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Gym - Short Term Membership

Jack Jones

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I don't know what country you come from??? I wonder(whatever country it is),whether the authorities approve and view as

legally and morally upholdable a Tonys Gym pricing-policy????????????? hmmmm............if your country didn't look kindly on

such policy then which country is correct,yours or Thailands???Let me guess,you will sit on firmly on the fence on this one and

evade an unequiveocal opinion by saying that you can't compare the two :o

I wrote about where I'm from a few replies back...if you spent less time typing and more time reading you would have picked that up.

I gave you a fine example of double-pricing in my own country. Most things are cheaper for the elderly, students and disabled...i.e. people hard up for cash. Gyms often have student and senoir citizen discounts. Even zoos have discount prices for children and the elderly. I'm sure glad I'm not from your neighbourhood.

Tony is giving discounts to the local people who happen to be Thai. You call that racism. I call that giving the local people a break. You're really just being a selfish pr**k. There's not many Thais training there as it is and most who do are girls (or guys) paid for by Farang. If you somehow went through a legal challenge and managed to change his Tony's pricing, it wouldn't result in any benefit for you or other Farangs. Thais would be the only ones disadvantaged because they'd have to pay more.

You claim you're a realist, but in reality you're a dreamer.

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:D:D Oh I do apologise tropo...5 paragraphs obviously are pushing your powers of thought-process,are they??Adding

paragraphsif you don't mind,terrible behaviour...I should be locked up for such a heinous offence :o

Funny thing is,in my last post I made many points and asked of you quite a few probing questions,but you've chosen

(as I fully expected) to address none of them in an intelligible way!!

More holes in your deluded latest post,my dear tropo.You've said that I've apparently joined the Royal Cliff Gym specifically

instead of Tony's because of the aforementioned pricing policy.I don't know if you're dyslexic or just have selective-memory-syndrome

but I 've clearly stated in previous posts that I joined the Royal Cliff Gym on its own merits and that pricing/fee did not enter

the decision-process.I just happen to like this Gym because it's closer to where I live.To have joined the Royal Cliff Gym on the

sole basis of a spiteful rebuke to my opinion on Tony's policy just makes no Economic sense(5,999 v's 24,000).But of course I'd

said all this already,but apparently didn't sink in with you the first time...how about now?? :D .

Really :D ,to have brought up the above assertion...when it was clear that I had already tackled and answered it.....it defies

logic.Once again,this is getting embarrassing + what are your considered thoughts to the points I raised in my previous post??????

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One can be both a dreamer and a realist at the same time,just ask Martin Luther King....."I have a dream..." :D .

That most splendid of chaps who spoke up on his dream of one day seeing equal rights for all.

I didn't edit my last post...because I know it upsets and confuses you.We'll have to ask the Mods on the Board here

to remove the "retrospective edit" button because it causes you so much distress :o:D .

So, just wondering would your country tolerate the two-tier pricing policy a. la. Mr Tony. Oh and please don't raise the

sociological + ageist card(pensioners/students etc..) because it has no credance in this particular discussion.We all

know that if an Foreign OAP or student came here on a 1 month holiday they would NOT get the discount :D .

I'm talking about if Gyms in your home country adopted an across-the-board double price system on the basis that if

you were not an historical indigenous person of that country then you were charged double(irrespective of whether or

not you were a 12 y.o. student or an 85 y.o. pensioner)?? How would this go down with the Authorities in your home country???

Don't know about where you come from...but in a European Union Country(EU) it wouldn't get off the ground as a policy???

Yet again,I'm flabbergasted that I have to point this out to you :D .It's gone past embarrassing!!

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:D:D Oh I do apologise tropo...5 paragraphs obviously are pushing your powers of thought-process,are they??Adding

paragraphsif you don't mind,terrible behaviour...I should be locked up for such a heinous offence :o

Funny thing is,in my last post I made many points and asked of you quite a few probing questions,but you've chosen

(as I fully expected) to address none of them in an intelligible way!!

More holes in your deluded latest post,my dear tropo.You've said that I've apparently joined the Royal Cliff Gym specifically

instead of Tony's because of the aforementioned pricing policy.I don't know if you're dyslexic or just have selective-memory-syndrome

but I 've clearly stated in previous posts that I joined the Royal Cliff Gym on its own merits and that pricing/fee did not enter

the decision-process.I just happen to like this Gym because it's closer to where I live.To have joined the Royal Cliff Gym on the

sole basis of a spiteful rebuke to my opinion on Tony's policy just makes no Economic sense(5,999 v's 24,000).But of course I'd

said all this already,but apparently didn't sink in with you the first time...how about now?? :D .

Really :D ,to have brought up the above assertion...when it was clear that I had already tackled and answered it.....it defies

logic.Once again,this is getting embarrassing + what are your considered thoughts to the points I raised in my previous post??????

I was at the Big C Central Festival at Pattay Nua and they had a demonstration on the ground floor today advertising a fitness center - called Fitness Z or something like that. They had about 6 Thais - one ladu, the rest guys doing sort of sychronized dance exercise routine in the middle of the mall. They had a booth set up and a video presentation. I just walked by - did not get details - but it appeared to me that the ad said the fitness center is in "B" of this buidling - basement at Big C? no idea -

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:D:D Oh I do apologise tropo...5 paragraphs obviously are pushing your powers of thought-process,are they??Adding

paragraphsif you don't mind,terrible behaviour...I should be locked up for such a heinous offence :o

Funny thing is,in my last post I made many points and asked of you quite a few probing questions,but you've chosen

(as I fully expected) to address none of them in an intelligible way!!

You do write long boring replies, mostly repeating over and over the same stuff. I answer points I consider worth answering. You do this yourself and then conveniently forget the points you don't want to reply to.

Your first mention of joining Royal Cliff was clearly indicated as a spiteful act....then you decided to blame my reading comprehension (and intelligence) instead of admitting it.

Here, read it again>>>>

*PS*..just in case someone counters my assertion here by saying that I shouldn't be such a skinflint and

the foreign price is still great value for money...........I am a member of the Royal Cliff gym where the

yearly membership is waaay more expensive, but I gladly pay it because it's the same price for everybody.

You didn't say anything about gladly paying it because you liked the gym more, it was more convenient etc, etc. That stuff came later when you realise you'd messed up.

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One can be both a dreamer and a realist at the same time,just ask Martin Luther King....."I have a dream..." :D .

That most splendid of chaps who spoke up on his dream of one day seeing equal rights for all.

I didn't edit my last post...because I know it upsets and confuses you.We'll have to ask the Mods on the Board here

to remove the "retrospective edit" button because it causes you so much distress :o:D .

So, just wondering would your country tolerate the two-tier pricing policy a. la. Mr Tony. Oh and please don't raise the

sociological + ageist card(pensioners/students etc..) because it has no credance in this particular discussion.We all

know that if an Foreign OAP or student came here on a 1 month holiday they would NOT get the discount :D .

I'm talking about if Gyms in your home country adopted an across-the-board double price system on the basis that if

you were not an historical indigenous person of that country then you were charged double(irrespective of whether or

not you were a 12 y.o. student or an 85 y.o. pensioner)?? How would this go down with the Authorities in your home country???

Don't know about where you come from...but in a European Union Country(EU) it wouldn't get off the ground as a policy???

Yet again,I'm flabbergasted that I have to point this out to you :D .It's gone past embarrassing!!

You continually waffle on about what's going on in Ireland and now the EU as if you have a clue what exactly goes on in a dozen or so different countries. I'd put money on the fact that double pricing goes on all over the EU and the world.

Double pricing goes on in many gyms in my country. It's not advertised on a board, but it goes on.

All your posts in this thread are irrevant to the context of the thread. i.e. "Gym - Short Term memberships". You chose to bring up double pricing and turn it into a thread about racism. This has been done to death already on other threads about Tony's, baht buses and certain discos/bars.

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Tropo,me 'ole mate..sting clinigng on in there.Disappointed about your failure to answer my ending,highlighted question from

my last post,which(if you think about it) is a fairly central tenet to the whole to'ing and fro'ing we've been having :( .......

namely how your home country would look upon Tony coming over and opening a Gym there with his pricing policy not

accounting for the sociological + ageist assertion etc.. etc.. Any of this ringing a bell???? Come on tropo mate,get with the

program. :D:P

But let's get "back on point" as the US Marines say.Tony's gym is a quite well-appointed facility,and at a price of 5,999 Baht/year

represents genuinely good value-for-money(viewed solely on singular merits).IF, a foreigner,being aware of the 2-tier pricing

is happy to pay double price than I shall not go further in any logical discussion...for as I've said already the issue for me was

never the facilities or price of 5,999 "in isolation" but the comparison with the Thai price............

Martin Luther King.."I have a dream..." :o:D:D .

And mate,it's not rocket science...if Latvian/Pole/Lithuanian/Georgian/Turkmenistanian/Thai/Vietnamese/ etc.. etc..

peoples were living in the EU and this policy was adopted en. bloc. it would be illegal.I think that's a given and surely you'd

be aware of that??? Or maybe,if all Black people in America had to pay double for membership and this was a policy that

George Bush put up for proposal in the Houses of Representatives?? Do you really have to be a legal expert to know and

ascertain how this would be welcomed :burp::P .Once again,the word "embarrassing" springs to mind!!!

No edits this time either tropo,because I care about your feelings and wouldn't be so vicious as to use the

edit facility for fear of upsetting you :D:D

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Tropo,me 'ole mate..sting clinigng on in there.Disappointed about your failure to answer my ending,highlighted question from

my last post,which(if you think about it) is a fairly central tenet to the whole to'ing and fro'ing we've been having :o .......

namely how your home country would look upon Tony coming over and opening a Gym there with his pricing policy not

accounting for the sociological + ageist assertion etc.. etc.. Any of this ringing a bell???? Come on tropo mate,get with the

program. :D:D

It's a stupid question and irrelevant.

This is Thailand, and in Thailand Tony is giving the local Thais a break by offering a discount to make a gym membership somewhat affordable for them. In actual fact you are racist because your plan will make the gym unaffordable to most local Thais.

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Tropo,you've outdone yourself this time :D ..just when I thought you couldn't get any more illogical.My "policy-desire"

would be to offer a price that represents "one-price-for-all".Lets not dwell,for a moment on the financial intricacies but focus

on the central body of my wish..."equality of price + equality of treatment for all Human Beings".

My actions(whatever the financial "ramifications" for Thai's) would be according to your logic...."Racist". :D:(:D:P

Are you SURE you haven't been over to the Balkans in the mid-1990's and were best mates with Slobodan Milosevic???

If you weren't over there then I fear a beautiful friendship never got a chance to fully materialise :o:D

Anyway,I'll have to go because I'm off to Nang Nual restaurant on Jomtien Beach.Whatever riposte tropo may conjur up

and assert....I think I have enough ammunition to last a lifetime...that is,.... his assertion that to desire a price that

equates to the Thai price is in itself inherently racist....classic one tropo...who needs comedy when this is available :D "zeig heil,mein Fuhrer"

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My actions(whatever the financial "ramifications" for Thai's) would be according to your logic...."Racist". :o:D:D:D

Yes, considering your actions would definitely disadvantage the local Thai community, you could be seen as racist...unless you're dumb enough to believe that making a one-price policy at Tony's would decrease the price for all.

It should be pretty obvious to anyone that implementing a strict one-price policy at Tony's would not benefiit you or any other Farangs and at the same time disadvantage the local Thais.

You probably just have a grudge against Tony for some reason and needed to vent it:

Here's what you said about Tony in case you've forgotton:

this guy is a complete "w-anchor"....and I hope he develops some hideous,carcinogenic condition at some future

stage of his life and his last years on this 3rd rock from the sun is a desperately tragic event.

One thing is for sure, you won't be disclosing your identity.

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Yabul,Mein Fuhrer,Herr. Tropo.Haven't you got some "ethnic cleansing" to take care of somewhere around the world..............

expounding your view also that "one-price-for-all" is RACIST behaviour :o:D:D:D:D .. classic Monty Python'esque

viewpoint you have there!!!!

Any dictionary definition will define Racism as "the unfair treatment of people who belong to a different race.." yet my

policy-desire would be for a "singular-fair -price-for-all-races" and is something you view as immoral and racist :( .

As to implementing my "strict-one-price-for-all-policy"(as you call it) uppermost in my mind would NOT be what section of

society it would benefit.....but rather would be an act of Democratic-fair-play.Also,as stated already(but you don't believe me)

I don't have a "personal" grudge against this bloke nor do I know him personally...merely that I am not a fan of people

of ANY RACE,CREED GENDER OR NATIONLITY who espouse to a 2-tier pricing strategy.As they say in the movies ,nothing

personal,just business!!!

By the way,really interesting that you still haven't responded to the all-pertinent question of how a Mr. Tony'esque pricing

strategy would go down in your home country :D "zeig heil.."

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I bought the Tonys lifetime membership twelve months ago for ฿20,000.

To have unliminted access to 5 gyms in the city for the rest of my time in

Pattaya is unbelievable. For me personaly I could'nt care less what anyone

else paid. Iam happy.

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I bought the Tonys lifetime membership twelve months ago for ฿20,000.

To have unliminted access to 5 gyms in the city for the rest of my time in

Pattaya is unbelievable. For me personaly I could'nt care less what anyone

else paid. Iam happy.

:o:D ....Hear,hear Scabo.I'm not taking the urine here when I say I'm genuinely happy for you.As a proponent of

fair-play and free speech you are doin' your own thing and are happy....as you say,that's all that counts.

This price(forgetting about the whole 2-tier thing for a moment) is a good-value one and I hope you get

many happy years out of it :D . Of course,following on,on that free-speech/thought vein it doesn't change my

opinion of the pricing strategy,but that's only my subjective viewpoint!!

You yourself have a good one and take care. :D

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Yabul,Mein Fuhrer,Herr. Tropo.Haven't you got some "ethnic cleansing" to take care of somewhere around the world..............

expounding your view also that "one-price-for-all" is RACIST behaviour :o:D:D:D:D .. classic Monty Python'esque

viewpoint you have there!!!!

Any dictionary definition will define Racism as "the unfair treatment of people who belong to a different race.." yet my

policy-desire would be for a "singular-fair -price-for-all-races" and is something you view as immoral and racist :( .

You've taken everything out of context again of course. We can keep going on with this debate forever, but it's not getting anywhere, so now's a good time to sum up where we're at.

1. You believe that Tony is racist and his pricing policy is unfair, and because of this you wish him harm and you're quite happy to pay 4 times more at another gym to make your point.

2. I believe that Tony is a cool guy who provides some incredible gym facilities at an unbelievably low price. I'm happy that he offers the local Thais a discount on yearly memberships.

Back on topic:

Tony's offers casual workouts at the Soi 16 Gym Walking Street for 100 baht. I shall check the price for short term (weekly, monthly) memberships and report here.

How much are casual workouts and short term memberships at Royal Cliff?

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I bought the Tonys lifetime membership twelve months ago for ฿20,000.

To have unliminted access to 5 gyms in the city for the rest of my time in

Pattaya is unbelievable. For me personaly I could'nt care less what anyone

else paid. Iam happy.

Very hard to beat that. Where is the 5th gym? I was only aware of 4.

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Good afternoon tropo

as for your no.1 point about me paying 4 times the fee in another gym to make a point.For the umpteenth time........


ELSE WAS OF SECONDARY CONSIDERATION.If the Cliff was to change their policy to one of 2-tiering overnight I would have an

equally low opinion of them.Of course I've said this already :D:D so not sure what you're clinging on to on that assertion.

Your second point that Tony is a cool guy and the Gym facilities are good I don't have a problem with that.I don't know Tony

personally(which I've also said before) so he might he holier than holy for all I know.Also,as I've also stated his facilities are

admittedly good...but then again I never said his Gym(as a facility itself) was shitty. :D It's his DOUBLE PRICING and THAT ALONE that

doesn't go down well.Despite the clarity with which I've made this you'll probably STILL reply stating that I joined the Cliff to

make a point and I've got got some "personal" vendetta against him. It's clear(or should be) that this is patently not the case,

but if you can't read English ang get that through your thick skull you really are as thick as shit!!

The fact that it's a gym,or Mr Tony,or indeed in Thailand is a practical irrelevance.....Do you not get this???????

I'm going to the Big C tonight to watch a movie.It's (I think) 120 Baht(for all people may I add).If they introduced yesterday

a new rule that I pay 240 OR alternatively I continue to pay 110 and Thai's 60 Baht(same "tiered" effect) then this would be

equally unfair......I wouldn't then have a "specific personal" vendetta against the owners of SF Cimema-City Plc. but would

merely not like the policy.

But go on,yeah,yah,yeah...let me guess you'll still reply that I joined the Cliff primarily as a "spiteful-up-yours" gesture

and I know Tony personally or have some "personal" vendetta against him........

On a final friendly note,(all joking and horseplay aside)have to say I honestly don't know what the short-term rates are at the Cliff....probably pretty steep

I'd imagine.Everything though at the Cliff isn't cheap.The restaurant I'd recommend(Grill Room) does cracking food but wouldn't be

the cheapest around town(Brunos/Casa Pascal-type price).Their price of 24,000/year is not to everyones taste and indeed there's

not huge numbers that work-out here....I'd guess(but honestly don't fully know) that competitors like the Dusit and Marriot would

probably have roughly the same rates as the Cliff.If anyone was interested in this place then why not take a drive up to it

and check it out....even if you don't join it makes for an interesting field-trip in beautiful surroundings(the pool area with swim-up

Bar is gorgeous)......who knows....maybe myself and tropo can sip on an exotic cocktail poolside and have a mature discussion

on the US 1st Amendment and extol the virtues of Sociological equality :D:( .

*PS** Getting back on-thread myself also...the Cliff also has a small but nice Golfers pitch 'n putt area with nice greens

for those that want to practice their short-game.The Gym itself would be tiny in comparison with Tony's but then again

so are the numbers of patrons so kinda six of one and half a dozen of the other there.There are about 8 Tennis Courts

(can't remember exactly as I don't play Tennis) and also air-con squash courts(which I do play)....then of course all the

usual weekly scheduled stepaerobics etc.. classes.There's more,but that's most of it in a nutshell.As I live in North Jomtien

it's the first major Gym close to me and means I don't hit the Pattaya traffic-jams as frequently so I love that.Anyway,

take care all :o

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Good afternoon tropo

as for your no.1 point about me paying 4 times the fee in another gym to make a point.For the umpteenth time........


ELSE WAS OF SECONDARY CONSIDERATION.If the Cliff was to change their policy to one of 2-tiering overnight I would have an

equally low opinion of them.Of course I've said this already :D:D so not sure what you're clinging on to on that assertion.

Your second point that Tony is a cool guy and the Gym facilities are good I don't have a problem with that.I don't know Tony

personally(which I've also said before) so he might he holier than holy for all I know.Also,as I've also stated his facilities are

admittedly good...but then again I never said his Gym(as a facility itself) was shitty. :o It's his DOUBLE PRICING and THAT ALONE that

doesn't go down well.Despite the clarity with which I've made this you'll probably STILL reply stating that I joined the Cliff to

make a point and I've got got some "personal" vendetta against him. It's clear(or should be) that this is patently not the case,

but if you can't read English ang get that through your thick skull you really are as thick as shit!!The fact that it's a gym,or Mr Tony,or indeed in Thailand is a practical irrelevance.....Do you not get this???????

Cool down, no need to get angry. You said you weren't uptight but now you're being a real w-anker.

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My dear tropo...my expose that your grey matter may be as metaphorically dense as the brown stuff was simply

what I believe may be an accurate reflection of your prowess......my temperature,whether it be hot,cold or temperate

never entered my mind whilst forming this opinion of you..hence making uptightness of any kind a "moot" point :o:D:D:D ....

logical thought formulation and obvious as well....hmmmmmm............

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My dear tropo...my expose that your grey matter may be as metaphorically dense as the brown stuff was simply

what I believe may be an accurate reflection of your prowess......my temperature,whether it be hot,cold or temperate

never entered my mind whilst forming this opinion of you..hence making uptightness of any kind a "moot" point :o:D:D:D ....

logical thought formulation and obvious as well....hmmmmmm............

The only thing your exposed here is that Tony is not the w-anker, it was you all along. You needn't have to gone to the trouble of typing 1000's of words to demonstate this as it was obvious from your very first offering.

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:o:D ...Now,now....temper temper tropo...you seem to have a fixation or love-affair with this Tony bloke

and not on the all-pertinent issue of the pricing strategy being employed.

Also,in my OP I believe I used the word "W-anchor" not "W-anker" as you so rudely put it :D .

What was really meant by my reference was that as a Yacht owner himself,Tony favours and

is indeed a big fan of using an Anchor in the shape of a "W" whilst employing moorage :D:D:D

Ooooooh....I'm feeling so uptight now :(

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:o:D ...Now,now....temper temper tropo...you seem to have a fixation or love-affair with this Tony bloke

and not on the all-pertinent issue of the pricing strategy being employed.

Also,in my OP I believe I used the word "W-anchor" not "W-anker" as you so rudely put it :D .

What was really meant by my reference was that as a Yacht owner himself,Tony favours and

is indeed a big fan of using an Anchor in the shape of a "W" whilst employing moorage :D:D:D

Ooooooh....I'm feeling so uptight now :(

This thread is not about pricing strategy, therefore it is not "all-pertinent". It's about short term memberships at gyms. You're the one who started on about that nonsense....

Perhaps you've only just joined this forum, or you're using another nic after being banned on another occasion, but if you do a search the topic of pricing strategy (double-pricing) in Pattaya has been covered ad nauseum on this forum already, including a fair bit of comment on Tony's in that context. We've heard a lot from people with similar views to yours screaming "racism" already. We know your opinions by now, so why not take a rest on it?

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You know what,that may actually be one of the better posts you've written me 'ole tropo.Very little to pick through,unlike

your previous ones.You are Correct in pointing out that the nature of this post is regarding ST Membership.........and you'll

doubtless notice I made reference to some of the facilities at my Gym in a recent post.

By the way,I am truly shocked that you have used the word "Tony" and "w-ank*r" in the same sentence. :D

I'm more of a "W-anchor" man myself and would never dream of using that most vicious word....."w-ank*r".

But then again,was it ever really important what he was called??? :o

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Tropo,me 'ole mate..sting clinigng on in there.Disappointed about your failure to answer my ending,highlighted question from

my last post,which(if you think about it) is a fairly central tenet to the whole to'ing and fro'ing we've been having :o .......

namely how your home country would look upon Tony coming over and opening a Gym there with his pricing policy not

accounting for the sociological + ageist assertion etc.. etc.. Any of this ringing a bell???? Come on tropo mate,get with the

program. :D:D

It's a stupid question and irrelevant.

This is Thailand, and in Thailand Tony is giving the local Thais a break by offering a discount to make a gym membership somewhat affordable for them. In actual fact you are racist because your plan will make the gym unaffordable to most local Thais.

So in essence he is overcharging "us" Farangs ?

Or are we obliged to pay more ?

Your argument has more holes than a pound of Swiss Cheese.

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Indeed,to finish up,if I myself ever open a Gym in my home country(Ireland) I will be sure to contact some of the above

Falangs to see if they'd be interested in future-membership.As they have no problems with 2-Tier pholosophy I will be happy

to make sure that all British/Canadian/American/Austalian/French/German etc.. people pay double the Irish-price.

If I show up reaking of Guinness would the local price be considered for me?

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Indeed,to finish up,if I myself ever open a Gym in my home country(Ireland) I will be sure to contact some of the above

Falangs to see if they'd be interested in future-membership.As they have no problems with 2-Tier pholosophy I will be happy

to make sure that all British/Canadian/American/Austalian/French/German etc.. people pay double the Irish-price.

If I show up reaking of Guinness would the local price be considered for me?

Och aye Jimmy...we'd have to let you in on the local price :D ...however if someone else were to come in and be willing and

happy to pay double who would I be to stop them!!(not mentioning any names) :o

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So in essence he is overcharging "us" Farangs ?

Or are we obliged to pay more ?

Your argument has more holes than a pound of Swiss Cheese.

Not at all, Thais are being undercharged. Try and run an operation the size of Tony's on 3,000 baht yearly memberships.

Are you obliged to pay more? No, you can do as others have and join another gym. Up to you.

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I bought the Tonys lifetime membership twelve months ago for ฿20,000.

To have unliminted access to 5 gyms in the city for the rest of my time in

Pattaya is unbelievable. For me personaly I could'nt care less what anyone

else paid. Iam happy.

Very hard to beat that. Where is the 5th gym? I was only aware of 4.

Sorry Tropo my mistake mate. I should have written 5 facilities through out the city.

Tony's Tennis club & Fitness centre, Life Fitness, Tonys Gym,Tonys Muay-Thai and Tonys Japanese spa.

To be honest I think the Gym on 3rd Rd(opp trade centre) is the complete package. Although i have used the

gym on the back of walking street, a little more relaxing in there as the Fitness centre can become rather busy at times.

Anyway all the best in working out. Cheers Scabo.

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100 baht a time, roughly £1.70 - can't beat that for the facilities you get!

Does Tony have different charges? Yes

Do I get a staff discount at my gym back home because our company has a lot of members? Yes

Do I have a problem with different charges at gyms? No - as long as I'm happy with what I'm paying

...and in reply to an earlier post, I use the third road gym with the muay thai ring out the back - as it has the best selection of weights

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100 baht a time, roughly £1.70 - can't beat that for the facilities you get!

Does Tony have different charges? Yes

Do I get a staff discount at my gym back home because our company has a lot of members? Yes

Do I have a problem with different charges at gyms? No - as long as I'm happy with what I'm paying

...and in reply to an earlier post, I use the third road gym with the muay thai ring out the back - as it has the best selection of weights

Jackie...me 'ole boy.Suppose I'll start on a positive note.Tony's Gym(as I've already stated) is a very well-appointed Gym

and the Foreign price is(viewed without comparison to others) an extremely satisfactory one.You don't have problems yourself

with the Double pricing at the Gym and good for you :o .Gym facilities or the Falang price as a "value for money" concept was

never(and never will be) an issue I have a problem with.(so I fully agree with you).

If we were in Australia(Darwin for example) and all Caucasian Aussies noticed that all Aborigines with Aboriginal facial features

were paying half their fee(or the Caucasians were paying double..same net-effect) and indeed this "special promotion" was aired

and advertised on local TV and Newspapers, then good luck to the people who would make the case that it was not a

Racist act.It would certainly be viewed as one by Authorities.The Falang fee at Tony's Gym when compared to the Thai one

is(to be fair to you) probably not a huge detrimental financial factor to a Foreigner over here with a nice Pension Income.Indeed,

you could argue that the price difference is a "pedantic" one and not worth all the fuss over??

History though is riddled with such "pedantic" discussions.Even more "pedantic"(for example) would be the treatment of Black

school children in Louisiana/Mississippi in the 1960's when black kids had to sit on different sides of the school-bus and drink

from different water-faucets in school.There wasn't even a financial element(like Tony's) to this....and it wasn't "harming" anyone

but it was viewed as "wrong in principle" and am happy to say is an activity that has been eradicated in these states!!

I do(to be fair again to you) share your opinion that Thai people(generally) are much poorer than Foreigners and have a

hard lot in life...indeed you'd have to have a heart of Carbon Fibre not to feel sympathy for them.To have "philantrophic"

tendencies is a noble trait and I myself have such tendencies.I just believe that I'm "going down the wrong road" in giving it

to Tony's Gym.Being Irish and Roman Catholic I go to Mass at St.Nicholas's church on Sukhumvit almost every Sunday

(a beautiful church that has English Services).If you really want to be philantrophic to the Thai people take a trip into the

School For The Blind in Naklua or the School For The Handicapped on Sukhumvit.Give of your time to the lovely people here and

make a donation on your way out :D .If you go to the School For The Handicapped on Sukhumvit....please try to say hello to a

wonderful old Thai Lady called Maria.She's in her 70's and blind...and a lovely,lovely lady with a heart of gold.There's lots more that

I do....but I think you get my point....I myself simply strive for equality of treatment/price but to do so need not mean that you

are unsympathetic to those less fortunate around you..it is possible for both trains of thought to co-exist :D

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100 baht a time, roughly £1.70 - can't beat that for the facilities you get!

Does Tony have different charges? Yes

Do I get a staff discount at my gym back home because our company has a lot of members? Yes

Do I have a problem with different charges at gyms? No - as long as I'm happy with what I'm paying

...and in reply to an earlier post, I use the third road gym with the muay thai ring out the back - as it has the best selection of weights

Jackie...me 'ole boy.Suppose I'll start on a positive note.Tony's Gym(as I've already stated) is a very well-appointed Gym

and the Foreign price is(viewed without comparison to others) an extremely satisfactory one.You don't have problems yourself

with the Double pricing at the Gym and good for you :o .Gym facilities or the Falang price as a "value for money" concept was

never(and never will be) an issue I have a problem with.(so I fully agree with you).

If we were in Australia(Darwin for example) and all Caucasian Aussies noticed that all Aborigines with Aboriginal facial features

were paying half their fee(or the Caucasians were paying double..same net-effect) and indeed this "special promotion" was aired

and advertised on local TV and Newspapers, then good luck to the people who would make the case that it was not a

Racist act.It would certainly be viewed as one by Authorities.The Falang fee at Tony's Gym when compared to the Thai one

is(to be fair to you) probably not a huge detrimental financial factor to a Foreigner over here with a nice Pension Income.Indeed,

you could argue that the price difference is a "pedantic" one and not worth all the fuss over??

History though is riddled with such "pedantic" discussions.Even more "pedantic"(for example) would be the treatment of Black

school children in Louisiana/Mississippi in the 1960's when black kids had to sit on different sides of the school-bus and drink

from different water-faucets in school.There wasn't even a financial element(like Tony's) to this....and it wasn't "harming" anyone

but it was viewed as "wrong in principle" and am happy to say is an activity that has been eradicated in these states!!

I do(to be fair again to you) share your opinion that Thai people(generally) are much poorer than Foreigners and have a

hard lot in life...indeed you'd have to have a heart of Carbon Fibre not to feel sympathy for them.To have "philantrophic"

tendencies is a noble trait and I myself have such tendencies.I just believe that I'm "going down the wrong road" in giving it

to Tony's Gym.Being Irish and Roman Catholic I go to Mass at St.Nicholas's church on Sukhumvit almost every Sunday

(a beautiful church that has English Services).If you really want to be philantrophic to the Thai people take a trip into the

School For The Blind in Naklua or the School For The Handicapped on Sukhumvit.Give of your time to the lovely people here and

make a donation on your way out :D .If you go to the School For The Handicapped on Sukhumvit....please try to say hello to a

wonderful old Thai Lady called Maria.She's in her 70's and blind...and a lovely,lovely lady with a heart of gold.There's lots more that

I do....but I think you get my point....I myself simply strive for equality of treatment/price but to do so need not mean that you

are unsympathetic to those less fortunate around you..it is possible for both trains of thought to co-exist :D

Just an aside- probably not relevant - When Tony's brother Nicky was the manager at the larger gym on 3rd Road we often chatted. At the time I was an occasional visitor to Thailand, visiting a few times a yr for 1 month at a time. Nicky told me that the great majority of the club's membership fit the same profile - occasional visitors who bought yearly memberships - they counted on the occasional visitor - the ones who bought memberships and are not residents/frequent users - he also told me that their active membership is around 6,000 people.

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