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Rottweiler Pedigrees

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I'm just about to buy a Rottweiler puppy bitch. We were going to have her in a couple of weeks, but they came with her yesterday with no warning at all, she's only six weeks, & even though she's eating alright, she's still to young, but we took her. Anyway today i phoned up to enquire about the pedigree & i was told that dogs in Thailand don't come with pedigrees [papers], is this correct or is it just Essan area, I live in Buriram, or am i being misled. I'm not sure if i will show her or not, but i hope to do working trails with her, if they have any in Thailand that is. Also in a couple of years hopefully breed from her, but without the pedigree i can't register her or any puppies. How do i go on, give her back or keep her?

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That is a load of rubbish - someone is telling you porkies.

There is a very active Kennel club of Thailand and pedigree certificates are issued as a matter of course.

I have a Golden and two Shih Tzus - all three with duly certified pedigree papers and all from different sources.

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I'm just about to buy a Rottweiler puppy bitch. We were going to have her in a couple of weeks, but they came with her yesterday with no warning at all, she's only six weeks, & even though she's eating alright, she's still to young, but we took her. Anyway today i phoned up to enquire about the pedigree & i was told that dogs in Thailand don't come with pedigrees [papers], is this correct or is it just Essan area, I live in Buriram, or am i being misled. I'm not sure if i will show her or not, but i hope to do working trails with her, if they have any in Thailand that is. Also in a couple of years hopefully breed from her, but without the pedigree i can't register her or any puppies. How do i go on, give her back or keep her?

Thailand has a Kennel Club. Have you looked at their web site ?

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Thanks for your quick response, Mobi i thought maybe they were & no i haven't tried the KC web site but i will & Hanibal 7 i don't need an expert to tell me that she's to young, I know she is. Eight weeks really is min, but 9 or 10 weeks is better, why did i have her then, even though i could have refused, they did not give me much chance. Thanks again

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Its always good to have your dogs papers (and important-essential if you plan to breed) and dogs born in Thailand do have papers.

Maybe ThaiGerd will have some info for you and how you should go about sorting out your problem :o

Also the link for the Kennel Club of Thailand


Edited by MsFigure
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As said before: a load of rubbish. Next to the KCT there is a VERY active Rottweiler club of Thailand: www.thailandrottweilerclub.com and

http://images.google.co.th/imgres?imgurl=h...;sig2=sPZ9qRJgY (yep that's an article written by me with me on the pic's. :o )

6 weeks of age is certainly too young, as the pup will lack the discipline from the mom and the play with the littermates. it will give you much more work with a proper socialization.

I'm afraid that if you already have paid for the pup that there is not much you can do anymore about the pedigree. You definitely should report it to the Thai Rottweiler Club, though. They are pretty serious about their breed. Khun Nattiwat is the president and speaks English. If you would like his phone number, please, Pm me.

A quality (physically and mental sound) rottweiler will cost you 20,000 and up.


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I would like to thank everyone who wrote to give me advice about the Rottweiler Pedigrees & all the infomation i have found through your replies. Even though we had only had the puppy for 2 nights, it was with a sad heart that we returned her to her previous owner. Has i had said, she wasn't expected for another 2 or 3 weeks, & she was just dumped on us, so luckly we had not payed for her.

Haveing looked at pictures of other puppies that i have found on the different sites you have sugested, i realise just how little bone she had. I know that she was only 6 weeks & the others would most likely have been a bit older, but if they are not born with bone, they are not going to make it up later.

I think now, i will take my time, & visit a few shows & talk to some breeders. Even though i have set my heart on a Rottweiler, my wife might yet persuade me otherwise, & end up with a golden retriever.

I must tell you my first love & will always be is the Alsatian G.S.D, but since the changing of the breed standard in England, because of the inability of some breeders to breed a decent dog, & from what i've seen lately it still no better ,there has not been a decent dog since Ch Royvon's Giaconda, the breed has, excuse the pun, gone to the dogs. The reason i want to change breeds, I actualy finnished breeding about 15 years ago, is that i would always be compareing todays dogs which have roached backs, no shoulders , no bone & among other things bad temprements, ect, ect to the beautifull dogs of the past, also i have always like the Rottweiler.

I know i must have sounded like a complete novice, but this is Thailand & anything can happen here, but pedigrees are one thing i'm glad still exsist here. One thing this has taught me, is never do things on the spur of the moment. I know this is going to cause a lot of coments from the breeders of G.S.D's, but i'm not the first to say that about the breed, & i won't be the last. Thanks again everyone

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There are a few good GSD breeders in Thailand. And there is the GSD Club of Thailand. They do give Specialty shows as well.

There's one lady, Khun Vipada or lovingly called PaWee, who has bred good GSD's. She has been in the committee of the GSD Club for ages and now rescues them. If you like to talk GSD beauty line or working line, then PaWee is the lady to talk to. She speaks excellent English. She can also tell you about the shows, most probably. I'll pm you her email address.

As for a good rottweiler breeder I'm impressed with Khun Tawatchai. He has been breeding for over 10 years and usually has good dogs, many imported from Germany which he will choose in person. His kennel is called Bangkok Wappen: http://www.geocities.com/bangkokwappen/engversion.htm


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Rotties have more than their fair share of genetic problems, especially hip dysplasia etc which can be very expensive to "fix", and you can end up with a dog spending it's life in pain, becoming lame, developing a bad temperament etc. Buying from a recommended breeder with papers, seeing the parents, getting the puppy checked by an expert/vet etc, greatly reduces the risk.

6 weeks is too young. A decent professional breeder wouldn't do anything like this.

Rotties are great dogs, but they are not for everyone. If there is any likely issue of you or your wife being able to control the dog, get something smaller, more manageable. A 50+ kg rottie that has not been trained/socialised probably can become a fearsome menace.

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If you are intersted, I can give you the name of an excellent Golden Retriever breeder. He shows his dogs and is also a vet. His breeds also contain champions from the USA and Canada.

I bought my bitch from him about two years ago, and she is very beautiful, with a wonderful nature, and barely a day's sickness.

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I would like to thank everyone who wrote to give me advice about the Rottweiler Pedigrees & all the infomation i have found through your replies. Even though we had only had the puppy for 2 nights, it was with a sad heart that we returned her to her previous owner. Has i had said, she wasn't expected for another 2 or 3 weeks, & she was just dumped on us, so luckly we had not payed for her.

Haveing looked at pictures of other puppies that i have found on the different sites you have sugested, i realise just how little bone she had. I know that she was only 6 weeks & the others would most likely have been a bit older, but if they are not born with bone, they are not going to make it up later.

I think now, i will take my time, & visit a few shows & talk to some breeders. Even though i have set my heart on a Rottweiler, my wife might yet persuade me otherwise, & end up with a golden retriever.

I must tell you my first love & will always be is the Alsatian G.S.D, but since the changing of the breed standard in England, because of the inability of some breeders to breed a decent dog, & from what i've seen lately it still no better ,there has not been a decent dog since Ch Royvon's Giaconda, the breed has, excuse the pun, gone to the dogs. The reason i want to change breeds, I actualy finnished breeding about 15 years ago, is that i would always be compareing todays dogs which have roached backs, no shoulders , no bone & among other things bad temprements, ect, ect to the beautifull dogs of the past, also i have always like the Rottweiler.

I know i must have sounded like a complete novice, but this is Thailand & anything can happen here, but pedigrees are one thing i'm glad still exsist here. One thing this has taught me, is never do things on the spur of the moment. I know this is going to cause a lot of coments from the breeders of G.S.D's, but i'm not the first to say that about the breed, & i won't be the last. Thanks again everyone

I have been exactly where you are. I also love the GSD and was brought up with them along with Dobermans. I have quite a bit of experience with dogs and thought that getting a different breed (Rottweilers) was the same. The training was very similar, but the standard and when buying a pup was different. I also made the mistake of buying inferior breeds here. One of my dogs died aged 4 (a sad day, but great memories) and another dog is still around in retirement so to speak, with the wifes family. They love him, especially as he is smart and well trained. :D

I have just bought another Rottweiler and learned from my mistakes. I paid more (but well worth it) but got it from a good breeding line and what a difference it's made. I have also just gone for a new breed the Boxer. What a great breed this is, but like all other dogs have different personalities and needs.

I would say learn from this, enjoy the fact that dogs are wonderful and do a bit more research. also I would say that getting a dog is like adopting a child, you have to make sure everything is right and all will be well. It just takes time.

Go for the Rottweiler they have impressed me so much and when you decide show us some pics. The GSD is a beautiful dog and I have so much respect for them, but seeing them looking like a shaved skinhead does sadden me a bit, but I understand why.

Go for the Rottweiler, you will not be dissapointed.


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I would like to thank everyone again for your replies & advice. Has i said i think now i will go to some shows with my wife & talk to some breeders.

After haveing a good talk with my wife, it seems that, even though she loved the Rottweiler pup, she only agreed to have one because i wanted one, she even admited to being scared of them. So i'm sorry to say that even though i like the Rottweiler very much, it would be unfair to expect my wife to have one, not to mention being unfair on the dog.

Like the G.S.D, they have had their share of troubles, but most of the bad press is because of bad owners, which is a pity because they are a beautiful & inteligent dog.

Thanks Nienke for Khun Vipada, even though i won't be haveing a G.S.D. i would still like to look when it's convienent for her.

Laughing gravy it's the first time i've heard G.S.D's refered to has shaved skinheads, but very apt. Don't know if you are from England, but do you or anyone else remember Mrs Tidbold, Eveley Alsatians or any dogs & breeders from the 60's 70's & 80's.

I think it will be the golden retriever i will be buying, my wife & i think they are a beautiful dog, but i won't be doing what i did last week with the Rottweiler, that is buying first & thinking after. I will take my time until i can find what i'm looking for Thanks again everyone

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I would like to thank everyone again for your replies & advice. Has i said i think now i will go to some shows with my wife & talk to some breeders.

After haveing a good talk with my wife, it seems that, even though she loved the Rottweiler pup, she only agreed to have one because i wanted one, she even admited to being scared of them. So i'm sorry to say that even though i like the Rottweiler very much, it would be unfair to expect my wife to have one, not to mention being unfair on the dog.

Like the G.S.D, they have had their share of troubles, but most of the bad press is because of bad owners, which is a pity because they are a beautiful & inteligent dog.

Thanks Nienke for Khun Vipada, even though i won't be haveing a G.S.D. i would still like to look when it's convienent for her.

Laughing gravy it's the first time i've heard G.S.D's refered to has shaved skinheads, but very apt. Don't know if you are from England, but do you or anyone else remember Mrs Tidbold, Eveley Alsatians or any dogs & breeders from the 60's 70's & 80's.

I think it will be the golden retriever i will be buying, my wife & i think they are a beautiful dog, but i won't be doing what i did last week with the Rottweiler, that is buying first & thinking after. I will take my time until i can find what i'm looking for Thanks again everyone

I understand your situation and believe me I have been there. I am from England and know the GSD. I also had to deal with the "Devil Dogs, "Killer Dogs" and also "Evil Animals"I know what some Thai people say. I also remember from not so long ago, what lovely giant babies you have. This is referring to my giant 44kg wife telling my Rottweilers, sit, down and still. Wait for your food. These 60-80kg killers sitting like little lambs waiting for this monster 44 kg wife to allow them to eat, play sit or what ever she decided.

Sometimes you have to make a stance and say this is what I want, learn about it, educate people and realise that there are only bad dog owners not bad dogs. My wife now knows that these killer dogs are much safer than any other dog, once they know there place in the "pecking order", they are friends for life. They just need training like we all do!!! Maybe they don't look like a little Barbie doll (although I am glad), but in my opinion are very beautiful dogs, are most of the working breeds.

Good luck either way, but please don't get suckered in too taking dogs around the supermarket in wooly jumpers, in the shopping trolley, with a ribbon in their hair? :o

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