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Eva Air -the Lowdown


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I'm curious to know if anyone has flown long-haul with Eva Air to Bangkok. I'm considering doing it next month, as the idea of bigger seats in the Evergreen class (enhanced economy) is appealing to someone such as myself, who is just on 6ft and has a pair of knobbly knees that often jar uncomfortably on seat infront.

I'd be particularly interested to hear from other tallish, knobbly-kneed fellows if they have had such problems flying with Eva.


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I'm curious to know if anyone has flown long-haul with Eva Air to Bangkok. I'm considering doing it next month, as the idea of bigger seats in the Evergreen class (enhanced economy) is appealing to someone such as myself, who is just on 6ft and has a pair of knobbly knees that often jar uncomfortably on seat infront.

I'd be particularly interested to hear from other tallish, knobbly-kneed fellows if they have had such problems flying with Eva.


Sorry I can't help you with this. I am considering flying Eva Evergreen on a trip in Feb 05 and would also like to hear the opinions of others who have used this service, particularly as the flight from San Francisco to Taipei is over 14 hours.

I flew United economy last time and it was very cramped. Really don't want a repeat of that experience. In comparing the Evergreen seats to United economy, I found that the Evergreen seats are 1 1/2 " wider and have about 4" additional leg room. Considering that they are about the same price as United economy, it sounds good to me. But, hearing the actual experiences of those who have used the service is always better.

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I have flown EVA to / from NYC many times. No problem for 6 ft. The evergreen class is a fair step up from coach but below business class for sure. For about $200 more the Evergreen delux is a great value.

I also like the time schedule. Leaves NY around 11 pm for a good snooze on the way over. Leaves BKK 11 am which is much better than the 6 am departure for most of the US carriers.

Only negative point when flying from east coast is the stop in Seattle.

Chookdee na

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i have used them a lot (bkk/lhr/bkk) and the evergreen de luxe makes all the difference. wider seats with more legroom, 2 abreast not three ,and they havent made a fuss yet with overweight suitcases, if you can get a seat in the front compartment of the plane then you get even more privacy and room , (depends on the seat configuration for the flight you are on).

the food is the same as economy, better bangkok to london than london to bangkok,normal airline fare, and the all female service is businesslike and efficient.

from bkk to london the flight leaves mid-day ,and for those who like looking out of the window and following progress on the map , its a beautiful journey. kanchanaburi, burma,up the coast to bangladesh,over calcutta,follow the ganges to north of delhi, pakistan, afghanistan,north of iran and turkey to eastern europe, thames estuary,sightseeing over central london then an early evening arrival at heathrow. daylight all the way, get a seat on the north side of the plane to avoid looking into the sun. and much less jet lag than the midnight flights offered by the european airlines.

yes i would certainly recommend them.

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Slight change of tack , but the best deal I have used for a cheaper Business class option ( LHR-BKK) is Garuda Indonesia. About £300 each way , but proper business class , in the Bubble at the front of the Jumbo.

Biiig seats , loads of decent service etc. It rocked.

Eva evergreen is a lot better than peasant class though.


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yes they are fine, the hostsesses are super smart with their green stockings !

tannoy announcements are curious , they are in a squeeky sickly childish voice

which tickles me ..

food is kinda weird sometimes , when you expect a breakfast you get an evening meal.

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Yes indeed, IMHO is that they are as good as others say, I flew Deluxe or Business class(depended on who was paying) two times each year for twelve years, Bangkok to the West coast USA. I never flew coach but I understand it is not all bad on EVA. Hostesses are great, food and wine is good. Pilots on EVA make their PR walkabouts about two times between Taipei and the US and me thinks the friendliest pilots around are EVA pilots. :o

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Dont  forget  Eva's  extra  5kg  baggage  allowance  for  evergreen  customers............can  normally  recoup  the  extra  cost  by  taking  a  few  "goodies"  back  to  sell.  :o

A couple of weeks ago, I received a couple of big boxes from the States- Thai stuff I'd sent home 15 years ago to sell. What goes around, comes around, I guess! :D

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I usually fly EVA Evergreen Deluxe class, and it is pretty good. The planes are not that modern, but they are acceptable, especially in evergreen deluxe class. During the last trip, the San Francisco to Taipei leg was a little delayed. Last time flying from San Francisco to Bangkok, the flight was a little late making it difficult for me to make the connection to Bangkok. I told the flight attendent this, and she made sure those of us in my situation were the first to leave the plane.

Not long ago, I flew China Air business class (EVA was booked full) from Bangkok to San Francisco via Taipei. The first plane I flew was a great new Airbus. But the second leg was an older 747 and I can't say the service was any better than EVA, yet it was considerably more expensive.

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I'm flying EVA from Amsterdam to BKK this weekend, business. Can't beat the prices - KLM wanted 1500 euros economy, EVA business only 1600 euros. I've only ever heard good things about evergreen deluxe although lst time I tried to book that class from BKK to heathrow I was told it was not available.

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EVA business only 1600 euros...

Mate went recently from London with EVA delux for a little over 500 pounds and says it was great.Normal Econ was going last week from London from around 380-410 but I am in Bangers at the mo so No info on agents for a couple of weeks although Linda at Our Place on the Marlebone rd is always good.

Incid.I got Thai Inter.London-Bangkok-Chiang Mai-Bangkok-London for 399 pounds (inc. Tax)... :D so quite chuffed....ebookers. :D

Now that wife has TG-G card she has been offered a business r/t for approx 1200 pounds :o but its a buy one get one free so I recon 600 smackers each is about right for next trip. :D

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Just booked today at the lowest price I found in Bangkok for EVA evergreen deluxe to SF. I checked with EVA who said they were the prime agent and no problems with them. However the guy I talked to on the phone was so unpleasant I briefly considered foregoing the 5000 baht savings.

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Can anybody tell me who is the best agent to book Eva Evergreen flights with within Thailand? The prices direct from Eva aren't that great flying out of BKK to London.

Wcr......your in Pattaya right?.......i use Classic (now called Massic) travel on the second road next block up from tourist police office..........give you an idea i flew Evergreen Deluxe BKK-Teeside (England)-BKK via Amsterdam in June this year for 48000 baht inc taxes. Amsterdam-Teeside leg is run by KLM so it might be difficult to work out a BKK-LON direct flight cost, as this is obviously included in the 48000 baht fare.

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Can anybody tell me who is the best agent to book Eva Evergreen flights with within Thailand? The prices direct from Eva aren't that great flying out of BKK to London.

I have always used Majestic Travel International on Soi Langsuan who advertise in Bangkok Post. Price has always been lower than ATN

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Flew Eva LHR-BKK in peasant class a few weeks ago. Lots of room in back of plane with people sleeping across 3 seats. Planes seem a little dated with no individual in-flight entertainment (in coach anyway).

Got 6 month ticket for £480 and direct flight makes it real nice. Food OK too.

Met the Captain in the departure lounge at Heathrow, a rather gruff Chinese chap. When I asked if the flight would be late he said. Yes!!! and walked off...


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