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ATM users warned to be aware of fraud


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ATM frauds warned

BANGKOK: -- The Bank of Thailand has warned ATM users to be aware of a growing number of fraud cases involving the use of electronic ``skimmer'' machines.

Criminal gangs can steal confidential data and passwords from ATM cards by using the electronic machines. When users insert a card into an ATM machine, the illegal skimmers record data taken from the card's magnetic strip.

Another method was for thieves to deceive ATM card users into handing over their cards or codes.

The central bank said in a statement that users should never offer their ATM cards or disclose their passwords to others, and should contact their financial institution immediately if any suspicious behaviour or transactions are observed.

--Bangkok Post 2004-10-07

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Another method was for thieves to deceive ATM card users into handing over their cards or codes.

How many times have you seen them take out the card and put in in the machine,

then take out the slip of paper with the PIN number and read it before typing it in??

Don't leave your ATM slips in the bin beside the machine, the account number is on there in full with some banks. Another invitation to fraud.

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How many times have you seen them take out the card and put in in the machine,

then take out the slip of paper with the PIN number and read it before typing it in??

Don't leave your ATM slips in the bin beside the machine, the account number is on there in full with some banks. Another invitation to fraud.

Astral - many companies do not allow all their employees to go out at lunch time on a Friday to cash their pay. So one person collects a dozen or more cards, with PIN numbers, goes to the ATM and draws cash for their mates. So they need the PIN numbers to be written down.

Most of the poorer paid factory workers are from the boonies, without any idea of money management. The electronic world is beyond many Westerners understanding, so these guys stand no chance against even basic 'cons'.

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When users insert a card into an ATM machine, the illegal skimmers record data taken from the card's magnetic strip.

Am I right in assuming that these skimmers are inside the ATM, which is only accessible from inside the bank or are we talking about the new machines that are being installed in 7-11's and Family Mart's

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i had my visa card skimmed a few years ago in thailand.

Three months later it was completely maxed out in a jewellery shop in GUAM.

Visa called me themselves to ask if i had been in Guam at the time , i said huh??? :o . They then reimbursed the money and provided another card.

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I have two ATM cards from two different banks. The ATM card belonging to my main account stays at home.

The other ATM card that I carry with me at all times from my other account only ever has 20,000b max at anytime.

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First time I heard of anything like this was years ago in Rome. An enterprising gang of villains installed a fake ATM machine in the city centre late Fri/Sat morning. The unsuspecting inserted their cards, went through the proceedure, but needless to say, no money was forthcoming. The likely lads came back late Sunday, removed the "ATM" and copied all the cards, magnetic strip and all. A few days later, rather large sums of money had been withdrawn from the customers' accounts all over Italy.

Years ago, a pub acquaintance boasted of his exploits. A high steet bank at the time had an ATM machine where you inserted your card, entered your details and monetary requirements and a plastic shield rose up to give you the cash. Well, he got a biro, sliced it down the middle with a Stanley knife, went to the ATM, inserted his card and when the shield came back down. rammed the biro - which had been superglued - into the bottom. Poor folk turned up over the weekend and never got their money because the shield never went up. Return of raggamuffin. Remove biro and KERCHUNK KERCHUNK. Like a fruit machine.

Seems like we'll never catch up with these criminals. And, of course it's too expensive for the banks to change their systems all in one go.

Also, beware internet banking. Big bank in the UK had customers duped by an East European gang who sent false e-mails to subscribers asking them to verify their security details. Those that were stupid enough to do so found all their saving gone immediately.

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A mate and i had our cards skimmed one Xmas here in Pattaya...when i queried the susequent withdrawal with Visa they asked if i could prove i had not been in Pattaya at the time..."Oh yes says i cause i am freezing my nuts off in Norway"...Pattaya Jan 2...Northern Norway jan 6

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