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Us$23 Billion Has Been Lost, Stolen Or Not Properly Accounted For In Iraq.

Chris Lawrence

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Watched this program last night. It was very interesting.


Where did the money go? An investigation into claims that up to US$23 billion has been lost, stolen or not properly accounted for in Iraq.

Daylight Robbery

Reporter: BBC Panorama

Broadcast: 30/06/2008

When the US goes to war, corporate America goes too.

If there’s a role to be filled, chances are a private company will fill it – whether it’s feeding troops, trucking goods, guarding facilities or even interrogating some prisoners.

Contractors now reportedly outnumber soldiers, and many of their contracts came through companies with connections to die for in Washington.

With up to $23 billion believed to have been wasted, thieved, lost or unaccounted for, the BBC’s Panorama program asks if a culture of cronyism explains where some of the money went.

"They are the quintessential war profiteers – they made money out of chaos," says one witness.

More than 70 whistleblower cases could open the book on the missing billions – if it wasn’t for gagging orders issued by US justice authorities.

But Panorama hears from some people at the heart of the affair about who got rich and who got burnt. There are allegations of fraud and favouritism, contracts scored without competitive bidding, companies inflating their costs and double counting, and fortunes ending up in the pockets of Iraqi officials.

"Daylight Robbery" - on Four Corners at 8.30 pm Monday 30 June, on ABC1.

This program will be repeated about 11.35 pm Tuesday 1 July; also on ABC2 at 8 am Tuesday.

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