100% and was wasted afterwards. Sometimes I win sometimes he wins, either way I love it and will really miss it when I eventually move permanently to Thailand. Badminton seems quite popular in Thailand, but as is usual with the Thais they throw a crazy slant on it by playing outside. Maybe I can find a traditional indoor court somewhere.

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But I agree that anyone who cannot pass through the metal detector at an airport should not be allowed on the plane. maybe that's the way to go? Shrink the metal detectors by a couple of millimetres per month. :o

...a great idea! This would have the added advantage of never having to sit next to someone again who clearly wasn't designed to fit a single seat, in any class, on an airplane. Not fun on long-haul at all.

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Recently I read the following:

"The major problem we face with health in general is Political Correctness, in that we are restricted, as health professionals, to saying, in a pre-employment medical check, THE APPLICANT DEMONSTRATES AN ELEVATED BODY MASS INDEX COUPLED WITH A SOMEWHAT LOWER THAN AVERAGE EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT AND A PRIMARILY SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE when what we want to say is that he is fat, stupid and lazy.

If people had a little more in your face honesty presented to them, they may find that they dislike being referred to as fat, stupid and lazy and decide to do something for themselves to change what they are; rather than confront what honest people say they are.

My view is that the first step to overcoming your personal physical issues, is to take charge of them. :o

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Hmmm...visa ban? That sounds a bit harsh I think...why don't they ban ugly people? That way we'd only have really cute,hot farang here...you can't ban someone from travellig for being overweight! :D (and before you ask...no I'm not obese or overweight) Better yet,they should go through a full physical (if they plan to live here)...fat people are often fitter than their skinny counterparts. :o

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