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Vista Sp1 - Any Known Problems With The Upgrade?


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is anyone aware of any known issues with the SP1 upgrade? I am nervous to install it.

Using an ASUS laptop with Vista Home Premium Edition, if that makes any difference...

I don't know much about computing as you can probably tell!


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Guest Reimar

I had problem when updating my Vista Ultimate and my Acer 5593 Laptop and the decided to do a clean new Installation because I had already to much "rubbish" on it.

Done that and upgraded to SP1 after that, installed my need programs and viola: Works like a dream now.

Before the CPU usage was everytime above 50% and Memory (2GB) by min. 55% now after the new installation and with SP1 the CPU usage is on a 1-4% at most time and hardly goes up to 50% even if use havy programs. Memory usage is now 48%.

So it is a improvement but may there will be some problems depend on the installed software pp. if you just do an upgrade. If you can, I suggest to go the way as I done.


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Installed Vista SP1 on my Sony Laptop and had no problems at all

Was expecting all kinds of problems because SP1 had not been offered to me through windows update even though my Vista is 100% legit

Was tired of my HDD being accessed all the time even though I have 2gigs

DL'd SP1 myself last week and it went fine - took about an hour and had no driver issues etc

SP1 seems to be much better as now my HDD light is not flashing ALL THE TIME!

Also finally had the courage to update the Geforce Drivers on my laptop with the latest modified driver and got a BIG increase in FPS in Age Of Conan

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Was expecting all kinds of problems because SP1 had not been offered to me through windows update even though my Vista is 100% legit

cheers for the responses!

do u know how i can check if my vista is totally legit? I assume I would know by now if it wasn't, but after the experience I had when buying the laptop, I don't have much faith in the retailer!

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Guest Reimar
Was expecting all kinds of problems because SP1 had not been offered to me through windows update even though my Vista is 100% legit

cheers for the responses!

do u know how i can check if my vista is totally legit? I assume I would know by now if it wasn't, but after the experience I had when buying the laptop, I don't have much faith in the retailer!

What brand is your Laptop? Has your Laptop and Vista License Sticker on the bottom? If your Vista is legit an was coming with the Laptop, there must be an Sticker.


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I did the SP1 on a pretty new installation of Vista Home premium on Acer Aspire 5920 about six weeks ago. Running smoothly ever since. Performance enhanced as others wrote above.

One problem but I can't tell if has to do with SP1 - I tried a system reset to an earlier date some days ago, it comes back with the message, restore not possible, system files not changed. The chosen date was well after the SP1 update.

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cheers for the responses!

do u know how i can check if my vista is totally legit? I assume I would know by now if it wasn't, but after the experience I had when buying the laptop, I don't have much faith in the retailer!

Can also visit this Microsoft site for information on legitimate Microsoft software.


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well, I did it, and can't notice any difference except that MSN messenger asks me to insert the CD-ROM which I don't have when it loads, and I have lost the serial number for cFos Speed v4.03.1332 which came pre-installed, and now issues me with an annoying warning at start up.

..if it ain't broke...

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well, I did it, and can't notice any difference except that MSN messenger asks me to insert the CD-ROM which I don't have when it loads, and I have lost the serial number for cFos Speed v4.03.1332 which came pre-installed, and now issues me with an annoying warning at start up.

..if it ain't broke...

You should be able to uninstall/reinstall MSN Messenger and nail that one. cFos isn't an Asus factory preinstall so whoever did the original install probably used a cracked version, plenty downloads available on torrents out there but we can't talk about that!

I have a new Asus U3 with Vista Business and did the SP1 last month sometime, no issues so far but the laptop had fewer programs loaded at the time. However, anything I have installed since has worked and no problems with the pre- SP1 stuff either.

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