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Name The Trolls


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She puts you in a position of feeling morally forced to agree with him yet you know he's completely wrong. She's almost a clever sod but her arguments often have big holes in them and a couple of the more astute posters will pull her pieces and she'll disappear for a few months.

I thought Pudgi was a guy for some reason. Now I'm not so sure anymore. :D

Same with alot of other posters, those I assume are guys, I later find out to be gals and vice versa. :o

Oh!Oh! I remember offering to do something with LC's arse a few months back. :D

LC, please tell me your a she. Pleeeeaaaasssse!! :D

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I always thought Tosser was equivalent to Wanquer(pardon the mispelling, but i guess u got ma meaning), but watdaIno, I'm a yank and that's limey talk.

'tis indeed a ######.

Absolutely correct. Tosser and ###### same same. :D

However, only basket-cases can actually say ###### and not ######. :o

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Harry is a souless fool and most of his posts are cut "n" paste jobies.  The biggest troll is still Duncan Donut/Smyth, he needs some Ritalin and fast

1st. jobbies.

2nd. Harry's no fool. He's a master. Most talked about poster on at least 3 thai forums and he's in the UK!

3rd. You're correct about Smyth except I'd change 'fast' to 'a fist'! :o

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They are almost always anonymous, posting insults under screen names so as to be insulated from reprisals, and sometimes they go past merely being annoying to offering libel online. Some trolls are more clever than simply shouting obscenities into the faces of anyone around; they pose a question or comment in such a manner as to seem serious.

Open your eyes a little: everyone on this forum is anonymous.

Oddly enough though, many of the more interesting and amusing "trolls" are reviled for their "trolling", while some of the more foul mannered and insulting have in the recent past received the backing of one of this forum's more sycophantic moderators.

And in case you're wondering, yes - I too am a troll (my name is not really Johnny Moron).

Thanks....I wondered what your real christian name was!! :o

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1st. jobbies.

2nd. Harry's no fool. He's a master. Most talked about poster on at least 3 thai forums and he's in the UK!

3rd. You're correct about Smyth except I'd change 'fast' to 'a fist'! :o

Jobies or Jobbies is slang, therefore it has no real correct spelling.

Hairy Palm was well talked about, unfortunately not much of it was good comments, if being disliked on three major forums is a claim to fame, i'm glad i dont share similar fame (i'm just disliked on one, this one). As for the UK, let him stay there, they deserve him.

The quality of posts on this forum has increased no end since his timely departure, lets just hope that if hairy palm decides to darken our doorway once more he finds the error of his ways and posts something interesting, useful or constructive.

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Jobies or Jobbies is slang, therefore it has no real correct spelling.

On the contrary a word must be spelt and it therefore has phonetic principles.

The 'flat' sound of job is made with 2 b's otherwise we'd be talking about 'joe-beez'

I love Harry and so do plenty of others Wolfie. time you came to accept that!

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Harry is a souless fool and most of his posts are cut "n" paste jobies.  The biggest troll is still Duncan Donut/Smyth, he needs some Ritalin and fast

1st. jobbies.

2nd. Harry's no fool. He's a master. Most talked about poster on at least 3 thai forums and he's in the UK!

3rd. You're correct about Smyth except I'd change 'fast' to 'a fist'! :o

Master of what? Crap posts? He's only a celeb because of sad muppets like you and CS starting threads about him. There's is a striking similiarity in style between his posts and Marko's posts. The sooner he f offs back to muang thai the better

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Jobies or Jobbies is slang, therefore it has no real correct spelling.

On the contrary a word must be spelt and it therefore has phonetic principles.

The 'flat' sound of job is made with 2 b's otherwise we'd be talking about 'joe-beez'

I love Harry and so do plenty of others Wolfie. time you came to accept that!

More BS. There are 3 different systems of translating Thai to English, is one translation right while the other is not? Some people spell the polite article Khup and other Krap(hehe).

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Jobies or Jobbies is slang, therefore it has no real correct spelling.

On the contrary a word must be spelt and it therefore has phonetic principles.

The 'flat' sound of job is made with 2 b's otherwise we'd be talking about 'joe-beez'

I love Harry and so do plenty of others Wolfie. time you came to accept that!

More BS. There are 3 different systems of translating Thai to English, is one translation right while the other is not? Some people spell the polite article Khup and other Krap(hehe).

Well, there's only one way to translate, although there are many different forms of transliteration in use.

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Jobies or Jobbies is slang, therefore it has no real correct spelling.

On the contrary a word must be spelt and it therefore has phonetic principles.

The 'flat' sound of job is made with 2 b's otherwise we'd be talking about 'joe-beez'

I love Harry and so do plenty of others Wolfie. time you came to accept that!

More BS. There are 3 different systems of translating Thai to English, is one translation right while the other is not? Some people spell the polite article Khup and other Krap(hehe).

No, what the man said about pronunciation is right. Whay call it BS?

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She puts you in a position of feeling morally forced to agree with him yet you know he's completely wrong. She's almost a clever sod but  her arguments often have big holes in them and a couple of the more astute posters will pull her pieces and she'll disappear for a few months.

I thought Pudgi was a guy for some reason. Now I'm not so sure anymore. :o

Same with alot of other posters, those I assume are guys, I later find out to be gals and vice versa. :D

LC, please tell me your a she. Pleeeeaaaasssse!! :D

Whatever were you going to do with her arse ?

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She puts you in a position of feeling morally forced to agree with him yet you know he's completely wrong. She's almost a clever sod but  her arguments often have big holes in them and a couple of the more astute posters will pull her pieces and she'll disappear for a few months.

I thought Pudgi was a guy for some reason. Now I'm not so sure anymore. :D

Same with alot of other posters, those I assume are guys, I later find out to be gals and vice versa. :o

Oh!Oh! I remember offering to do something with LC's arse a few months back. :D

LC, please tell me your a she. Pleeeeaaaasssse!! :D

Whatever were you going to do with her arse ?

I can't recall exactly Doc. I think she was looking for volunteers to kiss her ass or something. :D

No one had volunteered so I agreed. Only to improve Anglo-Thai relations you understand. :wub:

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Jobies or Jobbies is slang, therefore it has no real correct spelling.

On the contrary a word must be spelt and it therefore has phonetic principles.

The 'flat' sound of job is made with 2 b's otherwise we'd be talking about 'joe-beez'

More BS. There are 3 different systems of translating Thai to English, is one translation right while the other is not? Some people spell the polite article Khup and other Krap(hehe).

Translating Thai to English????? <deleted>??

We're talking about spelling an English word what's Thai got to do with it?

Get a good dictionary and look at the phonetics page.

Better still get Harry to do a google search and cut and paste the answer for you.

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I can't recall exactly Doc. I think she was looking for volunteers to kiss her ass or something. :o

No one had volunteered so I agreed. Only to improve Anglo-Thai relations you understand. :D

As I recall.... I made my point about some certain topic. And ended with "If anyone has a problem with it, then you can come kiss my arse."

It would be all right though if no one was taking the offer. My arse is still doing great without being kissed. :D

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I can't recall exactly Doc. I think she was looking for volunteers to kiss her ass or something.  :o

No one had volunteered so I agreed. Only to improve Anglo-Thai relations you understand. :D

As I recall.... I made my point about some certain topic. And ended with "If anyone has a problem with it, then you can come kiss my arse."

It would be all right though if no one was taking the offer. My arse is still doing great without being kissed. :D

But if it was kissed ... I wonder ... ???

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I can't recall exactly Doc. I think she was looking for volunteers to kiss her ass or something.  :o

No one had volunteered so I agreed. Only to improve Anglo-Thai relations you understand. :D

As I recall.... I made my point about some certain topic. And ended with "If anyone has a problem with it, then you can come kiss my arse."

It would be all right though if no one was taking the offer. My arse is still doing great without being kissed. :D

But if it was kissed ... I wonder ... ???

I do not think you really want to know that, Dr.

Elsie can be very Thai sometimes.

She could like it... :D:wub:

(Sorry LC, could not help it) :D

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I can't recall exactly Doc. I think she was looking for volunteers to kiss her ass or something.  :o

No one had volunteered so I agreed. Only to improve Anglo-Thai relations you understand. :D

As I recall.... I made my point about some certain topic. And ended with "If anyone has a problem with it, then you can come kiss my arse."

It would be all right though if no one was taking the offer. My arse is still doing great without being kissed. :D

But if it was kissed ... I wonder ... ???

I do not think you really want to know that, Dr.

Elsie can be very Thai sometimes.

She could like it... :D:wub:

(Sorry LC, could not help it) :D

Form an orderly queue. No pushin' or shovin' until it is your turn. -_-

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I can't recall exactly Doc. I think she was looking for volunteers to kiss her ass or something.  :o

No one had volunteered so I agreed. Only to improve Anglo-Thai relations you understand. :wub:

As I recall.... I made my point about some certain topic. And ended with "If anyone has a problem with it, then you can come kiss my arse."

It would be all right though if no one was taking the offer. My arse is still doing great without being kissed. :D

But if it was kissed ... I wonder ... ???

I do not think you really want to know that, Dr.

Elsie can be very Thai sometimes.

She could like it... :D-_-

(Sorry LC, could not help it) :D

Form an orderly queue. No pushin' or shovin' until it is your turn. :(

Having not me LC in the flesh, but judging her from her exquisite posts, I think I'd be quite happy to kiss her arse, as long as I can kiss other stuff as well. I'm into reciprocation, by the way. :D

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