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Does A Beautiful Falang Lady Beat A Beautiful Thai


Biggest turn on? Falang or Thai?  

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I'ts a difficult one but I find that a really fit falang girl turns me on more than her Thai sisters of equivalent.

Maybe it's in my design being a falang, but I think although rare, a beautiful falang woman is more appealing. It's just that they have such a reputation.

Try to think of it as if they had the Thai ladys charm... :o

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i will hazard a guess & predict that the majority of voters select the thai bird... even though they secretly would prefer a farang beauty...

the problem is that most members here just couldn't attract a beautiful farang lady unless they had won the lottery... :o so they make do with a tg, who can be bought cheaply & isn't fussy about looks...

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i will hazard a guess & predict that the majority of voters select the farang bird...

the problem is that most members here just couldn't attract a beautiful farang lady unless they had won the lottery...  :D  so they make do with a tg, who can be bought cheaply & isn't fussy about looks...

Well that's another story. :o

What did you vote HP? :D

Actually just thought on something. You can get model fit birds in Prauge, the Ukraine, all the E bloc, who would be just as keen as the Thai ladies....hmmmm.

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Too difficult to answer.

I must say 36C is a beautiful thing... which is rare in Thailand.

But overall, I feel that Thailand has more beautiful women, than in America. What I mean is, the ratio of good looking women is higher in Thailand. In America, you would need to cull out of a 1000 women, just to maybe get 50 slap your momma fine women...

In thailand, you would maybe in a group of 75 women, 55 or more would be slap your momma fine....

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Harry i had a little bit of respect for you before this post,As i truely felt sorry for you,But now?

You are just a 100% idiot,I don't make do with my Fiance,She is more than any other woman could ever be,regardless of race,As for being bought,you are either pissed/Yaa baa'd up as there is something really clouding your judgement and thinking.

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Harry i had a little bit of respect for you before this post,As i truely felt sorry for you,But now?

You are just a 100% idiot,I don't make do with my Fiance,She is more than any other woman could ever be,regardless of race,As for being bought,you are either pissed/Yaa baa'd up as there is something really clouding your judgement and thinking.

The rest of us picked Harry for what he is awhile back. Welcome to the club. :o

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Why pick one over the other, I like both. They both have their distinctive qualities. It is like asking which do you prefer, a Sirloin Steak or a New york Cheesecake....? Although it is true that the ratio of beautiful women is much higher in Asia...Although after a couple of years your criteria of beautiful changes... :o

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Why pick one over the other, I like both. They both have their distinctive qualities. It is like asking which do you prefer, a Sirloin Steak or a New york Cheesecake....? Although it is true that the ratio of beautiful women is much higher in Asia...Although after a couple of years your criteria of beautiful changes... :D

I'm with Pluto on this........

......I like all pretty women :o

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The thing that just kills me about all you guys complaining about fat farang girls and how you have to weed out a majority to find a pretty one is you fail to look in the mirror! In the US and UK the men are just as fat as the women! And probably the ratio of good-looking men to ugly men is the same as good-looking women to ugly women.

Then you come to Thailand where the men are slim, sure some are too skinny, but there is nothing like a well-built Thai guy. Not overly muscly like the weight lifters back home, just well-muscled and toned. When I met my husband he had just finished 4 years of pro Muay Thai fighting and had washboard abs, nice muscular arms and was strong as an ox. (ok, he is not so slim nowadays but then I don't stay married to him cause he's cute :D ) He put ALL the farang guys I had gone out with to shame, made 'em look like wimps.

So, would I say an outstanding looking farang guy is better than an outstanding looking Thai guy? Nope, just different. Which would I prefer? Well, I am married so I prefer my husband :o

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I voted Thai. I have been out with some beautiful farang and had afew non BG Thai chicks. Many of my exes were fine looking women but i guess that i find Thai women to be even more sexy. Just my opinion. Though if you sit on Khao San and people watch you do see some gorgeous farang women.

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I actually thought the thread was a joke, but I see some are taking it seriously. Generally you will appreciate the most, whoever doesn't make you feel like less than you really are.

If that means a Thai girl picks up after you and treats you like a prince, you will prefer that. If you wake up in the morning to find that the partner beside you gives you credit for what you really are and doesn't see or just ignores what you would like to be or what you think you are, you will prefer that.

Harry doesn't have either a wife or a life as far as I can tell, he just drifts about feeling sorry for himself and blame others for it, but I bet he isn't alone in that.. I just find it sad. Sometimes I wish there was a filter on the board to snip things from people who are not worth reading.

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Why pick one over the other, I like both. They both have their distinctive qualities. It is like asking which do you prefer, a Sirloin Steak or a New york Cheesecake....? Although it is true that the ratio of beautiful women is much higher in Asia...Although after a couple of years your criteria of beautiful changes... :D

I'm with Pluto on this........

......I like all pretty women :D

Me too Stocky. Can I join the movement ? :o

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When I met my husband he had just finished 4 years of pro Muay Thai fighting and had washboard abs, nice muscular arms and was strong as an ox. (ok, he is not so slim nowadays but then I don't stay married to him cause he's cute :D )  He put ALL the farang guys I had gone out with to shame, made 'em look like wimps.

It sounds like you've been more fortuante than most, sbk.

I wouldn't want to be the only farang woman replying to these threads tho! :o

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I wouldn't want to be the only farang woman replying to these threads tho

Of course you wouldn't. She will be barraged by all kinds of filthy insults.

Why is it a competition. I will give you that there are more available to not so attractive men here.

And if 'picking up after you' is one of the criteria of femminity and beauty, well that says it all, doesn't it?

Not fussy? Have you not been to Pattaya and seen beautiful nineteen year olds with the ugliest, fattest, dirtiest old and young men in the world? Can you blame anyone for thinking they are not fussy?

Apologies to the posters who liked beauty anywhere.

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Boon mee, my daddy didn't raise any shrinking violets. :D

And like I said guys, look in the mirror before criticising others. He who is without fat may cast the first aspersion :o

sbk..... We think your daddy raised you to tell it as it is. Thank him for it. It serves you well. :D

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Boon mee, my daddy didn't raise any shrinking violets.  :D

And like I said guys, look in the mirror before criticising others. He who is without fat may cast the first aspersion :o

sbk..... We think your daddy raised you to tell it as it is. Thank him for it. It serves you well. :D

What a nice thing to say, DrPP he'll be pleased. :D

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I wouldn't want to be the only farang woman replying to these threads tho

And if 'picking up after you' is one of the criteria of femminity and beauty, well that says it all, doesn't it?

Apologies to the posters who liked beauty anywhere.

My view is I suspect rather that beauty may be an element of initial attraction, but in reality, rarely a precursor to a succesful long term realtionship.

That being said, I suspect many men still believe that a womans' role is the management of the home, including tidying up after their mans' laziness.

I trust my comment was not taken in any other way, than that in which it was placed, by any poster, male or female, Thai or foreign.

The topic is vapid, like many others, but has a capacity to raise the note upon which so much here is premised.

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Boon mee, my daddy didn't raise any shrinking violets. :D

And like I said guys, look in the mirror before criticising others. He who is without fat may cast the first aspersion :o

And I think us long-term posters should give you credit for "hanging in there" for as long as you have thru these farang pooying-bashing threads and replying in a civil manner.

Don't know if I could've if the situation was reversed...

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Well, Boonmee, as long as we are all being nice to me I will say "Thank you very much".

Usually I try not to take these things too seriously. Personally, I feel that people who feel the need to make broad generalizations about a group of people need more sympathy for their narrow mindedness than they need aggression. Besides, there is a way to deal with people that just makes them look foolish rather than making yourself look foolish. Something I learned from Thai people who, in general, do it quite beautifully. :o

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