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I would like to increase my income a little bit and seeing how work is limited for farangs I was wondering if anyone has suggestions for online type employment.

I don't trust advertisements that claim you can make millions from your computer. I would like to stay clear of the scams if at all possible.

I hoping on a word of mouth type thing here. Anyone???

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Avoid any gert rich scams/scemes they are readily spotted u pay them

There are online teaching proofing marking but need hi speed net and camera and generally its abeauty contaest pay is $10 hour up

Many ads on in trade press


Most companies are in Korea and agents in USA and Canada

Trading on ebay may suit you

Please pm if you would like more details

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Create something - add value - sell it.

There are people that make a living from creating items for use with second life type places, the case that springs to my mind is a French lady making/growing flowers?

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There are many ways in which to make money online but you have to be willing to give a bit of your time and the "getting rich quick" schemes usually don't work

There is a program that i use on a regular basis but needs some time and effort on your behalf i've been living in Pattaya and own a bar (not a great source of Income) so before i come to thailand i used to do a bit of online marketing Sucessfully i might add and have in the last year started up again.

I can make anywhere from $100 - $250 per week

Just PM me if you want a full rundown and some advice in Thailand

Have a look at My Website

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For some time I translated subtitles from English to Norwegian for an Italian firm. Ok pay and it was all done on-line. Far as I know, they are always looking for translators of different languages. The firm is called softitler

If you know anything about online marketing or affiliate programs, then you can do just fine. Heck even an interesting blog can make you money if you get the traffic.

If you know how to write well, you could probably get some jobs writing from one of the freelance sites mentioned earlier in this thread.  

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If u've got a law degree, I got a few online jobs i've been thinking about where i'd organize a legal search engine of caselaw, but it only pays 60k USD a year and seems incredibly boring; it's really hard to sit at a computer all day doing pure legal work... much easier with face-to-face clients, which is also higher pay.

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