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Have U Ever Heard A Thai Fart ?


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I find it particularly revealing when someone (silently) farts in the car.

Then the blame game starts - momma toot!, no, Bodin toot!, no, Tilak toot!. So they generally blame me - poppa toot!. And I wind down the window for a few kilometres, and everyone is happy.

Problem is, it wasn't me in the first place, and the bloody culprit goes unpunished. :)

Not picking fault but help me here.I thought toot was arse/bum/bottom and tut was fart,or thats how it sounds when thais say the words.Maybe there is no direct englsih spelling and the tones are different but the words are the same

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sometimes my Thai condo neighbors are noisy on the balcony so I turn up the computer speakers and fire off a few prerecorded fart sound files downloaded from the internet. Their conversations stop dead in their tracks. Long silence. Cracks me up every time. Just google "fart sounds" or "pull my finger" and let the fun begin. ratemyfart dot com is good also.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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smelly farts means that you've eating lots of animal protein or milk products like cheese. If you take a high fiber diet, your fart will not smell as much. Furthermore, your bowel moves a lot faster - meaning that food passes through your guy much quicker. There is less putrification. Consequently fart that doesn't smell like strong cheese. :D:)

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..been married 18 months and finally faintly heard her fart this morning..but she has a very bad cold

signed: no wonder you hardly hear them, their orfices are sooooo tiny

Actually, a tiny orifice would make a trumpet sound. A big loose one would be like hearing a butterfly flap in a tunnel, not noticeable...

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Thais are shy people. While picking noses and spitting are deemed acceptable behaviour, farting out loud is something that can only be undertaken once a level of comfort / trust has been established.

During the start of the relationship, butt cheeks must be kept firmly squeezed so as not to let one slip. After 6 dates, it is appropriate to pass gas silently while appologising and blaming it on an upset stomach.

Once married, all rules are out the window - sadly the same can be said for the farts.

After 10 years of marriage, it is acceptable (and expected) that a Thai spouse will wait to fart until he/she are within appropriate olfactory range.

While some farangs might get upset with Thais taking over the farting thrown in the home, it's generally just one of those things you must learn to accept.

Much like when your spouse talks and it goes in one ear and out the other, it is recommended that when he/she farts in your general direction that you come back with a comment like "is that all you got honey" in order to save face.


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Thais are shy people. While picking noses and spitting are deemed acceptable behaviour, farting out loud is something that can only be undertaken once a level of comfort / trust has been established.

During the start of the relationship, butt cheeks must be kept firmly squeezed so as not to let one slip. After 6 dates, it is appropriate to pass gas silently while appologising and blaming it on an upset stomach.

Once married, all rules are out the window - sadly the same can be said for the farts.

After 10 years of marriage, it is acceptable (and expected) that a Thai spouse will wait to fart until he/she are within appropriate olfactory range.

While some farangs might get upset with Thais taking over the farting thrown in the home, it's generally just one of those things you must learn to accept.

Much like when your spouse talks and it goes in one ear and out the other, it is recommended that when he/she farts in your general direction that you come back with a comment like "is that all you got honey" in order to save face.


Correct to a tee. Although in my case it was after only a few months of marriage tha farts were sweetly shared. Only time I have had to tell her off was for letting rip at the meal time...but at all other times I am fair game for her "dtort yai". She has the loudest farts I have ever heard and happily shares with all family members with great mirth, but would never ever dare fart in public.

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Thais are shy people. While picking noses and spitting are deemed acceptable behaviour, farting out loud is something that can only be undertaken once a level of comfort / trust has been established.

During the start of the relationship, butt cheeks must be kept firmly squeezed so as not to let one slip. After 6 dates, it is appropriate to pass gas silently while appologising and blaming it on an upset stomach.

Once married, all rules are out the window - sadly the same can be said for the farts.

After 10 years of marriage, it is acceptable (and expected) that a Thai spouse will wait to fart until he/she are within appropriate olfactory range.

While some farangs might get upset with Thais taking over the farting thrown in the home, it's generally just one of those things you must learn to accept.

Much like when your spouse talks and it goes in one ear and out the other, it is recommended that when he/she farts in your general direction that you come back with a comment like "is that all you got honey" in order to save face.


Correct to a tee. Although in my case it was after only a few months of marriage tha farts were sweetly shared. Only time I have had to tell her off was for letting rip at the meal time...but at all other times I am fair game for her "dtort yai". She has the loudest farts I have ever heard and happily shares with all family members with great mirth, but would never ever dare fart in public.

pull my finger anyone?

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Now this is a question that vexed me for years - really.

It took a long time but I eventualy heard a Thai girl fart after well over a decade of being around them a lot

What a funny question…..Thais do fart like everybody else. There’re karaoke bars where people can ‘fart’ a song. You can find it almost in every city, called Fartaoke. It’s hard to understand that you never went into a fart club.


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Even though we've been together for two years, she still won't in front of me. When she goes to the bathroom, she runs the sprayer into the toilet to cover any sounds she makes! :):D :D

I think it's nice that she thinks I don't know that she's human! :D :D :D

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AH we do! haha i do too but not when my bf is around and u kno wot long time ago i heard the news that thai lady she was with her bf (thai) accidently she farted she felt ashame and then she left...later on she found dead...rite she has comitted suicide :)'

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The Thai attitude to smells does puzzle me somewhat - I get a little niffy after a 4 hour hike in the hot sun and they act as if they're going to die with the merest whiff of a sweaty armpit. Hot food and lack of basic sanitation can play havoc with the guts and, again, they fall over themselves to register their disgust at a bit of a guff. Yet their entire country absolutely stinks.

What's that all about then?

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