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Pattaya City News


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Well after Pattaya Mail Channel and Pattaya People , I think Pattaya City news is the best of em . Its not fare to compare the low budget cable tv with TV in the States or UK etc. And remember they are censored pretty heavy .

They have some good advertisers on there so I guess it pays for them . Either way i think its better to have English tv in Pattaya than none .

So Sunny get ya head out ya ass and If you can do better . Rent some TV space and do it :o I look forward to Sunny TV News

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Interesting thread,

First of all, I welcome all comments about Pattaya City News whether positive or negative, however it would be more useful for me if people could actually tell me why they think it "sucks" or why it is "pisspoor". Then I could use the comments to attempt to improve the service.

DJ Pat,

The web site is maintained by myself and I think it has to be said that we are only a TV service at present and not a newspaper. I work to a strict deadline every day and I have to write the scripts very quickly in order for them to be on the show in time for the deadline. I am sorry for the poor gramma on some stories, but I would rather get the stories "on-air" and "on-line" quickly to maintain this unique service of providing Pattaya news stories on-line sometimes hours after the story takes place.


I can only speak for Pattaya City News and say that I do not "change" stories or adapt them to make good TV. The details of the stories are received in Thai language and are translated to me in English. I would hope that the details are accurate, but this is Pattaya and sometimes it is difficult to get full details of a story, but I defintely do not change any details that are translated to me.

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Interesting thread,

First of all, I welcome all comments about Pattaya City News whether positive or negative, however it would be more useful for me if people could actually tell me why they think it "sucks" or why it is "pisspoor". Then I could use the comments to attempt to improve the service.

DJ Pat,

The web site is maintained by myself and I think it has to be said that we are only a TV service at present and not a newspaper. I work to a strict deadline every day and I have to write the scripts very quickly in order for them to be on the show in time for the deadline. I am sorry for the poor gramma on some stories, but I would rather get the stories "on-air" and "on-line" quickly to maintain this unique service of providing Pattaya news stories on-line sometimes hours after the story takes place.


I can only speak for Pattaya City News and say that I do not "change" stories or adapt them to make good TV. The details of the stories are received in Thai language and are translated to me in English. I would hope that the details are accurate, but this is Pattaya and sometimes it is difficult to get full details of a story, but I defintely do not change any details that are translated to me.

What i meant H was the stories are given how the police etc want them to be heard.

I know you or the other channels are'nt that silly as to change the news details yourself. :D

For what its worth PCN is better than the other two.

(That australian women and the trendy old bloke (koh chang resort) on pattaya mail plus and of course doc etc, ) :D:o

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Interesting thread,

First of all, I welcome all comments about Pattaya City News whether positive or negative, however it would be more useful for me if people could actually tell me why they think it "sucks" or why it is "pisspoor". Then I could use the comments to attempt to improve the service.

DJ Pat,

The web site is maintained by myself and I think it has to be said that we are only a TV service at present and not a newspaper.

I did watch it 2 or 3 times, then I couldn't do that to me anymore.

So what's wrong? Well, because you asked for it, here's what I think:

A lot is probably due to the bad material you seem to be getting from your sources, thai TV or whatever. You should cut out at least half of the footage you show from the police press conference. (You can leave the bloody accident pictures in though :D )

Then this guy touring through the bars and interviewing - oh my god - what did he smoke, so excited, and so much nonsense :o

I don't know if you can afford to do that, but how about some background stories about Pattaya, its problems, its beauty(?), and its success stories? Well, probably you cannot do that, you might step on somebodies toes...

What is not clear, is if this is supposed to be journalism, or is it PR for Pattaya, or just a framework for ads? We might expect journalism, but if it is meant as framework for ads, yeah, we will be disappointed.

After it was mentioned here, I did have a look on your website. It took me a while to find the news. There's a book "the 10 biggest sins in web site design." Whoever fabricated this site did probably study it, but as a textbook about how to do web site design, misreading the word "sins" as "steps" or "guidelines" or so.

It starts with this flash intro, which takes ages to load (on a 56k connection) and which does its best to hide the navigation links, which are only accessible there.

It has the same style as the tv spots, thus I assume the same people behind it. Which leads me to assume further that it is not simply a question of low budget.

What amazes me is that you can sell that already! With so much room for improvement, how much could you sell if it would be improved significantly?

This is just my personal opinion, feel free to disagree!

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exactly, i agree with yuyi... especially about the web site.

You are an informational source, people come to the web site to get information (preferably quickly). I do not need/want to wait for over a minute for a flash page to load. You could do an eyecatching interface with high quality graphics and low bandwidth usage (small file sizes) and it would make the web site a lot more user friendly... the other thing you should be thinking about is the people who do not have flash installed, they cant see it at all without having to download the flash extensions to read it... quite a challenge for most novice computer users, which many people are.

Most content sites (such as yours) are supported by adverstising revenue. The amount of that advertising revenue is usually based on the number of clicks or views of certain pages. You could enhance your advertising revenue gained by adhering to a simple and fast interface...

Remember you are an information source where people want the information quickly not a web design firm showing off their skills in flash... a few other tips, upload your images in "jpeg" and "gif" (and not "psd" files) and lower resolution please like a medium quality "jpeg" file in photoshop would suffice for most of the images and the download speed would be alot quicker...

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and as for the tv show, i like being able to see the local news in english and i commend those who take the time to put it together for us... but as others have said there is definately room for improvement.

The scripts, especially some of the wording could do with some work... for example i was around at my mates house at 4pm the other day and his kids who understand english heard somewhere along the lines of... "her brain was detached from her skull"... and a picture of some chick dead on the side of road with blood all over her... even i was a bit taken back by the scripting of the words...

For an example of your audio editing... the wine and dine for the art cafe when the guy says it is a quiet place to sit and eat and then right at that point a motorbike nearly sounds out his voice... the whole way thru the interview before and after that point was quiet... it was comical that the motorbike came right at that point when he said it was a quiet place to be...

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just as a matter of interest... how come in today's headlines on all the english news programmes there was no mention of the new early closing times that were enforced as of last night?

...i thought that would have been a significant headline?

could have been interesting to have them explained to who they are benfiting and also to have some interviews on how tourists and locals thought of the idea?

afterall, isnt the news meant to be the voice of reason for everyone :-)

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For an example of your audio editing... the wine and dine for the art cafe when the guy says it is a quiet place to sit and eat and then right at that point a motorbike nearly sounds out his voice... the whole way thru the interview before and after that point was quiet... it was comical that the motorbike came right at that point when he said it was a quiet place to be...

... or in the police report when the voice said that a farang did report a pickpocket stealing his money and exactly then they showed the girl sitting next to him (bargirl GF ?) picking something out of his shirt pocket - first I thought for a second, wow, they did catch the thief in action, then I was ROTF LMAO :o:D:D

At least that was funny...

No comments anymore from the TV guy?

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like i mentioned before, i do commend these guys who produce the english news shows, as producing any tv show is a challenging procedure... let alone in a foreign country.... and in most cases the quality of any production is always determined by the budget available for resources for the production...

so i hope this thread has not been taken by them as a negative demise on them, because i think this thread should be taken with a great load of positivity that people (their viewers) have taken the time to share their thoughts and feelings... good feedback for any business i would have thought...

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Utter Crud all of them, the only one I would leave online if I were the Thai Authorities is the Pattaya Mail chanel, at least it is well produced and does nothing to highlight the seedier side of Pattaya.

There is noting wrong with the seedier side its what makes it an interesting town, but as a resident here why would I want to shout about it? I want it kept quiet so no one starts making changes, these changes are happening because suddenly TH is worried about its worldwide reputation.

I think its best to keep it quiet, stop talking about it altogether so every one forgets about it and stops trying to change it.

Apart from that Howard the TV and the Colon guy make utter rubbish programming. It is poor quality, out of date and not very interesting.

I am suprised Pattaya People news have time for anything else the owner is a member of so many organizations, maybe pattaya should be the Hub for organizations?

They must have been members of the 18-30 group, you remeber them when you were at school they had no mates to do stuff with so joined up with everyone lese who had no mates..:o

It is a shame, change is good but so much of what is being highlighted and therefore changed is not for the better I fear.

Send them both home for working as police officers without work permits

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I would have replied yesterday (sunday) but my internet wasn't working.

No comments to make really, I am just reading the thread and taking in all the comments. I ask one thing though. Many people confuse my show with Pattaya People, please don't. I am not the guy that does the "Around the Town's". On a small note, the noise in the baqckground in the Art Cafe piece is not a motorbike, it is torrential rain. It was falling out the sky on that night!!!!

Buster Gonad,

With a name like that it is hard to take you seriously. I could pull you up on many of your points which are simply not true but I won't.

Keep the comments coming!!

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HTV or PCN which ever you go under these days

Name is meant to be funny:

Comments are serious though, crud programming, crud presenting and boring news that serves no puropose for any one except you brown nosing with the authorities and creating a vehicle for your extreemly poor advertising.

Fact is i doubt very much if you would still be a voulenteer if your shows were taken off air!!

Need I be more specific? However full marks for showing your face, I stated in a post on another topic that you at least have the courage of your convictions and are willing to take the flak for it.

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Hi this is my first post here thought I would say hello everyone. 

Howard and Niels make the best, superbest TV in pattaya and in the world. 

I paid this guys once for advertising, now that come each week for free food. What can I do 

please help 

Crazy Dave 

Could someone translate and tell me what this guy means????????

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Basically it SUCKS. :D

The adverts are really amateurish and not clever in the least. :D I honesty just turn them off, flick to v channel or cnn (Advertisers note this).

The only thing more annoying than Howard Miller doing voiceover speaking into a tin can is the Khmer voiceovers with reverb on "11". scary comparison. :D

The adverts portrayed as "interviews" are painfully boring -especially that new one for the taekwondo studio, but they are all pretty bad. :wub:

The art cafe and the long horn pieces are really trite and tired. The 'art' in the art cafe may have been painted by monkeys with paintbrushes up their asses, its that bad. -_-

Why does Howard Miller always have to get his mug in every shot he is able? Why does he have to ask such bad, boring questions in monotone? :D

I love the billing ..Howard Miller "Executive Director" -who did he have to pay or what did he have to buy oe who did he have to blow for that one? :(

Thanks to Pattaya Immigration (ACK GASP GAG HACK) let us kiss your bunghole and a big shout out to General ???? who does absolutely nothing to have his name appear on screen. Well, help Howard sort out his personal visa issues....

Niels Cocklove is just as annoying - more so at times especially the way he lavishes praise on the incompetent immigration, tourist, volunteer prick police. He's the sort of weenie 'joiner' type that has to be the center of attention always and of everything. :o

God Bless Crazy Dave - that mug has been here forever and somehow pulls it off back there on chayapoon. About the only good thing to Pattayas expansion is he might finally do alraight.

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Basically it SUCKS. :wub:

The adverts are really amateurish and not clever in the least. :D I honesty just turn them off, flick to v channel or cnn (Advertisers note this).

The only thing more annoying than Howard Miller doing voiceover speaking into a tin can is the Khmer voiceovers with reverb on "11". scary comparison. :D

The adverts portrayed as "interviews" are painfully boring -especially that new one for the taekwondo studio, but they are all pretty bad. :(

The art cafe and the long horn are really trite and tired. The 'art' in the art cafe may have been painted by monkeys with paintbrushes up their asses, its that bad. :)

Why does Howard Miller always have to get his mug in every shot he is able? Why does he have to ask such bad, boring questions in monotone? -_-

I love the billing ..Howard Miller "Executive Director" -who did he have to pay or what did he have to buy oe who did he have to blow for that one? :)

Niels Cocklove is just as annoying - more so at times especially the way he lavishes praise on the incompetent immigration, tourist, volunteer prick police. He's the sort of weenie 'joiner' type that has to be the center of attention always and of everything. :o


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  • 3 weeks later...

Pattaya City news is funnier than the Simpsons.

Its so bad its hilarious.

The camera work is abysmal.

The editing is abysmal

The presenter is abysmal

When I first saw it I thought the whole thing was a pisstake as it was so bad then someone told me it was serious


Ive seen videos from Junior school's that were beter made.

Its also one of the biggest arse kissers around, or is that just Mr H ??

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After it was mentioned here, I did have a look on your website. It took me a while to find the news. There's a book "the 10 biggest sins in web site design." Whoever fabricated this site did probably study it, but as a textbook about how to do web site design, misreading the word "sins" as "steps" or "guidelines" or so.

Agree 110%.

I hate all Websites that take too long to load.

I recommend having a look at http://www.webpagesthatsuck.com/

On a lighter note: I just read the article Immigration Police announce the arrest of a German Diamond Thief...

It is obvious that this gentleman is innocent. I can tell this because in none of the occompaning photos is there somebody pointing at him. :o

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