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Work Permit Changes

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There was in informative article in today's Post regarding changes in the laws and regulations regarding work permits for alien workers in Thailand. Apparently, 2 year WPs are now being offered, the cost of which is B 20,000. This fee is payable each time the permit is issued or renewed. Other changes were made in regards to the penalties for employees and employers who work/employ aliens without permits. The changes definitely come down much harder on employees than the employer, in that for someone working without a permit, it is both a civil AND criminal offense. Whereas for the employer, it is only a civil offense! For the employee, they are liable for a fine of between B 10,000-B 100,000 and/or imprisonment of up to 10 years but for the employer, they are only liable for a fine of up to B 100,000. So basically, the company/employer can buy their way out of any trouble but the worker/employee maybe not.

Another related change is with the Immigration folks. They have changed their regulations regarding WP holders who are fired/quit their jobs. Before, there was an automatically granted free 7-day extension of their visas when such a change of employment status occurred (technically, visas issued/extended on the basis of a WP expire the day one ceases being employed). Under the new rule, the extension is not automatic but must be requested at a local immigration office AND the standard B 1900 fee for any visa extension request must be paid as well.

Unequal penalties for employees, exorbitant fees for WPs, new fees for extending a visa if one looses their job, why do any expatriates even bother to work in this pathetic country?

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