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You Know You've Been In Thailand Too Long When....


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Ya buy hawker foods without worring about

......how fresh, hygeine etc...

And ENJOY it, go back for more.

My first trip to LoS, 5 years ago, noway was I gunna eat any of that stuff.

Edited by Zpete
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You look 4 ways when crossing a one-way street.

You carry your bus fare in your ear.

You walk slowly and weave erratically to stop the person behind from passing. This is also applicable to driving.

You take some rubbish to the skip and come away with more than you brought.

You stand on the pavement to watch TV through a shop window.

Talk loudly into your mobile phone whilst saying khap or kha a lot.

You are 60 minutes late for an appointment and nobody even notices.

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You are irritated when your order is relayed to the cook with 'mai phet' added.

You can't eat boiled rice without prik naam plaa

You drink beer with ice

You wai other foreigners when introduced, as a conditioned response

You never pay more than 1000 baht for an article of clothing

It no longer seems unusual to have to sign 100 pages of gibberish in order to make the smallest purchase for your company

Lack of toilet paper is no longer a problem

You can eat several kilos of fruit in a day

A drinking session involves several men, some highly spiced food, sticky rice, a bottle of whisky and one small glass

You want to buy a tractor

Mosquitoes seem to bite you less and less

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You can watch Thai television programmes for an hour without feeling like slitting your wrists. Then you start enjoying some programs and rush downstairs at 10.30 because you don't want to miss Mum, Teng and Nong in Ching Roi Ching Lahn.

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You believe everyone is lying to you, but you don't care

You believe everyone is trying to get a few extra baht out of your pocket, but you don't care

You are totally stuck in the moment, and can't make a move (same as w. coyote)

"you let ignorance slide much more than you would in the west (they are just thai, not stupid)"

I call it oblivion. Otherwise, I agree

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  • · You eventually learn there is no Thai equivalent for "being on time"
  • · You accept that planning and evolution mean the same thing in Thai
  • · Wearing socks feels overdressed and it's difficult to remember how to tie shoe-laces
  • · You stop going into the local 7/11 to cool off
  • · The local 7/11 is really cold
  • · Your remaining friends 'back home' stop warning you that "she" (now your wife) is only after your money because they can see she now has it
  • · You stop searching for a proper map of the place where you live
  • · You communicate with your remaining friends 'back home' in Thai Pidgin English missing out verbs, definite articles etc and they assume it's just a progressive symptom of the dementia that took you to Thailand in the first place
  • · You stop saying mai khao jai – not because you do khao jai, but because you know it's pointless·
  • 'Back home' now looks alien


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Upon entering any house, you can leave your thongs on the doorstep without slowing your stride ..

You drive your pickup with bare feet .. have control gas pedal more, with big toe ..

You talk louder than your mother-in-law ..

.. and not so funny ..

You never swerve or slow down for dogs on the road ..

You don't slow down when driving through a village ..

You always order "Tom Yum Gop" or "Tom Yum Ma " because you find it the tastiest dish on the menu ..

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