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One Kiss Was All It Took


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Well, if I called this a 'cold-sore virus', rather than Oral Herpes Simplex, then many people would say ;oh yes, I got that as a kid'. And it's true that many people pick up this virus when they are children. The stats seem to suggest that being a carrier of this virus is the norm, rather than the exception.

My Thai 'wife' suffers from cold-sores anyway, so she probably carries this virus as well, (which might make things a little easier to explain in the future..)

As for the Bobbit scenario, that is one that worries me :o Thai women do not accept to share their men with other women, although many men in Thai society do discretly maintain Mia Nois with the full knowledge of the wife. It's the few women who get out the scissors to feed the ducks that worry me :D

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It's quite possible to carry the various Herpes viruses without having the symptoms, too. Probably it's more widespread than people think.

Cold sores, by the way, are one form of Herpes Simplex by themselves. The full-blown sexual herpes is a close cousin. The first type (cold sores) doesn't seem to be contagious past a certain age- either you've caught it by then or you haven't. You wouldn't catch "cold sores" from kissing someone.

It sounds to me like the OP has caught full blown Herpes, which will often but not always have recurrent symptoms, usually but not always near the initial infection site. It's considered highly infectious during the symptomatic stages, but possibly infections when not symptomatic. Either way, OP must now come clean to every person he kisses about their risk or else he's not a very nice guy... good luck.


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Incidentally, I agree with OP's warning about checking the state of your bed partners, especially around the mouth/genitals. I know it's not very romantic-sounding, but better to see those genital warts, herpes symptoms, syphilis chancres, aids lesions, etc. than to have them. Perhaps take a romantic shower first and use that as an excuse for visual inspection? Doesn't help with the mouth, though- it's important to see if they have tonsillitis lesions on the throat- a very antibiotic-resistant strain of that going around now.


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Jeez, you guys worry too much...

There are two forms, HS1, and HS2.

I've got both types. Nearly everyone has at least the oral type!

I used to get a cold sore for a few days a year, until recent years it hasn't bothered me but when they do come, they're nothing to get yourself in a tiz about. As for the genital variety, I caught that last year from a dirty slut when I was drunk. Had 2 bouts of painful dick sores in the space of 2 months... never came back since.

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Good point Gazza! :D

But then after reading all the stats, I consider myself to be a lucky guy not to have caught this before (during my lifetime).

As for avoiding my swimming pools etc :D Since the stats seem to suggest that maybe 80% of us carry this virus (and most of us don't know it), then you lot all need to look for very empty swimming pools for your relaxation :o

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There is perscription medication that can keep it under control but its rather expensive, at least in the US it is. the two drugs are: Famvir 500mg and the other is valtrex 1 gram caplets. Just go see a dr and ask him about these two drugs. They can keep it under control, at the first sign of a break out start taking them, the other option is take them everyday and then no breakout. Not sure if theycan be had here in bangkok, but suggest you see a doc or and see what he says. good luck.

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I too am a carrier of the herpes virus, on the lips. Prefer to call them a coldsore, for obvious reasons. I assume i was infected as a kid . Not that it is a real bother, maybe a sore comes up once or twice a year , mostly if i have had a cold or lack of sleep. One of my sisters friends gets really bad ones , like a huge patch on the jaw or neck . Oh well, I avoid kissing the missus or bubs when one does come. A fresh leaf of aloe vera rubbed on the bugger a few times a day does seem to shorten its lifespan .

Might sound like a silly question but always wondered. If we had the ability of dogs to lick thier own dingletwang, could one spread the virus from the lips further south on thier own body ???

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Yes, I do have a Missus!  (Er well, I have a 'real' wife in England, and I have my Thai 'wife' who lives with me, and there is that Mia Lap whose university fees I pay, and then there is this SomTam girl....)

OK, I admit it.  I'm just a sad git suffering from a mid-life crisis!!!!  Are you happy now??  :o

So now we know what the short time hotel room with pool is all about, as for your wife not wishing to be mistaken for a bar girl this is often the case with ex bar girls, they think they are so much better now there ATM has given them a coffee shop.


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maybe she had syphilis :o


what kisser eh ??


Syphilis Through Oral Sex on the Rise

Thu Oct 21, 1:26 PM ET

Health - Reuters

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Many people mistakenly believe that oral sex is safe, unaware that they can readily catch or pass on syphilis in this manner, according to a report put out by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (news - web sites).

Moreover, syphilitic sores in the mouth may in turn increase the risk of HIV (news - web sites) infection.

Dr. C. Ciesielski and colleagues from the Chicago Department of Public Health (news - web sites) found that syphilis is increasingly being spread through oral sex.

"Persons who are not in a long-term monogamous relationship and who engage in oral sex should use barrier protection (e.g., male condoms or other barrier methods) to reduce the risk for sexually transmitted disease (STD) transmission," the team advises.

Ciesielski's group saw that patterns of syphilis transmission changed substantially over the period from 1998 to 2002. During the 1990s, they report in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, syphilis occurred almost exclusively among heterosexuals. Since 2001, men who have sex with men account for nearly 60 percent of people with syphilis.

To account for these findings, they began interviewing persons with syphilis during 2000 to 2002. In almost 14 percent of cases, oral sex was the subjects' only sexual exposure during the time they were infected; this was reported by 20 percent of gay men with syphilis, and 6 to 7 percent of heterosexual men and women.

These figures don't include possible infection through oral sex when sexual intercourse also took place.

People with syphilis in the mouth may not have any symptoms, or the sores may be mistaken for aphthous ulcers or herpes, the authors point out.

The lesions may carry high concentrations of the germ that causes syphilis, and are thus highly infectious. Also, oral lesions may increase the risk of being infected with HIV.

"These data underscore the need for educating sexually active persons regarding the risk for syphilis transmission through oral sex," the investigators write.

SOURCE: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, October 22, 2004.

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This probally should be in the joke section , BUT

Two guys were walking down the street and saw a dog licking his dingletwat and one guy said I wish I could do that . the other guy said well , you might have to pet him first

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Cold sores and genital herpes are different viruses although closely related. The only people that I know who have genital herpes never got cold sores so I think that getting cold sores gives you some protection against genital herpes.

Zovirac cream applied to a cold sore is a good medicine.

I find that the sun can bring on a cold sore so I always use a factor 15 lip balm and this works well.

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Isn't Simon the guy who had his gfs investigated by a private dick before he settled for one deemed faithful and honest? Certain impolite words and phrases come to mind to describe this little episode and his attitude to women.

His Motto is ' Do as I say ... not as I do ' :D

:o Also, I think it's sort of amazing that some of you just accept at face value the word of some of these women you're meeting: oh, my sore (or other pus-filled open wounds), oh, that's just som tam ped mak ..... oh, well ok, duh ...

Amazing Thailand deserves equally amazing farangs.

But now that the damage is done Simon, I think that you can only catch herpes when it is contagious. During the rest of the time it is dormant - Please someone correct me on this if I am incorrect because I am not 100 percent sure.

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