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Scenario: A foreigner is having a house built their wife's land, forigner will paying for house construction, their name will be on building contract with builder, they'll register house at land office under their name when complete.

Question 1: Can anyone apply for the building permit for foreigner under their name, without power of attorney. Ie: A.N.Other takes the architect's drawings down to Tessabahn and applies for the building permit with A.N.Other's name on it. Might be the builder, a developer, foreigner's brother, wife's brother, milkman etc. Would this be a legal build ?

Question 2: Under the above could the foreigner just register house at land office under his name or would the person whose name is on the building permit have to 'transfer' it to the foreigner at land office ?

Thanks for any help chaps,



Well, from the answers I got to my own post last week and inquiries I made around me (from Thai people and farang friends who built before), it seems that to ask for the build permit has nothing to do the the ownership of the building. Finally, in my case, I will leave the builder do what he always did : he will go to the "obertor" (it is not the land office that give the built permit) with the plans and ask for the permit in his own name. Then, we will have a contract between him and me and my friend (we arre a gay farang couple), saying that he will built the ouse for us. That contract will be supervise by out lawyer. Then I will pay him at each milestone describe in the contract, and he will give us receipt in me and my friend names. At the end, after checking that everything correct, we will sign a common document saying that the job is done and that we, the owners of the house (and all life time usufructuaries of the land by the way), accept the house (we will have a minimum of one year guaranty). After that, we will go to the Thai local administration to get a yellow book (tabien baan) with our names fill in.

Sorry for my not so good English writing. Hope that could help you. Best regards.

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