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Man Bites Snake


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I try to avoid the zoo for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the dual pricing, but sometimes the kids just can't be denied.

Last time I went (several years ago) no amount of cajoling could convince the clerks that my son was Thai and should get the Thai price. They even charged my wife the farang price, because she was with me.

This time my son and I went without the wife, and speaking Thai with the clerks this time seemed to make a difference--I paid Thai price for both entry to the zoo and for the monorail tickets. I wouldn't even have asked for myself, but the clerks asked me if I was a long term resident--what a surprise!

Other than that, the place was still the usual run down spectacle I'd remembered. For those that haven't ridden the monorail yet, it is somewhat a disappointment--can't really see much from the train and you could just about get around faster by walking.

And for some reason I just wasn't impressed at the show when the guy shoved a snake down his pants... maybe I'm just too jaded.

Just my 2 cents in case anyone was looking for a more recent review.


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Yes, I have to agree I'm afraid. I also go because my Son's love animals, and I really thought that the mono rail may help improve the Zoo, but it's scary to be honest, reminds me of a Simpsons episode! (probably have to be a Simpsons fan to get what I mean!).

It's such a shame because it could and should be so good there, but it's so far to walk round, the mono rail is scary and I don't think you can take cars in now. The animals are a dissapointment and the building works, mess and sad animals don't help to make a visit there a great experience.

I know someoene in another thread about the Zoo said that instead of complaining we should tell the Zoo how to improve, but I think the whole Zoo needs changing.

I like the lake at the night safari for kids, easy walk, beautiful views and healthy fun animals.


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And for some reason I just wasn't impressed at the show when the guy shoved a snake down his pants... maybe I'm just too jaded.

Might I ask, when was the last time you shoved a snake down your pants?

My Thai wife and I took our 2 year old daughter there a month ago. Although we never used the monorail, I thought it was very exercising to walk up and down those hills, especially with my 2 yo. I enjoyed what all we saw but we were only there for about 3 or 4 hrs and did not get to see it all. We will surely make a trip back at a later date.

As for the pricing, I didn't quite understand that. I can't remember exactly what it said on the signs where I paid the admission but from what I read and figured out, I was only charged half of what I expected to pay. I think I paid 100 baht for all 3 of us. For me $3 is not a bad deal for a half day of exercise and entertainment for my daughter.

My only disappointment was with the 'chang' (elephants). This is my daughter’s favorite animal and the Saturday that we were there they only had two outside. We were too late getting to that exhibition to see the last show of the day.

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Are you guys talking about the night safari or CM Zoo along Huay Kaew Rd? The last time I went to CM Zoo a couple of years ago there wasn't 2-tier pricing. Have things changed? I've never been to the night safari and don't intend to because of the scandals and corruption surrounding it, but quite enjoyed the zoo.

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Are you guys talking about the night safari or CM Zoo along Huay Kaew Rd? The last time I went to CM Zoo a couple of years ago there wasn't 2-tier pricing. Have things changed? I've never been to the night safari and don't intend to because of the scandals and corruption surrounding it, but quite enjoyed the zoo.

I was speaking of the zoo and not the night safari as I have yet been to the night safari. But overall, my opinion of the zoo was that the experience my family had was worth the little that we paid. I would recommend it, but be prepared for walking up and down the hillside or else you can use the monorail or bus system. We used neither as we enjoyed the exercise.

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I love Chiang Mai zoo and go a lot; never an issue getting the local price no matter who I go with. (And of course you speak Thai with Thai people, I think that goes without saying?? Life is better that way.)

The tiger restaurant in Mae Rim seems to have moved to dual pricing though I can't really blame them seeing how low their prices are and how high their costs must be. And as soon as they suspect you're a resident you get the local menu, which is astonishingly cheap for really good food.

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I seem to remember a plan to serve exotic meals made from different animals around the world at a new restaurant at the zoo :D... Did that Thaksinesk plan ever go thru?...

This was at the Night Safari, when under management by the infamous "Ploddy" Plodprasop (spelling?). Another idea for "upgrading" Thailand to attract more "high class" tourists :o

/ Priceless

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