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Men And Finding Things


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I found it is easier to just get up and go get the "lost" item, show him where the tea bags, cat food, fridge, shampoo was rather than have this annoying person shouting to me from another room. He didn't even have the manners to come to me and ask nicely, just bellowed!!

I also put things in a special place and then forget where i put them. This is where i find post-its are a great invention, because there is no way i am going to ask someone else if they have seen my keys, phone etc. That would be admitting that i am not perfect.... :o

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Well if women just knew a litlle bit about 5S there would not be a topic like this.

Dear all male members and male readers and/or contribitors to this topic, women are the main source of problems we men have.

Women think totally different then us.

They will never understand us and we will never fully understand them.

We try, but have to give up in the end.


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Well if women just knew a litlle bit about 5S there would not be a topic like this.

Dear all male members and male readers and/or contribitors to this topic, women are the main source of problems we men have.

Women think totally different then us.

They will never understand us and we will never fully understand them.

We try, but have to give up in the end.


What is 5S? I think your posting in the wrong thread dude the gay postings that way ----> Women are Beautiful Intelligent Talented Caring Humans. Oh and allot are hot as well. If they where the same as men. I would commit suicide.

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By the way, have you never had the experience of trying to remember something, and the moment you ask someone else, you remember it ?.

My husband often remembers where his things are right at the moment he asks me.

Interesting, isn't it. I dislike annoying others with such questions but I do know verbalisation helps -- the very same instant.

As for "sexism", I can see the male point of view. Such talk has overtones of slightly patronising women's magazine editorials and perpetuates stereotypes of men as foolish, helpless infants who could never manage without a woman to do everything for them, are incapable of talking to a woman without looking at her breasts, couldn't boil an egg to save their lives, etc.

Men don't have to be like that and many of them seriously dislike being cast in that role, just as much as women/individuals dislike being cast in a role of any kind.

I am not one to deny differences between genders/cultures, but I have never wished to take on the "mother" role with a male partner.

Edited by sylviex
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I was just sitting smiling to myself while reading this topic when my husband ran into the office. "Where's the sewing kit?" he asked, standing in front of the shelf where it always is. "Where it always is, right in front of your face!" I responded, and burst out laughing.

And he had used it last time so he had put it back on the shelf himself but still felt the need to ask where it was!


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I was just sitting smiling to myself while reading this topic when my husband ran into the office. "Where's the sewing kit?" he asked, standing in front of the shelf where it always is. "Where it always is, right in front of your face!" I responded, and burst out laughing.

And he had used it last time so he had put it back on the shelf himself but still felt the need to ask where it was!


"Where's the sewing kit?" lol! ... an automatic request? I get the same with glasses.

Went out to eat last night. Arrive at the restaurant and the dear man says that he forgot his reading glasses.

He usually can't find them anyway so the normal litany each morning or when we go out is 'have you seen my glasses?'.

As the menu was in tiny copy, I read off select dishes for him (laughing here as I've seen old people do this and here I am!)

During the meal he mentions his worsening eyesight and how he doesn't want to go progressive.

Then he comes up with the idea of getting TWO pairs. One for reading, one for walking around with.


I couldn't imagine having to hunt around for TWO plus pairs twice a day (he has a mini set for emergencies that he usually can't lay his hands on right away either).

Ok, I admit. It has gotten to the point where I just make sympathising noises to his loss each time. But hey...

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I was just sitting smiling to myself while reading this topic when my husband ran into the office. "Where's the sewing kit?" he asked, standing in front of the shelf where it always is. "Where it always is, right in front of your face!" I responded, and burst out laughing.

And he had used it last time so he had put it back on the shelf himself but still felt the need to ask where it was!

this is how we submissive husbands show to our wives how dependent we are on them :o

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husbands show to our wives how dependent we are on them :o

Hm... I do the same to him with subjects that are deemed in 'his' field of expertise. So instead of searching out the answer for myself (which I'm totally capable of), I'll ask...

Perhaps in the beginning of the relationship, we've each instigated (or at the very least, didn't dissuade) a dependency from both sides?

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husbands show to our wives how dependent we are on them :o

Hm... I do the same to him with subjects that are deemed in 'his' field of expertise. So instead of searching out the answer for myself (which I'm totally capable of), I'll ask...

Perhaps in the beginning of the relationship, we've each instigated (or at the very least, didn't dissuade) a dependency from both sides?

Very accurate analysis from Naam & Desi, I think.

It would be interesting to hear from people in same sex partnerships.

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Yesterday he fried eggs when I was cleaning outside. When I stepped into the kitchen, his eggs were burning and he screamed like he_ll "Where is the spade?"

Me: "You took that spade out from that cabinet a few times. Why don't you remember?"

Him: "It's not there".

I opened the place. There were 4 inside. 3 were in the 2nd layer and he didn't see.

Staying nearby when he cooks gives me a heart attack. Where's the sugar? Where's the oyster sauce? Give me a dish. No, this dish is too big. That one is too shallow.

If he's alone, he still can do things properly. If I'm with him, he will ask

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'Where's the remote?' is the one that is annoying me at the mo...especially as I am positive he was the last one to have it as the TV is switched to some hysterical thai soap...

Ok, I have to fess up about this one. I'm always bouncing around looking for the remote. Each time I SWEAR he had it last so we go through a similar litany (almost comical now that I think of it).

But where is it usually? Dropped down between the cushions... right where I sat on the sofa last...

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Sparked by the men and meotion thread....what is it with men and looking for things? The amount of times I am asked where something is and within two seconds I have found it. Usually in the most obvious place. My current boyfriend is worse than others for this.

When I was younger I used to do exactly the same thing to my mum, driving her to distraction and getting the age old response "if I have to come in there and I find it in two minutes I won't be happy". And now my bloke does exactly the same to me. Is it because women are better at searching for things? Or is it that men are so used to their mum's finding things that they expect their girlfriend to be able to do the same?

its just natural- men are there for getting things- women for finding them. And cleaning them, making them tidy...

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its just natural- men are there for getting things- women for finding them. And cleaning them, making them tidy...

Ah hem!

... men are there for getting things

What things? 'Getting things' as in 'buying' things? 'Bringing in the bacon' type of things?

If I asked the man to please get the pair of scissors from the drawer, he'd be at a total loss.

He does not get the main groceries. But he does manage a chocolate bar or the odd bag or two when it's requested.

He's good at 'getting things' (if asked), but only if given a list. And even then he'll misplace it and forget to take the list with him...

... women for finding them

Even though I worked as a cartographer in a former life, my finding talents do not extend to maps and directions. My finding talents stop at the condo door... (and start back up at google)

I can get lost in a mall. I can get turned around when in a restaurant while going to the ladies and trying to make my way back to the table. Sometimes I take a wrong turn and end up chatting over a hot stove with the restaurant chef. An adventure each time.

... women for finding them. And cleaning them, making them tidy...

Maids are for cleaning and making tidy...

This women is for hiring maids and giving detailed instructions on how to not put things away the wrong way. And how to NOT line everything up in a row...

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I guess, since this thread is about generalizing, I'll say that my experience has always been the complete opposite. I'm the furthest thing from a neat freak that you'll encounter, but I know where stuff is (whether I put it there, or my girlfriend puts it there). On the other hand, almost every girl that I've known has spent more than 7 hours of her lifetime trying to find her keys in her purse.

Just an alternative point of view, I guess.


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its just natural- men are there for getting things- women for finding them. And cleaning them, making them tidy...

Ah hem!

... men are there for getting things

What things? 'Getting things' as in 'buying' things? 'Bringing in the bacon' type of things?

If I asked the man to please get the pair of scissors from the drawer, he'd be at a total loss.

He does not get the main groceries. But he does manage a chocolate bar or the odd bag or two when it's requested.

He's good at 'getting things' (if asked), but only if given a list. And even then he'll misplace it and forget to take the list with him...

... women for finding them

Even though I worked as a cartographer in a former life, my finding talents do not extend to maps and directions. My finding talents stop at the condo door... (and start back up at google)

I can get lost in a mall. I can get turned around when in a restaurant while going to the ladies and trying to make my way back to the table. Sometimes I take a wrong turn and end up chatting over a hot stove with the restaurant chef. An adventure each time.

... women for finding them. And cleaning them, making them tidy...

Maids are for cleaning and making tidy...

This women is for hiring maids and giving detailed instructions on how to not put things away the wrong way. And how to NOT line everything up in a row...

Oh my we could start a whole new thread on "not lining things up"

On the subject of the remote, 1 day DH went on a rant with the kids about them always loosing the remote, (it is usually him) he told them they were not allowed to use the TV until they found it. They quietly went about looking for it, but told me how they had been at a friends and Dad was watching TV when they left. They found it down in the cushions of the recliner (where he was sitting the night before) when I told him his only answer was that well it couldn't have been him. He wants me to label the leftovers in the frig because he can't be expected to look at whats in there. After 6 years in the same house with the same cabinet organization he claims he has no idea where I hide everything in the kitchen. He knows I only have so much patience for the "Where is this or that" however the maids will continue to enable him by finding everything for him when they can understad what he is looking for. I believe in the evolution theory discussed earlier. :o

Edited by bggg
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After 6 years in the same house with the same cabinet organization he claims he has no idea where I hide everything in the kitchen. :o

He he he...... mine claims that I'm hiding things too. He's too careless to place things in the correct place. Each time he needs something, he must remember where he placed it the last time he used.


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