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Name The Trolls


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ok this forum has thousands of members and many of them are previously banned members and trolls.

reading thru half the threads i see wild accussations from posters saying that so and so is a troll, but how many of them are actually trolls and how many of them are just ppl asking idiotic qeustions cos they just dont know any better.

so its now time for the trolls to come forward and admit who they really are, yep thaiteengal that includes you, and also for us normal posters to post wild allegations against who we think are trolls, now i will start with the name of harry palmer being a troll, yep we all got to agree that harry is a troll, so lets start naming these trolls and start our own hall of shame for these ppl, maybe then they will learn that they cant pull one over us on thaivisa, so name the trolls ppl....

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i'm not sure either konangrit, i've seen the word used randomly here but not sure and not all that interested in finding out. it seems to be what they call people who ask alot or just certain questions or topics? i wonder if we're "trolls" for not knowing what it means. :o

i'm still wondering if theres a name for farhlongs living in thailand who think they're thai and expect to be treated as such by everyone, thais and tourists, and look down on visitors for asking a question or being in a position they once were (comment not directed at anyone). i mean an expat looking down on tourist/backpackers whatever, thats an oxymoron. i see it alot on the forum.

the reason why i come to this forum is to ask sometimes dumb questions and find answers or suggestions to other things relevant. this isn't a chat room. wether i post or read something someone else has posted i'm glad its there. i don't believe we have many kids on here just screwing around posting nonsense. some of the "stupid" posts here seem to be from people who are planning to come to thailand or just arrived. all they know is what "they've heard, stories". for those in thailand its like being asked where the best place to spot bigfoot is. we just want to hold our head and say "no....no, what you've been told or heard is not true". if you know the answer to someone's question or hear someone say a false statement, even basic, why not answer or correct it instead of letting them believe it or know how dumb it was to ask or how obvious the answer is if they think about it. they're are slow people out there.

i come here for information and answers not to chat or meet people or the such. so dumb questions do come from me if the person reading knows the answer. i just hope the one reading can help me and not make me look a fool for asking. this post just seems like a flame post to point out certain people whom random others think fall under the troll category so everyone knows. thats if my troll definition is anywhere near the actual made up one.

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In the words of Tom Clancy:

“A troll is somebody who logs into a newsgroup and posts something provocative purely for the sake of generating attention or starting an argument. The term supposedly came from fishing, wherein lines were set to troll for fish. Some say it comes from those mythical beasts who lived under bridges and menaced passers-by. Either way, a troll on UseNet is a waste of time and space. They are almost always anonymous, posting insults under screen names so as to be insulated from reprisals, and sometimes they go past merely being annoying to offering libel online. Some trolls are more clever than simply shouting obscenities into the faces of anyone around; they pose a question or comment in such a manner as to seem serious. But clever or merely loud, trolls are an annoying fact of net life. Sometimes very annoying. The anonymity of the net has given rise to tens of thousands of such losers. If they said those things to a man’s face, they would be looking for their teeth, but safe in their homes at a keyboard they feel free to insult the world at large. Sad that this is all the life they have.”


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In the words of Tom Clancy:

“A troll is somebody who logs into a newsgroup and posts something provocative purely for the sake of generating attention or starting an argument. The term supposedly came from fishing, wherein lines were set to troll for fish. Some say it comes from those mythical beasts who lived under bridges and menaced passers-by. Either way, a troll on UseNet is a waste of time and space. They are almost always anonymous, posting insults under screen names so as to be insulated from reprisals, and sometimes they go past merely being annoying to offering libel online. Some trolls are more clever than simply shouting obscenities into the faces of anyone around; they pose a question or comment in such a manner as to seem serious. But clever or merely loud, trolls are an annoying fact of net life. Sometimes very annoying. The anonymity of the net has given rise to tens of thousands of such losers. If they said those things to a man’s face, they would be looking for their teeth, but safe in their homes at a keyboard they feel free to insult the world at large. Sad that this is all the life they have.”


Sounds like 50 percent of people i encounter on a daily basis in Real life :D

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They are almost always anonymous, posting insults under screen names so as to be insulated from reprisals, and sometimes they go past merely being annoying to offering libel online. Some trolls are more clever than simply shouting obscenities into the faces of anyone around; they pose a question or comment in such a manner as to seem serious.

Open your eyes a little: everyone on this forum is anonymous.

Oddly enough though, many of the more interesting and amusing "trolls" are reviled for their "trolling", while some of the more foul mannered and insulting have in the recent past received the backing of one of this forum's more sycophantic moderators.

And in case you're wondering, yes - I too am a troll (my name is not really Johnny Moron).

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seems to me at least half the mods are trolls too?

i guess looking at the above definitions - i must be a troll myself?

i thought to qualify as a troll the offense should be more persistent and serious - but what the ###### do i know anyway!

i'm not bothered by troll mail, because if i dont like it i dont read it, i am more concerned with censorship.

have a nice day :o


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Tom Clancy must be smart has he has written alot of thick books.

Who ain't troll? Mods are. Most mature posters are. ###### even newbies can be trolls.

Long live the Harry-type people. They give some flavor (flavour) to the mix... :o

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Actually a 'tosspot' was not meant to be a derogatory term. It originated from people who can handle their drink. They can toss the drink down, thus tosspot.

Tosser is short for tosspot, but both are most certainly taken as an insult these days.

I have no evidence to back this up, whatsoever. Tosser.... :o

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But are trolls bad?

Are their provocative posts always bad?

Take the queen of trolls, IMHO, 'pudgimelon' usually doesn't start a thread herself but waits for the right one and then will put up a 2000 word reply beginning with the sort of respectable educated noises that most people agree with but then ever so slyly twists it into a personal rant against a section or two of society that pudgi has some problems with.

She puts you in a position of feeling morally forced to agree with him yet you know he's completely wrong. She's almost a clever sod but her arguments often have big holes in them and a couple of the more astute posters will pull her pieces and she'll disappear for a few months.

What she does do though is generate a lot of discourse on a, usually, controversial topic and this may be the upside to trolls in general. If the origional poster's twisted reasoning is pushed aside and an open and serious discussion results from the troll it's valuable.

As for my good mate Harry. Lighthearted banter, quite often informative and generally harmless. If some of the posters here didn't take themselves and their positions here so seriously Harry wouldn't feel the need to get a little 'naughty' and thereby incur the wrath of some [insert own words] moderator and get himself banned.

Whatever happened to BKKBarney? Sometimes the boards cops are a bit to real-life for me. corrupt and self serving.

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Tosser? :D

A scotsman who like playing with big wooden polls in cold fields wearing a skirt...

Yup, sounds like Harry Palmer to me :D

I always thought Tosser was equivalent to Wanquer(pardon the mispelling, but i guess u got ma meaning), but watdaIno, I'm a yank and that's limey talk.

Classic Troll was Nemesis, but he seems to have disappeared.

What happened to old Nemmy, methinks he's here under another name after banning. :o

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