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Dear All ,

I need an advice from anyone that experience or not in setting up an internet afe in Bangkok....

I am planning to set up an internet cafe in bangkok...Well i am planning to install about 15 unit of pc in my cafe..but now i do not know what kind of Plan to get ??

there are 3 plans alltogether from TRUE....

Home Pack (For one computer only)

SME&SOHO Pack, (For 1-4 computers)

and BIz Pack.... (BIZ Pack)

All these three have different price it says that differene plan diferrent differen price.....

Well offcource home pack is more cheacper but it says only for 1 PC ....

My question is that can i used the cheapper 512kbps from Home pack to conection all the pc from LAN for my bussiness??

I need this advice before i go out choosing plans .....Thank You

Regards to all


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That would be against the terms of the home plan, so if they turn up to install it at your shop and see its obviously a business they won't be happy. However, I think a lot of people are doing it - some people are getting their home hooked up and then running a cable downstairs to their shop etc. It may not be fast enough to run 15 PCs though !

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If your PCs sit on a LAN behind a router I'm not sure.

They could probably get suspicious about the amount of bandwidth you are sucking though. They reserve the right to disconnect you if you transfer more than a certain amount in 24 hours or something.

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New promotion for high speed internet (ADSL) by TOT

25/05/2004 [11:38:50]

TOT Corporation Public Company Limited launchs a new promotion for high speed internet (ADSL) for TOT’s subscriber. The main speeds and related details are as follows:

Speed (Kbps)

Cost of Service (Baht/Month)











Remark :

The characters of xxx represent the TOT fixed line number that apply for a service.

The cost of service does not include a value added tax (VAT) yet.

Free for :

Cost of installation 1,000 baht

High speed internet for accessing both the domestic and international websites with an unlimited hours

The actual speed depending on the distance and quality of each fixed line.

This service does not include the online game and net meeting.

Conditions of Service :

The readiness of service available only to some area.

To check the readiness of service CLICK HERE (Please key the TOT telephone number (9 digits) in a form . With the result of checking :The green represents the availability of service, the red represents the unavailability of service)

To download the application form CLICK HERE

This promotion can support the subscriber that apply for a service since the 15th May 2004 till 31st October 2004.

The subscriber must arrange (buy and install) the ADSL modem it all oneself.

The subscriber has a special right or advantage to buy the ADSL modem with low price from the specified dealers. The lists of dealers that join with TOT for this promotion can get from the TOT Commercial Office.

For more detail of service please contact TOT Call Center at phone number 1100


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If your PCs sit on a LAN behind a router I'm not sure.

They could probably get suspicious about the amount of bandwidth you are sucking though. They reserve the right to disconnect you if you transfer more than a certain amount in 24 hours or something.

how sneaky do you want to be....if you lived close by you could just have one comp there and a wireless link to your cafe....


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Using a home package for connecting to a lan is against the terms of use. However, you most likely won't get in trouble if you do. So far I haven't heard of anyone getting caught. Since True gives a self-installation package, you don't need techs to come to your home (in the old days, you used to). There is no feasible way to detect the use of a lan, and I doubt that True would go through the trouble to just catch you saving a buck.

Bandwidth usage is not a good indicator of how many people you have connected. I probably can use up more bandwidth than a whole mid-size company. I've seen several heavy users brag about how many tens of gigs they download per month, and none have been contacted by true. The contract terms on bandwidth usage state something about so and so megs/hour for so and so bandwidth, and it's also averaged for the whole month, not day by day. I've yet to see it enforced.

One thing: True's ADSL service is horrible right now, with lousy speeds during work hours. Doesn't matter if you're using home or biz package either, it's consistantly bad.

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