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Prenatal Support In Bangkok


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Hi all...

I've recently discovered that I'm pregnant.. almost 8 weeks at the moment! :o

An incredibly joyous announcement - one would think... however my progression towards 'joyousness' -however determined- is a little slow, as I'm still caught up in the acceptance phase.... being 21, un-married, had never truly given thought to the possibility... ect...

Anyhow.... I'd welcome any suggestions in regards to health care, ect.... particularly hollistic...

But I'm mainly wondering if anyone is aware of any prenatal support networks around Bangkok??

I've been hunting around for prenatal yoga classes... most studios are only offering private sessions - which I want to avoid, due to obvious expense, but mainly because I'm looking for inspiration within a group of women on a similar journey... I am aware of O-Pilates Yoga, however I'd only be able to attend the early morning sessions (due to work). :D

Ideally I'd like to continue working in Bangkok for the next 4+ months, and then move down to Krabi - to be with my boyfriend- for the later part of the pregnancy, and the birth..... He's Thai... hence the ressolve to stay here..

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks :D

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Congratulations on the pregnancy even if you are still just coming to terms with it! It's still early days yet and you need to be aware that a lot of first time pregnancies do end in miscarriage (hopefully not you though) so don't start thinking everything is completely fine ... usually after 12 weeks it is considered that the danger period is over.

I personally did not go to any pre-natal classes as I was lucky to work in an environment with a large staff with many women with kids and about 5 of us pregnant at the same time so I had a ready made support network. Sorry I can't give you much advice on that. I think Bambi as a support network for pregnant women, although I'm not sure about the people who go to these groups ... I think the majority are stay-at-home expat wives (but I could be wrong) which may not be the sort of people you immediately click with.

You mention going to Krabi when you're about 6 months along ... just make sure if you do that you have checked out the hospitals and are convinced that they will be able to provide you the the standard of care that you need - even in Bangkok there is only about 3 hospitals that the majority of expat women would choose to have their babies in - Bumrungrad, Samitevej and BNH. Also, check out the costs. I'm not sure what sort of job you are working in, but the cost of having a baby is NOT cheap here (at those hospitals) so if you are on a lower income you may find that you will struggle.

Good luck and I'm sure that there are many people here that can help you with your questions - also, there is also the family forum with lots of threads about babies, hospitals and bringing up children where you can find advice.

Edited by sylvafern
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What a marvelous journey you are about to undertake, whatever happens and whatever you choose to do! It's bound to be an incredible experience.

Only one very small piece of advice: avoid the Bangkok-.... hospital chain. I have heard several horror stories about them.

All the best

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