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no1: Johnny Depp

no2: Johnny Depp

no3: Johnny Depp

no4: Johnny Depp

no5: Johnny Depp

no6: Johnny Depp

no7: Johnny Depp

no8: Johnny Depp

no9: Johnny Depp

no10: Johnny Depp ...........i think i need to work on my list :o

Amen to that. :D (The Johnny Depp bit, not the list part) Methinks Johnny Depp has enough personalities to make for 10 men.

Edited by alexisthetiny
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oh i can't believe i forgot one of my other top men! gael garcia bernal- a mexican actor in such films as 'y tu mama tambien', 'amores perros', and pedro almodovar's 'bad education'. mmmm.


Edited by girlx
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Something i noticed about what i find attractive (wonder if any of you have the same thing..). I like long hair on men ( I dont mean LONG hair, i mean longish..grown out..and, even better, about shoulder length.) If the same man that i think is attractive (with long hair) has it all cut off, Im no longer attracted in the same way. (Of course im talking purely physical here. If my guy suddenly cut off all his hair, i wouldnt feel any less love for him, just that i have a personal preference physically). But, i think its something to do with associations. For me, short or cropped hair represents rigidity, or some kind of conformity. Long hair makes me feel the person is relaxed, laid back, calm, non-conformist. I feel more comfortable with the latter, so i guess thats why im physically more attracted to that "look". ..?

Am i making any sense? :o ..rambling a bit here. lol.

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sister eek

I think what you are saying is that……

You just love to see his hair ALL MESSY in the morning when you open your eyes

The messier, the hotter the midnight ROMP ROMP!!! --------hmm…..validation of some sort?

Chaimai……..nong eek…..huh huh :o

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When we met, Mr Boo had long long hair (halfway down his back) & it wass messy too, not sleeky girly hair but naturally wavy & a bit wild. When we moved to the UK he thought it would be better for his integration to have short hair so had it all loped off &he looked terrible, I had a real issue fancying him until it grew out a bit as the barber (yes he went to a barber rather than a salon, had he checked with me first we could have avoided the bad cut but...) had made him look like a total dweeb, his hair was in a pudding cut but really really short, above his ears. What ever the guy was thinking it was just wrong, luckily my sister was a hairdresser in a previous life so made it less of a moron cut & a bit more acceptable but seriously, until his hair got past his ears again, I really lost a big part of that "whoar" feeling for him. His hair is thankfully back to being long but he keeps it at shoulder length now but he is no lnger allowed to go anywhere except my hairdresser for a cut as she knows what I like :o

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sister eek

I think what you are saying is that……

You just love to see his hair ALL MESSY in the morning when you open your eyes

The messier, the hotter the midnight ROMP ROMP!!! --------hmm…..validation of some sort?

Chaimai……..nong eek…..huh huh :o

Teacup, teacup, you really know how to make a person laugh out loud! Funny girl! :D :D

..But..Im way too modest to dish out any details. :D

(Boo, totally get you on the hair thing!)

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Something i noticed about what i find attractive (wonder if any of you have the same thing..). I like long hair on men ( I dont mean LONG hair, i mean longish..grown out..and, even better, about shoulder length.) If the same man that i think is attractive (with long hair) has it all cut off, Im no longer attracted in the same way.

YES! i feel this way too- i always go for guys with longish hair, can't stand crew cuts & the like. i thought maybe i was weird?! :o

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Nope not weird, I have never found a man in a suit fancyable either, strange as I work in Banking so am surrounded by them :o. I might see a really hot looking bloke in casual clothes & then see them in a suit & it destroys any attraction. Odd or not?

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I have never found a man in a suit fancyable either, strange as I work in Banking so am surrounded by them.

agree with that too, unless he is devastatingly handsome to begin with (with longish hair :o), i am not into guys in suits either- too conservative for me. even just a shirt and tie turns me off.

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Something i noticed about what i find attractive (wonder if any of you have the same thing..). I like long hair on men ( I dont mean LONG hair, i mean longish..grown out..and, even better, about shoulder length.) If the same man that i think is attractive (with long hair) has it all cut off, Im no longer attracted in the same way.

YES! i feel this way too- i always go for guys with longish hair, can't stand crew cuts & the like. i thought maybe i was weird?! :D

somehow i knew that about you girlx... perhaps from another life? :o

re: suits - there is nothing like a property tailored suit for the quintessential man. that, a proper watch, and proper shoes... these 3 simple things are overlooked by so many men, and i always thought of it as just an unawareness of taste - but now i realize that maybe their lady likes them that way! :D that's the beauty of opinion, nobody needs to fight over one type of man/woman (just as some men prefer whatever they prefer, while i prefer dark hair and light eyes *cough cough* rrrooowwrrrr! ).

I will bow out of the ladies room now...

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Odd, since I recall his fiance not only gave birth to a stillborn baby but later died in a car crash. I do remember him saying that there is nothing wrong with being gay and he didn't see why it was such a big deal, but that is far from actually stating that he is gay. :o

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Just a Keanu fan :D Loved him in Point Break, and frankly could care less if he is gay or not, as he is still a fine specimen of a man. But I do remember the sad story of his fiancee. Pity he gets so scruffy in between movies but he does clean up nicely :o


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