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hi, I have 14 units of this screens which I would like to sell/turn for the propuse of upgrade to LCD .wehre is it possible to make this kind of deal?

I would like to get something like 2500B for each screen.I have to say the screens are in perfect condition the only reason is me wanting to upgrade..


its just 2 years old screens.. not old at all.

I completely understand - I think you will be able to get rid of them in Thailand but here in Singapore nobody wants them and if one comes back off site we dump it - we try not to take them back in if we can help it


You might sell a few through small ads, various web sites etc.

A secondhand computer shop might take a few off your hands, I would suggest taking three in to each second hand shop you can find for a quick turn over. Only take three in your car per trip but say you could find another one if they sell well - do not tell the shop owner you have 14 to off load in one hit - your best bet is not to alert the seller that you are flooding the local market with these screens. Too much stock drives the price down.

You don't say where you are, there are places in Pattaya/Bangkok that sell secondhand computer systems ready built up/refurbished - try talking to one of these places - they might have 14 barebones PCs ready to turn into complete systems ready to go.


I think you'll be lucky getting 1000 baht each - nobody wants CRT screens these days. Donate them to a school or something like that.

We tried to donate to schools, charities etc in a few Asian countries and not one taker!


Prakanong ! Stop the Bull#$ !!

Yes,we also tried to donate some school in the village pc's with Xp and no takers as they want only Vista.. :o

Prakanong ! Stop the Bull#$ !!

Yes,we also tried to donate some school in the village pc's with Xp and no takers as they want only Vista.. :o

You want to bet I am bullshitting?

I tell the site staff to send only the CPU's back but often they will not keep the CRT's - we have to take them back and dump them.

I only take the CPU's back to make sure the HD is completely wiped even if we do not store data on them and only programs. They would be dumped as well in most cases - so cheap to buy as part of a clinical trial and too expensive to send back to Europe and often other Asian countries like Thailand or PI due to both shipping costs and import duties.

Clinical trials cost multi-million dollars to run - the cost of a PC etc is such a teensy weensy part it not worth taking stuff back but we can not give them to the Dr's etc unless its in the original contract as part of their payment - FDA rules or at least good practice.

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