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Nienke, For You!

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What a super cute little puppy. Thanks for posting Gerd! Wishing your friend loads of fun and affection with this little boxer girl. :o

Which kennel your friend bought her from and can you pm how much?


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i love the brindles but in israel that colour was rare when we got nala; , so we got the usual brown/ red with milky chest; nero the finnish boxer was an amazing bright deer red with white apron and a white stipe on nose; the treademark of that breeder; every dog she had had the same two markings as she bred for that also... i love brindle it think it is more common in europe and america and the red maybe less so??? thats what someone from checkia (as in slovakia's other half i cant spell) once told me...

however the genetics are such that if that puppy above is bred to another boxer with the same amount of white, they will most likely have at least one white pup in the litter, unless genetics have changed in the last ten years or so....

what a cutey...

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She's being facetious.

Lovely puppy! Our dog is a brindle, not sure how that coloring comes about but naturally, we call her Tigger :o

Yes very cute. Actually, I recognise the breeder in the photo...we went and looked at his dogs. I think I met the daddy of that little one he was orginally from Canada very nice looking male brindle...

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Good looking !

I can't wait to read the reports about this little bugger in action :o ......As I mentioned once, I used to have a lovely boxer, and the least we can say is that it is not a quiet pet...Surprises every minute. A real typhoon....But a great friend, really

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