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Garmin Nuvi Plug And Play Or...


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Yeah, okay , so I thought I'd picked up a bargain. 2,000 Bht and still none the wiser. So, now it's too late bu the plug and play spellings...well you'd need quite a few drinks and weeks to work them out! Are the Thai ESRI just as bad? :o

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I dont understand your post..

I am guessing you purchased the Rotwieller maps ?? And cant find Thai transliterated places ?? Same issues with any of the Thai maps for now I think.

PM me if you want info on installing the ERSI series.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Being a novice to Gps, I have no idea what I bought. The guy bought the plug and play version from the U.S.

I am trying to locate Chokchai Farm in Pakchong, Nakoan Ratchasima...type in Chokchai Farm, gave me atleast eight addresses but none in Pakchong...Am I doing something wrong?

As for what type of maps Rottweiler/Esri, I'm afraid I have no idea! :o

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OK.. so you mean the address lookups are not working.

That seems to be the case.. Most people find that the transliteration between Thai Roman / English and Thai fonts are very hard to manage.. Many people simply dont use the lookup feature like that.

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On the ESRI database (v. 8), it's under "Chok Chai Farm". The database often uses 2 words instead of 1 (and vice versa). For instance the Kirimaya resort in the same area as Chokchai is included as "Khiri Maya".

You kind of just get a knack of working out different permutations of transliterating what you're searching for.

Edited to add: Actually there are many Chok Chai farms in the area (and in the database); the one you want though is listed as a tourist attraction (camera icon I think from memory).

Edited by Meerkat
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I put in chok chai farm. It gave me a number of them but since most were close together I figured the main one would be the one with no number behind it. I chose that one and it says highway 2 Klang Dong, Pak Chong, Nakorn Ratchasima. That's using the ESRI map and my 2610 Street Pilot. putting in chokchai farm would not work. Using the 2610, I select find, then by name from the next screen and then type it in. It won't allow you to put in a name that isn't in the data base. It blanks out all but the valid letters. When trying to put in chokchai, it gets as far as chokcha then there are no more letters visable.

I tried with my little hand held eTrex and it wouldn't find it with either spelling. The eTrex has the Rotweiler map.

If your map came from Garmin in the US, it will be the ESRI map.

Edited by Gary A
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I put in chok chai farm. It gave me a number of them but since most were close together I figured the main one would be the one with no number behind it. I chose that one and it says highway 2 Klang Dong, Pak Chong, Nakorn Ratchasima. That's using the ESRI map and my 2610 Street Pilot. putting in chokchai farm would not work. Using the 2610, I select find, then by name from the next screen and then type it in. It won't allow you to put in a name that isn't in the data base. It blanks out all but the valid letters. When trying to put in chokchai, it gets as far as chokcha then there are no more letters visable.

I tried with my little hand held eTrex and it wouldn't find it with either spelling. The eTrex has the Rotweiler map.

If your map came from Garmin in the US, it will be the ESRI map.

I just brought over a Garmin C330($130 US) and the Garmin/ESri map v8 ($100 US) and it is working great. My friend used it in KK with great results. I will say that looking for particular locations is only as good as the spelling, i.e how you think it is spelled vs how it is spelled in the map. Overall I am very happy with how it works

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Okay guys, I have seperated the spelling to Chok Chai...it brings up the following: Highway 2, Klang Dong, Pak Chong, NAKHON ratchasima 30320

This might be the one..only when checking out the website address, it is totally different? :o

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  • 1 year later...

ERSI outsources their data/Poi base to Taiwan to be changed from Thai to English. This is why it is so had to do a address lookup.

If you don't believe me, call ESRI and ask. You'd think they would use english speaking countries or people.

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