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Got Gf Up The Duff!

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Whats the score about obtaining a visa for my G-f to England now i have made her pregnant.

I have been with her for over a year with many visits to Thailand,5 times this year already, and for 5 weeks stay at a time, going back next week.

I`m happy about this, will it be any easier.?

Thanks. :o

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It depends what type of visa she would apply for. For a visit visa it makes no difference to the application but if you intend to marry her and settle in the UK then her pregnancy would make the process easier. If you don't marry her and the child is born in Thailand then it would not be entitled to British citizenship.


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Whats the score about obtaining a visa for my G-f to England now i have made her pregnant.

I have been with her for over a year with many visits to Thailand,5 times this year already, and for 5 weeks stay at a time, going back next week.

I`m happy about this, will it be any easier.?

Thanks. :o

Whats the score

Got Gf Up The Duff!

Wonder where this chappy is from???

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i dont think being pregnant would make any differance to her visa chances, but when the baby is born and u r listed as the father on the birth certificate, that should make quite a bit of differance :o

would it make a difference if the baby is born in the UK and not in Thailand.

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It depends what type of visa she would apply for. For a visit visa it makes no difference to the application but if you intend to marry her and settle in the UK then her pregnancy would make the process easier. If you don't marry her and the child is born in Thailand then it would not be entitled to British citizenship.


hello the scouser... and dirtyrider

are you sure about this?

my girlfriend had a baby born outside of the U.K, she's not thai, but also not european and i managed to get a u.k passport for her.

it was not so straight forward and the local consulate had to refer the case back to the U.K so it took a few months.

in the passport application you must confirm that you are the father and obviously most important the documentation issued by the hospital and the local authorities where the baby is first registered must show this, they could be skeptical if you dont actually live full time with your girlfriend... but if you insist and persist - then i think it will be ok ..


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Hi Amarka,

I should have been more explicit in my previous comment.

A child born outside of the UK to an unmarried couple where the father is British has no automatic entitlement to British citizenship. However it is possible to apply for the child to be registered as a British citizen if certain criteria are met. I presume that this is what you did for your child.

There follows the relevant guidance from the Home Office:-

"4. Parents

Only a legitimate child (born to parents who are married to each other) can get British citizenship from the father."



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Only a legitimate child (born to parents who are married to each other) can get British citizenship from the father."



Spot on Scouse. I'm in the process of getting my boy a British passport. Because he was born illegitimate, me and the misses both have to fill out the parent declaration forms and a UK domicile questionnaire for myself (to show I still have ties - no pun intended - with the UK). Takes about 4-5 weeks.

Then I can go for his passport and birth certificate.

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would it make a difference if the baby is born in the UK and not in Thailand.

Assuming they get married, not for the baby itself getting a British passport (assuming the father was born in the UK).

If the baby is born in the UK, then it's children will also be eligible for British Nationality, regardless of where they are born.

If the baby is born in Thailand, then it's children would only be eligible for British Nationality automatically if they are, in turn, born in the UK. (They might be eligible to apply for Nationality if born outside the UK by showing ties to the UK, but that's not automatic).

If you weren't born in the UK yourself, then you might want to make sure the baby is born in the UK if you want it to have British nationality. (Thai nationality is a lot simpler - any child where one parent is Thai - is automatically a Thai national, just apply for the Thai passport at the embassy in London if the baby is born in the UK).

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I was born in the U.k, the question is how do i make sure my baby will be born in the U.K?

Would it be a bit easier to get my G-F a visa, just tourist for now maybe now she is pregnant.

Like i said before we have been together for a year now, and i have multiple entries listed in my passport.

Thanks again for your responses. :o

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Dirtyrider.............maybe it would be best you married your gf legally and try to get her a visa from there. I doubt they are going to issue her a tourist visa now she is pregnant as they are sure she is NOT coming back!!

You may be better off asking the British Embassy instead........they will give you precise information. It would be good to tell the the truth, that she is pregnant as it will be difficult to extend any visa (when she is there) if they found out you lied to them.....she is gonna "show" . I know one guy who lied to the Embassy and now he is unable to get a visa for his "wife" now. :o


British Embassy

1031 Wireless Road

Lumpini, Pathumwan

Bangkok 10330

+66 (0) 2 305 8333 Main Embassy line

You can also ask them about the procedures of getting married. Pretty simple though.

Good luck and cheers! :D

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Hi Dirtyrider,

If you want to ensure the child has an automatic entitlement to British citizenship then this can be achieved only by marrying your g/f. Should you marry her then it doesn't matter where the child is born, it would be British.

If you take you girlfriend to the UK on a tourist visa she would not be entitled to free NHS medical care and you'd have to pay the hospital bills unless she had some form of medical insurance. Furthermore, as your g/f would be pregnant at the time of application I don't think she'd get the visit visa as the visa officer is likely to think that she's going to the UK to try to benefit from free treatment and to settle with you.


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Who was it who said that the Britsh and Americans are divided by a common language?

In British English, as I'm sure you've surmised, "up the duff" means to be pregnant. In fact if we were to apply the US English meaning the lady in question would not be in her current state.

Confusion reigns! :o


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got to find out how to get married then  l.o.l

Does getting married in Thailand meen you are married in England?

Sorry for being dumb 

Best start saving me pennies!(or bhts)


Dirtyrider........getting married in TH may be recognised by the UK officials. You are better off if you "lodge" your marriage with the British embassy to make things easier for your "wife" and for your govt to recognise it. It doesnt mean she gets an instant British passport or visa. She still has to go through the tedious process of a tourist/spouse visa/interviews and etc.

Its relatively simple to get registered in TH, just needs a lot of running around and translation. Try the website I provided, all details are there. Very clear details too. I would suggest the ITC Translation service in Ploenchit.

Translation is THB500 a piece, embassy endorsement is only THB2,400-2,800. The endorsement by the Thai officials in Chaeng Wattana is THB400 a piece. They are very friendly there. I would also suggest you go to the Klongtoei or Bangrak Marriage Reg centre, as they are much more efficient. They will make you make a "donation" of about THB1,000.


Good luck!

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Hi Dirtyrider,

Providing your marriage in Thailand is lawful it will be recognised in the UK. That means the marriage has to be registered at an amphur. You can record your marriage at the British embassy but there is no requirement to do so and not doing so does not affect the legality of the marriage.

For information on how to marry in Thailand do a search on this forum as the question has been raised on many an occasion.



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I am not English, but I hope that some more of your countrymen sound off here.

Visas are not as difficult as you think. I just helped a girl go to England with one of the dumbest men whom I have ever met. I filled out all of the forms for them. He was 50, had an offer to return to his old job - paying 950 Pounds/month; owned no home, car or even an aparment; had an ex-wife and two kids whom he rarely paid any child support; and finally, his net worth was 7,000 Pounds.

If anyone would be turned down, it would be him. Oh, and of course, the girl was poorly educated and esarn. The Embassy can put two and two together.

They got the visa on the resubmittal.

So, I suggest that you give it a try. If you do not get the visa right off, then they will ask you to file some more papers. OK, then file the additional papers.

IMPORTANT: The girl whom I assisted to get there, is NOT entitled to any form of government assistance during the visa. THis includes MEDICAL CARE!!! She is on a sponsorship visa - not a marriage visa, if there is such a thing. She had already married the guy here before applying for the visa, but this is the visa that he was instructed to apply for.

Maybe, because the baby is yours, the rules would be different, but double-check to make sure. I do not know how much it costs to have a baby in England, but in the US, it is at least 10,000 US. YOu do not want to be looking at that bill.

On your next trip, bring all of your banking records, rental agreement or home ownership paperwork, car ownership, work contract or paystubs, a letter from your employer stating how long you have worked for him and your salary, your tax receipts, investment accounts, etc. There paperwork says, "The list is not exhaustive." They can ask for anything additional that they want. They asked the girl I sent for her employer's banking records - that would be my company. My accountant wrote them a letter stating that it was absolutely none of their busines to look at my company's banking records. She still got the visa on the day of submitting this letter.

YOu will get it.

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