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What Are Your Hopes For Your Children, Especially Your Daughters ?


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If my Daughter (And any future children) grows up to be a good and happy person then I believe that I will have done a good job as a father, her being wealthy would be nothing more than a bonus.

My wife and I speak about this often, and asides from showing our love we also hope to teach her self discipline, self respect and also for her to learn the dignity of an honest days work no matter how small the reward maybe.

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Well to be honest....I want them to live my dreams !!!

One should be "an architect" just like me......and with the left brain likes his engineer father

Another one should be "a family attorney" - with so much infighting on my thai family side, seems we need to add one inhouse attorney to the family tree!!

But ofcourse I know it's impossible......

So therefore I just wish they all will have a job, that's all :o

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Well to be honest....I want them to live my dreams !!!

One should be "an architect" just like me......and with the left brain likes his engineer father

Another one should be "a family attorney" - with so much infighting on my thai family side, seems we need to add one inhouse attorney to the family tree!!

But ofcourse I know it's impossible......

So therefore I just wish they all will have a job, that's all :o

An architect and a lawyer, Teacup, you will be set for life.

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Well to be honest....I want them to live my dreams !!!

I want my daughters to achieve their dreams, not mine.

Most of all, I want them to have happiness and inner-peace and realise that life is a journey, not a destination. I hope they don't lose the values that I am trying to teach them.

I couldn't care if they have good jobs or lots of money as by that time, I'd have hoped myself to have lost the desire for them and see them as unimportant, in the grand scheme of things, as they are.

My eldest is statring martial arts classes as I want her to be able to defend herself. I hope they stay away from drugs and alcohol. I hope they don't do most of the things I did.

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Well to be honest....I want them to live my dreams !!!

One should be "an architect" just like me......and with the left brain likes his engineer father

Another one should be "a family attorney" - with so much infighting on my thai family side, seems we need to add one inhouse attorney to the family tree!!

But ofcourse I know it's impossible......

So therefore I just wish they all will have a job, that's all :o

An architect and a lawyer, Teacup, you will be set for life.

Yeah…That would be my FINAL hope & dream,…..

Oh…. I also plan to move in with them, just to stretch MY retirement baths. :D

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At 13 my daughters current dilema is will she represent Great Britain or Thailand in Badminton at the 2012 olympics :o

Both are horrible & need new talent (at least for singles) so I think she can pick and choose :D

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If you consider the sex trade acceptible - in any of its forms, how could you possibly argue against your daughter earning a living that way?


If you find war acceptable, in any form, how can you possible argue against your daughter going to war?

If you find killing acceptable, in any form (death penalty), how can you possibly argue against your daughter being a killer?

Or to put it another way, > P, (Q&R), = IDIOT

Edited by OxfordWill
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If you consider the sex trade acceptible - in any of its forms, how could you possibly argue against your daughter earning a living that way?

I am not saying that the sex trade in any of its forms is acceptable, but one reply to your above statement might be... Shoveling sh#t is an honest job, but not one I would want for my daughter.

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