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Irishman's Death On Round-world Trip Linked To Drugs


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Maybe it is just me ..... but isn't this right where the Australian guy killed the American guy last week?

The best way to avoid death in a war zone is stay away from American forces. Been a fact for many years in numerous theatres.

You must have gone to too many theatres showing "Rambo" movies. :o

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Someone who ends up belly up in a guest house in Chang Mai from taking Methadone and Valium definitely falls into my definition of a "loser".

Sympathy and or empathy are forms of intelligence!

Sorry, but being able to write a coherent sentence is a form of intelligence in my book, which you have failed to do.

:o Very cheap, ain't it?

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Maybe it is just me ..... but isn't this right where the Australian guy killed the American guy last week?

The best way to avoid death in a war zone is stay away from American forces. Been a fact for many years in numerous theatres.

Put down the bottle and back away slowly!

Is this your quote of the week? Seen exactly the same on at least one other thread. I suppose it's a less obvious way to get your post count up than just using smileys.

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Maybe it is just me ..... but isn't this right where the Australian guy killed the American guy last week?

The best way to avoid death in a war zone is stay away from American forces. Been a fact for many years in numerous theatres.

Put down the bottle and back away slowly!

Is this your quote of the week? Seen exactly the same on at least one other thread. I suppose it's a less obvious way to get your post count up than just using smileys.

No, I have no need to use things like that for a post count. It is just an appropriate response when someone types something completely unrelated and likely alcohol fueled. (If I did it often it would be seen behind many more posts)

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Hi Dave111223, 32 or 23, doesn't matter much to me. He still could still have a full future in front of him. Who are you to judge that he was a loser? Who are you to put such a low value on another human life? You didn't know him. Who is the loser? This fella had friends and family and was likely loved. You obviously think that you have lived a blameless life. It is a pity that you haven't picked up some compassion along the way.

I'm not dead from a smack OD, so i guess that does put me 1 level above him.

Alive Vs. Dead; not rocket science is it.

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Boy, you guys must all be saints with the amount of judgment being passed around........But spending your days in bars drinking, hanging out with working girls. Yeah, real winners, and how do you know what he died of, I would keep my mouth shut about it unless you do. It could happen to your own kids one day.

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take drugs expect to die ,its that simple

What an absolute nonsense you guys are posting!

People take drugs to enjoy them and not to die.

This Irishman had a girlfriend and family back home who loved him. This is a terrible way to go, 10,000 km from home.

RIP to the family.

What absolute nonsense you are posting! He was just another loser!!

Just to clarify- All the guys in BKK, Pattaya, Phuket and Samui who can't make it past 11am without a drink, are they losers too? Or are they just enjoying a cold beer on a hot day?

(Not being sarcastic. Really want to know.)

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Just to clarify- All the guys in BKK, Pattaya, Phuket and Samui who can't make it past 11am without a drink, are they losers too? Or are they just enjoying a cold beer on a hot day?

(Not being sarcastic. Really want to know.)

Yes. It's not hot every day of the year.

You didn't mention Chiang Mai. IMO those imbibing at that time in Chiang Mai are losers too.

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Hi Dave111223, 32 or 23, doesn't matter much to me. He still could still have a full future in front of him. Who are you to judge that he was a loser? Who are you to put such a low value on another human life? You didn't know him. Who is the loser? This fella had friends and family and was likely loved. You obviously think that you have lived a blameless life. It is a pity that you haven't picked up some compassion along the way.

I'm not dead from a smack OD, so i guess that does put me 1 level above him.

Alive Vs. Dead; not rocket science is it.

Your logic escapes me. The fact that you have not died of an overdose dose not somehow prove your worth as a human. Plenty of nice people have died and plenty of scumbags are alive. Why don't you find something more contructive to do than slag off dead people? You should be ashamed of yourself.

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My deepest sympathies to the family, girlfriend and other friends of the deceased. My apologies to them as well if they are reading this site, since some people have shown incredible insensitivity concerning your loss.

Keith Ledger died of an overdose and most people consider it a significant loss and a tragedy. In this case, there may be more to this story than meets our eyes. Was it methadone and valium or was it methadone, heroin and valium? Regardless of what happened, the loss is significant to some.

Many of us will meet our demise due to our own sense of invincibility and miscalculations, whether it's how much we can drink and smoke without getting cancer or chirrosis, or how fast we can drive.


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Hi Dave111223, 32 or 23, doesn't matter much to me. He still could still have a full future in front of him. Who are you to judge that he was a loser? Who are you to put such a low value on another human life? You didn't know him. Who is the loser? This fella had friends and family and was likely loved. You obviously think that you have lived a blameless life. It is a pity that you haven't picked up some compassion along the way.

I'm not dead from a smack OD, so i guess that does put me 1 level above him.

Alive Vs. Dead; not rocket science is it.

Your logic escapes me. The fact that you have not died of an overdose dose not somehow prove your worth as a human. Plenty of nice people have died and plenty of scumbags are alive. Why don't you find something more contructive to do than slag off dead people? You should be ashamed of yourself.

Yes i'm sorry; your right. Taking drugs and ODing is a good thing, sorry again.

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I find the lack of sympathy for this young man's death to be disturbing. What callous and mean-spirited people post here on Thai Visa. People become addicted to different things with the biggest killer being alcohol. Many people go through stages in their lives of addiction yet go on to do great things with their lives.

Agree with you 100%, someone on methadone is an addict trying to kick the habit nobody conclusivley knows what happened yet the usual morons are quick to be judge and jury, time for a reality check a human lost his life here, he has parents, relatives and friends. I f you are all so morally correct turn in a DRUG DEALER TODAY THEY ARE THE REAL SCUM OF SOCIETY.


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Irishman's death on round-world trip linked to drugs


His girlfriend told police that Mr Blake had been a heroin user in Ireland, and had acquired the substitute methadone from a local hospital.


"We've been travelling for a year now, Elliot used to use heroin in Ireland but since we've been traveling he hasn't. When we got to Chiang Mai he went to a hospital and got some methadone."

It is understood Mr Black may have combined methadone with valium, which led to his death. Chiang Mai is a popular destination with backpackers.


To all the cold hearted TV posters:

Having worked with addicts seeking recovery for years, knowing what they go through and how few actually "make it", I'd say anyone who actually "got his s#it together" enough to go on a round-the-world trip with his girlfriend is far from being a loser.

HELLO! He was trying to get off smack... That's what methadone is FOR!!!

I don't understand why he'd mix it with valium though, bad combination... if he did, the article only says "may have".

THAT is the point... We don't know all the facts, yet some people are condemning him as a junkie and a loser without even knowing the whole story.

Addiction is a disease, cancer is another disease, is my father a loser because he died of cancer?

What if it was lung cancer caused by smoking?

Rant over.

---back on topic---

The loss of anyone so young is tragic. Whatever the cause.

RIP Elliot Blake

My condolences to his family and friends. Especially Ms. Duignan, who had the misfortune to find him.

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why did the hospital gave methadone?Was he still addicted or not?

often the amnesia isn't done and the concentration of liquid methadone is not the international 1%,it is up to 5% or mixed by not well trained people.

it takes a heavy overdose,even if mixed with valium,to lead to death.

the hospital wanted to help and cash.

he wanted his kick but not from heroin and/or avoid thai prison for possession of heroin.

Requiescat In Pace

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I find the lack of sympathy for this young man's death to be disturbing. What callous and mean-spirited people post here on Thai Visa. People become addicted to different things with the biggest killer being alcohol. Many people go through stages in their lives of addiction yet go on to do great things with their lives.

Agree with you 100%, someone on methadone is an addict trying to kick the habit nobody conclusivley knows what happened yet the usual morons are quick to be judge and jury, time for a reality check a human lost his life here, he has parents, relatives and friends. I f you are all so morally correct turn in a DRUG DEALER TODAY THEY ARE THE REAL SCUM OF SOCIETY.


Most of these folks bashing this kid are probably one broken condom away from their own demise from their own vice and no I do not condone the use of drugs PERIOD. I am just saying, look in the mirror.

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I think one reason why some people fail to find pity, for somebody who died in the manner that was reported in the OP, is that same people don't often get a chance to feel superior to anyone else. Here is a nice opportunity for them to prove that they are superior to somebody. The bad drug man. How sad. How pathetic.

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