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Looking For Hydroponics Suppliers And Showcase Farms In Thailand

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Hi - I'm actually from the Philippines, I have a backyard hydroponics setup using Autopots and NFT. I have been trying to find hydroponics suppliers in Thailand, when I came across this site. I have been going over the forums trying to find sources for media (light expanded clay aggregate or LECA, Perlite, etc), as well as hydroponics farms I may visit to gain more knowledge. If you have any info to point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it. I have good memories of Bangkok, most of it invloves good food :o . I plan to swing by Singapore (to see the green roofs on their building roof tops), then head over to Bangkok to see the hydroponics farms/suppliers.

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Hello redfirehorse, the main places are listed on the other post(s), things don't change fast here. Wouldn't it be easer to get things direct to the PI from OZ?

While your in the SQ airport after you check in to 'leave', check the potted plants, they use hydrotron (growrocks).

Aerogreen may be open for tours in SQ, big areoponics farm, a friend showed me his pictures.

Have a nice trip


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Yeah, hydrotron is what I was looking for. It goes by the names LECA, Hydrotron or Hydroballs. I was trying to order these locally, my source said they had run out, and they were waiting for their shipment from Thailand, hence my search in Thailand. I have tried coco peat, Perlite, pebbles, crushed clay bricks and Hydrotron. Hydrotron looks to be the best medium so far.

As for shipping from Australia, shipping costs are quite high, from what I have experienced (there may be cheaper alternatives I don't know about).

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Hello redfirehorse, except for the coconut and sand, everything is imported here, a lot from OZ.

If you are doing a recirculating system, hydrotron is great, but I'm doing run to waste and having good luck with the plant in a small bag with mix of sand, perlite and coco peat and that in a bucket or larger bags with pieces of coco husk. I'm getting set up to do a couple hundred plants this way, except to use tosted rice hulls instead of the perlite. Hope the rain stops soon so I can move these plants out into full sun, they only get 2 hours of full sun a day, but they still supply some fruit.



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I am moving away from my recirculating system, checking my pH and EC every day is not my idea of fun. Most of my plants use the Autopot's SmartValve. My present medium is a mixture of coco peat and pebbles 1:1. At the bottom of my pots, I place a small capillary mat to soak up the liquid. Then I put the pot on top. Inside the pot, I put a root control fabric, then about an inch of pebbles. I then fill up the pot with the 1:1 coco peat/pebbles mixture. So far, no problems. If Hydrotron is being imported from Australia, I'll take a look there.

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