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Farangs With Guns!


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Anybody know the ruling on Farangs owning handguns indoors? Big bollocking and possible deportation and/or prison sentence, or nothing too heavy?...I suspect the former.

Reason I ask...say, for instance, I was living in Pattani with my family and was worried about the recent goings-on in the region and therefore decided to purchase a handgun in the unlikely, but possible, event that Muslim radicals wanted to injur, or kidnap, my family. What would happen if I shot one of them, dead? Nothing, due to self-defence because he was on our, sorry, wife's property up to no good, or life in prison because I killed a Thai national, which wouldn't have happened if I wasn't there in the first place attitude?

Just a thought for a peaceful Sunday afternoon...


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Anybody know the ruling on Farangs owning handguns indoors? Big bollocking and possible deportation and/or prison sentence, or nothing too heavy?...I suspect the former.

Reason I ask...say, for instance, I was living in Pattani with my family and was worried about the recent goings-on in the region and therefore decided to purchase a handgun in the unlikely, but possible, event that Muslim radicals wanted to injur, or kidnap, my family. What would happen if I shot one of them, dead? Nothing, due to self-defence because he was on our, sorry, wife's property up to no good, or life in prison because I killed a Thai national, which wouldn't have happened if I wasn't there in the first place attitude?

Just a thought for a peaceful Sunday afternoon...


Don't realy know, i would imagine you would be better of seeking that kind of advice from a couple of lawyers in Thailand rather than a public forum if you are truely seriouse.


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A  legit  firearm  with  all  the  paperwork  will  cost  you  between  47000  to  60000 baht.......and  yes  you  can  use  it  on  your  own  property  in  self defence..........i  was  broke  into  4  weeks  ago, luckily  for  them  i  wasnt  at  home.........still  lost  100k  baht  though  :o

That sounds about right to me. I know of someone whose lawyer suggested getting a license and a handgun for self defence. Lawyer was prepared to do the paperwork and assured the person that it was not a problem for a foreigner here legally to get licensed for a firearm.

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Interesting...I thought one would need to either be a permanent resident or be listed on the house registration to legally own a firearm. I know they're much more expensive than in my home country (USA) and I had to sell all mine before moving here. I know you can pay somebody (gunshop maybe?) some extra baht to assist with the necessary paperwork but is it possible for somebody on a non-imm visa who is legally married to a Thai to obtain a firearm? I would be interested to know and also would it be legal to buy from a private owner or should I go through a gunshop?

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We were advised by Pattaya police to buy one and put it in the Thai G/F's name as its her name on the house registration .........however they did advise us that providing it was used on our property i could be the one pulling the trigger if needed. They also (the police) came round the house a couple of days after our break-in and offered personnel protection....i.e they will inspect the house front and backduring the night for 1500 baht/month ....we now have a box similar to a post box that holds a ledger that the boys in brown sign during the night when they visit together with the time of visit.......we also have a direct mobile number to whoever is on duty, a cheap service IMO. :o

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Interesting...I thought one would need to either be a permanent resident or be listed on the house registration to legally own a firearm.

I agree with you. I had always thought that one needed PR status or otherwise be listed in a house registration book to get a licensed firearm. Perhaps there are exceptions?

You do..........check this out... http://www.phuketgazette.com/issuesanswers...ails.asp?id=228

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A  legit  firearm  with  all  the  paperwork  will  cost  you  between  47000  to  60000 baht.......and  yes  you  can  use  it  on  your  own  property  in  self defence..........i  was  broke  into  4  weeks  ago, luckily  for  them  i  wasnt  at  home.........still  lost  100k  baht  though  :o

Cheers for that, Thaiflyer1, and sorry to hear about the break-in. Just wanted to know if it was feasible or not and the possible ramifications if used in self defence. Next question...how much for a 9mil beretta in Muang Thai?

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A  legit  firearm  with  all  the  paperwork  will  cost  you  between  47000  to  60000 baht.......and  yes  you  can  use  it  on  your  own  property  in  self defence..........i  was  broke  into  4  weeks  ago, luckily  for  them  i  wasnt  at  home.........still  lost  100k  baht  though   :o

Cheers for that, Thaiflyer1, and sorry to hear about the break-in. Just wanted to know if it was feasible or not and the possible ramifications if used in self defence. Next question...how much for a 9mil beretta in Muang Thai?

You may have a problem with the language pack but have a look here for 2nd hand gear http://www.gunstactics.com/m-board/1356.html main site is http://www.gunstactics.com/m-board/ for new gear there a lot of gun shops based in The Old Siam Square Plaza.......Bangkok

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I think bringing a gun into your home for any purpose is very dangerous thinking, and their are many many cases of folks being killed with their own guns. Many other ways to provide better safety for your family.

Besides, look at American society.... That's the last thing we need here, in my opinion. Something like 12,000 gun deaths last year? This society is already violent enough without expanding gun ownership. This ain't Canada. :D

Too many nuts have guns already. Too many farang nuts here with guns, too. Met some of them. Crazy and Dangerous, each of them. And everyone who knew them said the same. :o

Get a paintball gun if you want to blow shit away. I did :D

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The yanks simply insist on their constitutional right to shoot each other, whereever they are...

I have not felt the need to have any weapon at all in 46 years, against the advice of friends, and it has served me well up to now. There are more effective and less violent ways to secure your property, otherwise, I agree with Ajarn, we don't need paranoid triggerhappy guys with a leaning towards alcohol or worse here.

Stay in the US, or volunteer for Iraq!

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I think bringing a gun into your home for any purpose is very dangerous thinking, and their are many many cases of folks being killed with their own guns. Many other ways to provide better safety for your family.

Besides, look at American society.... That's the last thing we need here, in my opinion. Something like 12,000 gun deaths last year? This society is already violent enough without expanding gun ownership. This ain't Canada.  :D

Too many nuts have guns already. Too many farang nuts here with guns, too. Met some of them. Crazy and Dangerous, each of them. And everyone who knew them said the same. :o

Get a paintball gun if you want to blow shit away. I did  :D

I can understand where you are coming from but, if it comes down to anyone wanting to harm me or mine i/d like something a little more than sweet words to stop them.........but each to their own i suppose.

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Odd thing about the right to bear arms. According to a coon-ass I was talking to a while back the constitution doesn't actually say that, more like "the feds aren't allowed to stop the people from forming and arming a militia" (probably to stand up to the feds :o ).

Dunno if he was right, any seppo here care to comment?

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I just dont think guns are that effective as a protection :-

1 Most houses get get broken into when your not there

2 If someone breaks in they would usually run away on hearing someone in the house

3 Unless the gun/amunition is kept readly avalible its pretty usless

4 Statisticaly you are more likely to to ether use it on or be shot by a family member, than a criminal

5 Drink, arguments, depresion dont realy mix with guns

All in all I'd rather take my chances than have a gun in the house

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The yanks simply insist on their constitutional right to shoot each other, whereever they are...

I have not felt the need to have any weapon at all in 46 years, against the advice of friends, and it has served me well up to now. There are more effective and less violent  ways to secure your property, otherwise, I agree with Ajarn, we don't need paranoid triggerhappy guys with a leaning towards alcohol or worse here.

Stay in the US, or volunteer for Iraq!

You are very lucky to never have felt the need to protect your life with deadly force., as am I. And for the most part, I agree with you. I can't think of a place to live in the States where I would feel the need to own a gun. But this poster specifically mentioned Pattani.

When it comes to Pattani, I don't think constitutional rights come into the picture at all. There are pleny of people ready to kill farang and their families simply for not being part of there clique. I for one would stop at nothing to protect my family.

If it ever came down to me using a gun to kill an intruder, or watching my family hacked to bits, I would prefer to have the former as an option. Please, tell me your more effective less violent ways to prevent someone from entering your house and chopping up your family with a machete.

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Sorry I was going off topic and ranting.

A couple of welltrained dogs, electrified fence and secure bolts are about the max I would consider. If you feel intruders might be determined enough to get pass this, it is time to consider a change of location, if not much earlier.

Guns are offensive weapons putting yourself and those you seek to protect at risk.

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Sorry I was going off topic  and ranting.

A couple of welltrained dogs, electrified fence and secure bolts are about the max I would consider. If you feel intruders might be determined enough to get pass this, it is time to consider a change of location, if not much earlier.

Guns are offensive weapons putting yourself and those you seek to protect at risk.

…you most certainly were…because your first reply was particularly lame. It’s a sad fact nowadays in our society that there are more and more crazies out there who want to harm us. Simply having the means to protect yours and your own is certainly not being paranoid, it’s being realistic!

Leaning towards alcohol? I may be teetotal for all you know. Go back to America? I’m British. Volunteer for Iraq? blah, blah, blah…

Yes, guns are offensive and I hope I never get in the situation where I feel I have to use one, but to have one under lock and key and have that choice, if and when the time arises, looks a better option in my eyes.

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Have you considered the option of moving your family to somewhere safer?

Remove yourself from the danger you find yourself in. Sure, may be a big thing to do but it will certainly give you peace of mind in knowing tht your family is safe and under no threat.

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Yes, guns are offensive and I hope I never get in the situation where I feel I have to use one, but to have one under lock and key and have that choice, if and when the time arises, looks a better option in my eyes.

If the gun is "under lock and key" do you really think you will have time to get it in an emergancy?


You can get rotwilder, alsation, doboman pups at chatuchak wekend market a pure bred will cost about 3000 bht, down to about 500 for a mixed breed. Ohter than that you have to ask around the area that you live.

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Yes, guns are offensive and I hope I never get in the situation where I feel I have to use one, but to have one under lock and key and have that choice, if and when the time arises, looks a better option in my eyes.

If the gun is "under lock and key" do you really think you will have time to get it in an emergancy?


You can get rotwilder, alsation, doboman pups at chatuchak wekend market a pure bred will cost about 3000 bht, down to about 500 for a mixed breed. Ohter than that you have to ask around the area that you live.

No problem, because I would've heard the dog barking!

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Have you considered the option of moving your family to somewhere safer? 

Remove yourself from the danger you find yourself in.  Sure, may be a big thing to do but it will certainly give you peace of mind in knowing tht your family is safe and under no threat.

Yes, this is the obvious solution. But where is safe nowadays?

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Yes, guns are offensive and I hope I never get in the situation where I feel I have to use one, but to have one under lock and key and have that choice, if and when the time arises, looks a better option in my eyes.

If the gun is "under lock and key" do you really think you will have time to get it in an emergancy?


You can get rotwilder, alsation, doboman pups at chatuchak wekend market a pure bred will cost about 3000 bht, down to about 500 for a mixed breed. Ohter than that you have to ask around the area that you live.

Dogs are not really a viable option in Thailand.

The first thing anyone wanting to get into your house will do is poison the dogs; unless you can train them not to accept food from starangers - which is how Military Dogs are trained, they are pretty useless.

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