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Kids Imitating Sex Acts Seen On Web Arrested


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Kids imitating sex acts seen on Web arrested

BANGKOK: -- Three boys aged between eight and 12 have sexually assaulted a seven-year-old girl after watching pornography at an Internet cafe.

Thammasala police arrested the boys at a housing estate in Thawee Watthana. Their parents were taken for questioning, too.

The victim's parents complain their daughter was assaulted on April 17. They assert she was raped, and an examination confirms she has had sexual intercourse. Police are considering charges ranging from gang rape to taking a minor for a lewd act.

Inspector Major Phuwadol Niamsri says the boys admitted to the acts and say they copied what they saw older boys watching on a computer. They had been at the cafe to play games.

-- The Nation 2008-04-25

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Can kids aged "between 8 and 12" really rape a girl? Maybe the 12 year old but surely not the 8 year olds.

I was only reading the Bangkok Post this morning where it said that "more than 30,000 youngsters who use Internet cafes were victims of sexual abuse at the shops"

I must admit the figures seem incredibly high.

It won't be long before Internet Cafes join the long list of banned things in Thailand.

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A laptop for each student project... How's that going? :o

Seriously, if they can't monitor their internet cafes any better than they do with their dangerous roads, why not ban access to all students until they are of adult age?

Force all schools to have internet access or create a program for it and make schools responsible for monitoring/censoring what is/can be viewed on there. This can only improve this already badly limping education system. If internet access access at school is not enough for homework and research, home access is still possible and now come in PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES. It can only help them with their studies and cut down on the gaming hours to a certain point.

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1.why not ban access to all students until they are of adult age?

2. Force all schools to have internet access or create a program for it and make schools responsible for monitoring/censoring what is/can be viewed on there. PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES. .

1. Sure, let's punish the majority of kids that are well behaved and have done nothing wrong. Great incentive to proper behaviour that is.

2. Uh huh, please tell me you were being facetious. A bad parent is a bad parent and this won't address the people should not be having children. Maybe forced sterilization would be a better option.

As for news article, blaming this on the internet, try accepting the reality, that the kids most likely saw this behaviour in the home. Children that engage in deviant sexual behaviours have usually either been molested or see this in the home and come to think of this as being "normal" behaviour. With these types of parents, would you really expect there to be any modicum of parental responsibility?

Credit goes to the authorities for a new method of saving face and avoiding the thorny issue that the homelife for these kids may be seriously screwed up.

(ed:correct poor grammar)

Edited by geriatrickid
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Come on..... All kids have played 'doctor', it's a natural things for kids to do when growing up. I did it at an early age [less than 10] with a the neighborhood boys and girls. There was no intercourse, but we did some 'naughty' things. So, we were coppying the Doctors and they should ban doctors?? and especially hospitals, where there are many doctors and nurses??

Gotta ban [blame] something!!!

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Come on..... All kids have played 'doctor', it's a natural things for kids to do when growing up. I did it at an early age [less than 10] with a the neighborhood boys and girls. There was no intercourse, but we did some 'naughty' things. So, we were coppying the Doctors and they should ban doctors?? and especially hospitals, where there are many doctors and nurses??
I consider there is a world of differance between playing doctor which was probably based on undressing at the doctors surgry then re-enacted as roll-play between two children of similar ages during a shared play-time - to the situation reported where two older boys appear to have forced a younger girl to fulfill their fantasy(?) roll-play against her will. Very clear difference.

The problem with internet pornography is that it is there to make money for the site owners - to encourage those with money to pay for access the sites have to offer more and more 'cutting edge' images as free easy access previews, these images once seen are difficult to un-forget. it is the buzz of something naughty that stimulates the young mind to explore and emulate.

What is worst drug taking or porn? Both would seem to cause harm to others?

I would suggest making the internet cafe owner liable for kids accessing porn.

Shops that sell porn magazines need to limit sales to those over 21/18? So the process for access to such images has already a model to follow.

The next question would be is it ever appropriate to access porn in an internet cafe or anywhere outside your own private room?

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Come on..... All kids have played 'doctor', it's a natural things for kids to do when growing up. I did it at an early age [less than 10] with a the neighborhood boys and girls. There was no intercourse, but we did some 'naughty' things. So, we were coppying the Doctors and they should ban doctors?? and especially hospitals, where there are many doctors and nurses??
I consider there is a world of differance between playing doctor which was probably based on undressing at the doctors surgry then re-enacted as roll-play between two children of similar ages during a shared play-time - to the situation reported where two older boys appear to have forced a younger girl to fulfill their fantasy(?) roll-play against her will. Very clear difference.

The problem with internet pornography is that it is there to make money for the site owners - to encourage those with money to pay for access the sites have to offer more and more 'cutting edge' images as free easy access previews, these images once seen are difficult to un-forget. it is the buzz of something naughty that stimulates the young mind to explore and emulate.

What is worst drug taking or porn? Both would seem to cause harm to others?

I would suggest making the internet cafe owner liable for kids accessing porn.

Shops that sell porn magazines need to limit sales to those over 21/18? So the process for access to such images has already a model to follow.

The next question would be is it ever appropriate to access porn in an internet cafe or anywhere outside your own private room?

Limiting access of porn in internet cafes to U18 is virtually unenforceable. They have blocked thousands of websites already, which everybody knew was completely impractical. They won't ban the internet.

So the only way would probably be to say that commercial operators of internet cafes would have to use a specific server for access, and then place massive netnanny software on the server.

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It appears some people here argue that it's not Internet porn that is to blame but something else, as if porn should be free and available to all regardless of age.

"Unfortunately the culprit is always the 'internet' and if it didn't exist, then all these bad things wouldn't happen"

"As for news article, blaming this on the internet, try accepting the reality, that the kids most likely saw this behaviour in the home. "

"Gotta ban [blame] something!!!"

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Kids will 'act out' what they have seen. I worked in protective services for children a long time ago and we had a report of a sexually abused boy based on his sexual behavior toward others. He was around 10 and was caught doing some pretty 'nasty' and realistic things. Well, it turned out dad had some porno tapes (this was pretty new at the time) and the kid had managed to watch them.

No abuse, but dad was advised to store his collection more carefully.

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It appears some people here argue that it's not Internet porn that is to blame but something else, as if porn should be free and available to all regardless of age.

The money used to buy drugs does not know that it is being used for an illegal act as the motorbike used for a mugging theft does not know it is being used for a bad thing. The internet is simply another technical tool to be used/abused by the user.

Is private ownership of automatic weapons in the public interest - generally no - they are banned.

Is unrestricted access to some drugs in the public interest - generally no - access is restricted.

Is access to porn on-line suitable for all ages - no - but it is not currently restricted.

The internet and it's relationship with porn and the impact on children is not yet controlled - cases like this one prove the link and can only promote tighter control - I doubt there is any valid argument not to limit access of such sites to children.

Parents have a duty to protect their children - shop keepers have a duty to ensure their equipment (in their shop under their direct supervision) is not used by children to view such sites.

In the old days of networked computers ('80s) the way of telling when some 'good' porn image (often just ASCII text dump) had arrived was that guy gathered around the terminal - in 20 years this has not changed.

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Kids will 'act out' what they have seen. I worked in protective services for children a long time ago and we had a report of a sexually abused boy based on his sexual behavior toward others. He was around 10 and was caught doing some pretty 'nasty' and realistic things. Well, it turned out dad had some porno tapes (this was pretty new at the time) and the kid had managed to watch them.

No abuse, but dad was advised to store his collection more carefully.

Gee Scott we agree cuz I wrote, Children that engage in deviant sexual behaviours have usually either been molested or see this in the home and come to think of this as being "normal" behaviour. With these types of parents, would you really expect there to be any modicum of parental responsibility?

Gets back to Tony Clifton's mantra about parents being responsibile doesn't it? I consider it normal curiousity for boys to look at racey pics of girls. I did it and my friends did it and to the best of my knowledge none of us grew up to be pervs or deviants though I cannot attest to what my friends currently do in the privacy of their homes with the wife or g/f. It's all about being taught some basic values isn't it? Things like respect for people etc. If one comes from a home where women are viewed as objects or if a child has to walk the gauntlet of sex bars, what does one think will happen?

The real culprit is that the sex industry is everywhere in this country and sex is a commodity much as one buys a pag of cigs down at the 7-11. Yes it is sort of regulated, but it is an acceptable practice. Until they adjust the basic morals, these types of events will continue. The access to porn on the internet is one small piece of the puzzle, not the primary cause of the behaviour.

You and I and everyone else knows that if the authorities were really interested in child welfare in this regard, they would properly regulate the sex indstry as is done in countries like Canada or the Netherlands. One would think that countries like Denmark and Canada where strip bars and pornography abound would have all sorts of perv incidents beyond what is found in heavily regulated countries like the USA or China. Yet, that is not the case. The answer lies in a social contract that such behaviour is not acceptable. In those countries, the lid is kept on the behaviour through education, an active women's movement, and the fact that the authorities do enforce the laws. Thailand does not have that. I think what we have here is an attempt to avoid accepting responsibility as a society and to blame an inanimate object thereby avoiding an embarrassment that the mores of the nation are adled.

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My wife read tonight that 60% of BKK's internet cafes are unregistered, leaving lots of room for tea money and more strange events to go on unreported. I'd say 90% or more of internet cafes throughout the rest of the country are unregistered.

The cafe in question is getting a ridiculously small fine.

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Quite sad. Unfortunately the culprit is always the 'internet' and if it didn't exist, then all these bad things wouldn't happen--at least that's the gov't take on it.

Yes they always blame the internet. They never blame the bad parents for not knowing what their kids are doing.

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Sadly, as societies move from rural to urban, the supervision and care of children becomes much more difficult. In addition, the children have more free time or at least less responsibility in cities. One of the problems here is that they keep expecting people to follow the mythical "Thai culture." Since many of the principles of this, can't be followed in an urban environment.

Are parents responsible, of course, they are, but also the society has to do more to protect it's young. Laws, licensing and regulation of numerous businesses and institutions needs to be enacted and ENFORCED.

This is a very sad situation indeed and one hopes it's a one-off type of thing. It takes a real psychopath (and they do exist at age 12), or a really messed up kid to be involved in this type of behavior.

By the way Geriatrickid--it's easier to get sex than a pack of fags--where I live there are a number of schools, so they don't sell cigarettes, but there are plenty of Karoke bars with the ladies sitting outside in the evening!

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Over in Europe there are late night satellite channels showing

explicit straight and gay porn. :o

Parental responsibility is the only answer.

How are they going to do that when most mothers here start it all by chasing their children daily with a bowl in one hand and a spoon full of rice in the other, unable to draw a line between simple things like feeding time and play time? If not, they've been dumped with the grandparents.

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Oh, I just read another thread where "police intensify raids on Internet cafes to crack down on drug usage"

Definitely a ban on Internet cafes or even a ban on the Internet all together.

Dont forget that many police own the internet cafes in Thailand. take a look at many of the licences...many are of police.


Only in Thailand!

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