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Uk Fiancee

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Hi Everyone,

My g/f and I are only a few days away from her Interview at the British Embassy. We have supplied all the documentation and more but I was wondering if anyone can give her any last minute advise about the interview ?

We are a genuine couple, both in our early forties with no children although I do not think this will count for anything.

She is a bright woman with a degree, speaks and writes fairly good English etc but is obviously concerned about the interview as so much is riding on the outcome.


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Hi Ant,

I presume that it's a fiancé(e) settlement visa for which has been sought.

Prior to interviewing your fiancée the visa officer will have already formed an opinion on the likely success of her application by looking at the application form and the supporting documents. The interview basically serves to satisfy the visa officer that the parties to the marriage intend to permanently live together; all of the other requirements of the rules having hopefully been satisfied by the documentation that you've provided.

If the visa officer has already formed a positive evaluation of your fiancée's application then the interview shouldn't be too tough but he/she will be looking to see that she has a thorough knowledge of you and your circumstances. The visa officer, however, will pick up on any discrepancy in what your fiancée says. Consequently she should just answer the questions posed and, on the assumption that she has nothing to hide, tell the truth.

Visa officers can't refuse settlement applications solely on a whim. Any decision they make has to be intra vires (within their powers) and, in the case of settlement visas, is subject to scrutiny at appeal by an independent adjudicator. As a result the visa officer before refusing an application will always ask himself whether the decision is sustainable at appeal.

Best of luck,


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